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Project: The Store


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hello everyone,

i will try to explain the new feature that we offer, why we decided to do it, and what might be the pros and cons of it.

Lets start in the Year 2009, Gatherbuddy was born and came delivered with few profiles made by myself, Mining and Gathering profiles with names like Fel_Iron_4000, Cobalt_4000, Sholar_6000 and few more.
Back in that time there where only few users, and just us the creators. User created content was nothing to think of, most people relied on what we had or started trying to make something similar or even better.

Time passed by, the community grew... a lot, and the community varries now from bot beginners to actual professional coders, where it was just bot users in the beginning.
Gatherbuddy was a tool that could do few things, Honorbuddy can do whatever you want it to do, with the open API you can do your own botbase, plugins that statisfy your needs, or just gimmicks.

Now in 2014 there are probably tens if not hundreds of webpages where 3rd party additions are been advertised and or sold. You, as the user, have no overview at all. We kept the forum clean for that long and we still do not allow any trades or sales on the forum itself. But we created a platform where developers and users can do business, it took time as it had to be automated, we do not have the resources to run call centers in India, nor do we want to.

Developers are been personally verified by us, they sign an a contract with six articles and you can be sure that on issues, we have the situation controlled. Developers can concentrate on the actual work they do, and not the way how to attract customers on their own selling platforms, at least the paid ones. For the free products, we now have a easy way to keep anything you run up to date, Honorbuddy streams the newest additions into it, when you launch it, so everything you have installed to help you, will be always up to date.

We will also work on an five-star rating system, where you can directly rate the product you use, a month after your first install of it. The Store is in Beta now, only well known developers may apply, the quality in it is very high and will be very high, as we will approve every developer and every product manually.

There are not enough people in the world we could hire, to be able to offer you all the addtions that are done by the community, nor will the Lifetime price be able to cover it. We stay focused on what we can do best, Bots. The community does what it can do best, take their ideas and add value to our base.

What might be the pros:

* High Quality Addions to our Bots
* Products we never thought of
* Easy to maintain Addons, always up to date
* Focus of the Devs where it belongs
* Safe and secure payments to Bossland GmbH
* Full refunds no question asked within 7 days of purchase

The only negative impact, that i have read from our users, is that they fear, that now every product will be paid and really expensive, even much more expensive then the bot itself. This is a free market, developers can price their work as they wish, but customers have the same freedom; they can decide weither to buy something or not, therefore I am confident, that the market will arrive at the right price.

And for the free products, there will always be free products, no developer of a premium product will let the chance go away, to show you his products potential with a free version of their premium product.

Use this thread to discuss what bothers you or why you are happy that this finally happened.
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Interesting idea, I just hope it won't become what the *other sites* have.

I've seen so many people buy profiles for more than $15 and the profile turn out be nothing but 20 lines of Honorbuddy-generated hotspots with no actual effort put into it by the developer.
Hopefully your verification process will filter out these "developers." ^^

While I can see the concern that some people may have.
"Everyone will want to sell everything, leaving no free content - and what is free isn't worth using."
To counter this concern - I personally won't be using the store, and I'm sure there's a lot of other developers that won't be either.
I'm dedicated to keeping all my projects free, regardless of how much work I put into them. :3

However, I'm sure there will be developers will find use in it though.
It seems that this store will help bring legitimacy and moderation to the sold projects rather than letting all these rogue sites fluctuate them.
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Australians having issues processing payments, myself and multiple friends are getting payments declined. Contacting our banks and apparently no attempted charges went through.
Interesting idea, I just hope it won't become what the *other sites* have.

I've seen so many people buy profiles for more than $15 and the profile turn out be nothing but 20 lines of Honorbuddy-generated hotspots with no actual effort put into it by the developer.
Hopefully your verification process will filter out these "developers." ^^

While I can see the concern that some people may have.

To counter this concern - I personally won't be using the store, and I'm sure there's a lot of other developers that won't be either.
I'm dedicated to keeping all my projects free, regardless of how much work I put into them. :3

However, I'm sure there will be developers will find use in it though.
It seems that this store will help bring legitimacy and moderation to the sold projects rather than letting all these rogue sites fluctuate them.

You can provide any of your work on the store for free if you wish. This will also let you easily keep your users "up-to-date" on any new releases (thereby lessening your amount of bug reports from users on older versions).

The store is a good place to sell your work, but also a good auto-update platform that is easy for developers to work with. (You just upload a new version, and that's that. Once it passes a review by Buddy reviewers, it goes live)

That said, if you don't wish to use the Store, you don't have to! All of our products will continue to work as they have, except that we now provide a more user-friendly repository of 3rd party products.
You should check the law, are you allowed to sell Questing profiles to people in Germany?, I hope that wouldn't break the court order.

Nice Store though, could be improved.
Im new to Honorbuddy and am just using things found on the store

How do i get them to stream to honor buddy and how do i see them in honor buddy

I don't see a Support section for the store.
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Thank you for mentioning that auto-update feature, Apoc. Although I'm opposed to the store as a whole, it definitely has a couple very good points.

Even if devs don't sell items on the site, the auto-update feature alone makes it worth using IMHO.

Some sort of feedback system seems like it should be the number 1 priority at this point.

I'd also like to see devs be required to show comparison numbers for dps and healing between their CR and at least Singular on a raid level dummy.
I am fairly concerned about the overall monetisation of profiles, but can see the merits of an effective delivery system for new profiles/tools/botbases etc that are actually properly supported and updated by trusted developers. I think it's pretty blinkered to simply believe that the market will regulate itself, especially without the ability to rate and comment on stuff that's already listed in the shop.

I'm pretty once bitten twice shy about stuff I've bought in the past though, I won't name names here, but one very popular botbase distributed by another site promises very much, delivers very poorly and has little to no support when issues arise.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the right place to mention it, but I paid for a new botbase last night then reinstalled the latest HB using the installer. The first time around it went and downloaded the paid botbase just fine. I've since deleted that install in an attempt to fix FPS problems but now when I re-install the botbase no longer automatically downloads.
Just having issues logging into the store ..I am using my HB login credentials and password and still no luck
Is there any guide about adding your products to the store? Because I've got plenty of things I want to share for money :P
Taken from the developers page:

"Does the Buddy Store have a rating system?

There are no plans for a rating system; however, there is a 'popularity' system based on sales. There are "top 5" lists for all categories and sorting inside categories are done by sale counts (e.g., Combat Routines, Plugins, Profiles, etc)."

Absolute worst decision that could've been made with the store.
Bossland said they're working on a different system in the first post of this thread, so that should change eventually.

We will also work on an five-star rating system, where you can directly rate the product you use, a month after your first install of it.
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We will also work on an five-star rating system, where you can directly rate the product you use, a month after your first install of it.

Call me cynical but hmmmm. I can only get a refund if I don't like for the product for 7 days, but I need to wait a month before I review it? Nice way to bump up the ratings.
Good Job, now you must pay for everything that makes HB running. So most user will leave HB and search for another bot. Thats total bullshit.

HB 25€ + Class Routine 30€ + Botbase 40€ = 95€?!? are you srsly?
Good Job, now you must pay for everything that makes HB running. So most user will leave HB and search for another bot. Thats total bullshit.

HB 25€ + Class Routine 30€ + Botbase 40€ = 95€?!? are you srsly?

HB provides all those things with HB. If you want additional functionality not provided, you can buy it. Why is this such a foreign concept?
Is there way, how to change bought profile? Because some things (like selling, mailing etc) is hardcoded in profiles. Or when profile will have some bugs, can customer modify it?