Hi guys, last few update on Paladin:
Build 5.4.5277
Improve Movement
Improve Target Range Check
Improve Heal Weight Calculate Values
Build 5.4.5275
Improve Target Detection on AFK Mode (bug that do not attack mob change from friendly to enemy)
Improve low level rotation.
Build 5.4.5273
Improve Performance
Holy work better with Dungeonbuddy
Fix minor bug issue
Are there something going on with the CC right now? When i play Ret in arena it doesn't seem to buff Inquisition before like 10 secs+ into the fight?
So I hate to seem so lame by asking but w/e. I was wondering how this works exactly. It plays the arena for you? Or does it assist you in what you're doing? Never used this bot for anything but gathering and leveling so this is all new to me here. Thanks in advance for info.
Want to know how to use this plx..
You're using tyrael or raidbot or lazyraider and just walk. The cc will cast the rotation for you. The more you are able to play the better you become, because you can assist the cc a lot if u know how to do it.
The Holy Shock code haven't changed for more than 1 year, it still good for me (and most guy I think)did u fixed the holy shock bug where it cast nothing in that time holy shock is on cooldown?
The Holy Shock code haven't changed for more than 1 year, it still good for me (and most guy I think)
Reason it will not cast on cooldown is:
You are at max holy power
You have more than 3 holy power and buff Holy Avenger up
You are in Arena/Battleground Preparation (the Holy Power stack will reset when Arena/BG gate open)
i hope u read this tuanha divine light cast proc should be fixed it never cast a fast divine light when it procs it should use a divine light on proc when its procced because that is a 150k 200k+ higher heal if it uses that proc heal but it never uses divine light proc heals why?
It uses holy light because it's more mana efficient, i believe. Or because it casts the most appropriate based on your raid/team HP at that moment.