Good Job, now you must pay for everything that makes HB running. So most user will leave HB and search for another bot. Thats total bullshit.
HB 25€ + Class Routine 30€ + Botbase 40€ = 95€?!? are you srsly?
then don't pay..
Good Job, now you must pay for everything that makes HB running. So most user will leave HB and search for another bot. Thats total bullshit.
HB 25€ + Class Routine 30€ + Botbase 40€ = 95€?!? are you srsly?
This is pretty messed up and I have a hard time believing the boys upstairs are naive enough to not see what will happen.
Hell, a couple of the plugins I use have already suddenly aquired "Premium" versions.
While I agree many devs will start to focus on their paid versions, I don't really see that as a bad thing. We will get more people interested in making higher quality profiles, plug-ins, and CCs because they can actually make some money. I'm sure you'll still see many devs releasing free versions that might be missing a feature so you'll be tempted to buy the paid version (like what happens now).
Now, I do see a problem with the 30 day rating system. IMO that's too long, and you won't see nearly enough reviews. An idea would be to have two separate categories for the reviewers, trial and full. Trial reviews (within refund period) don't count towards the rating, but they do show up as feedback. Full reviews are for those who have had the product longer than 7 days (no more refund) and do count towards the product's rating. Just an idea.
This is pretty messed up and I have a hard time believing the boys upstairs are naive enough to not see what will happen.
Hell, a couple of the plugins I use have already suddenly aquired "Premium" versions.
Now people CAN start selling their work but this also means they need to sign a contract with HB to support it.
and what about the free stuff in the store? no way to edit a routine or a profile anymore?
Can you provide some more detail on the contract? What if a developer stops supporting a product after 30 days, 60 days, even a year? Will Honorbuddy step in and issue a refund if it's within x amount of time?
I've been here long enough to see A LOT of developers come and go, leaving work unfinished/unsupported. Even projects that I donated to, the developer lost interest or stopped playing WoW, or had real life commitments, or whatever. I'm all for people being paid for their work but I can see this turning into a mess if it isn't regulated properly.
The thing is most coders learned by using other people's routines etc. as a reference. They were looking how the other coder solved a certain problem or did specific stuff code wise. For example if an open-source CR got a new very good caching system other coders learned about it and were able to enhance their own CR's as well (This is just an example).since it's free you can always ask the dev to make it open source.