Short Update
Next Version will have (when testing is finished) some updated Rotations and abilities, the approval process can take up to 3 days, so don't ask me when u'll get the updated version!
I've sent the testversion to some users for testing and won't commit any of the changes to the store without having positive feedback of the testers.
Because there are no other reports at the moment, i'll investigate Warlocks and Shadowpriests within the next days (this will take some time and i won't publish any hotfixes until i'm done).
I'm currently working on some new Plugins (not related to PureRotation), so as long as noone has real issues (reports without a complete log will be ignored!), the investigation of Warlocks and SPriests has a very low priority for me (there are Routines out there that are performing better than PR, and there are also FREE ones, so ... alternatives for raiding are avaiable)
Second Priority after the new plugins, will be the rewrite (the core is finished for one class, have to apply some changes to the core so that i can use the same stuff for all classes) for WoD, and hopefully i'm done with it BEFORE the iphone 6 will be announced
Retribution / Protection
- should now be able to use all Tier6 Talents (Setting added for costumization)
- can now use Consecration with and without Glyph (was never triggered the right way when having it glyphed)
General changes
- removed some debug logging
- Selfhealing enabled (the method was always in, but never fired!)
- auto poison their weapons
- changed condition for Energy on Cooldowns
- Tweaked KS when AR not up
- Tweaked AR and SB to be casted at the same time but not when KS is up OR KS CD <10s
- Combat Rogues should now be able to setup the rotation to use Killing Spree ... or not (in Rupture Rotation and PVE Default Rotation)
All Rogue Speccs
- can be used now for Dispelling Enrage effects (separate Setting)
- can be used now for Healing yourself (when Leeching Poison is on your weapon)
- can be used now for decreasing Movement Speed of your Target (when Cripplong Poison is on your weapon)
- can be used now for increasing casting speed of your Target (when Mind-numbin Poison is on your weapon)
- The usage for Healing / Movement Speed / Casting Speed can be setup to use for everything (u don't have to watch your poisons) or to ONE of the three possibities (u have to watch your poising, no poison-switching integrated)
Feint & Expose Armor
- can be assigned to Special Key in each Specc
- u can assign the Special Key to use ONE of the spells or ALL of the spells (i changed from both to all for the case that i need to add more spells to the Special Key)
- Feint has currently no check for incoming AOE damage, means as soon as Feint fades, it will be refreshed
Tricks of the Trades
- is now handled the same way in all 3 speccs, and will be automaticly used
- Priority of TotT target:
-- Focus Target (Distance<40 and isFriendly),
-- RaFLeader (maybe obsolete),
-- active Tank (Distance < 40,targetted by Me.CurrentTarget),
-- DamageDealer (Distance < 40)