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[R-A1] Act 1 farming by rrrix

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after several observation, I found something that you might fix it soon. I bot my barbarian with standard configuration (nothing changed)

1. Festering woods --> I still found that the bot wont clear the map mostly. eg : the bot wont enter the other dungeon even though my barbie walk in front of it, this issue still occur from the previous version. And one occur in the newest version and even worse than the previous one, the bot assume that the map is cleared after the bot had cleared the usual dungeon (ancient not the other one still) and soon teleport to the next map, even though the map actually only been explored by 25% and at one case it even ignore elite that standing not far from it while teleporting.

2. The other map --> sometimes after the character died and back to previous spawn (which is usually teleport pod) the bot assume it have cleared the area.

hope that information could be a useful input for your next version. I dont know if it intentionally or not, I m new ^_^



Love this script. Works amazingly well. Just wish like the guy above said, that in Festering Woods, the script did both dungeons instead of just COA. Even if it's disabled by default but could be enabled, would be perfect.

Thanks for your efforts, they are appreciated!
I have it currently:
In Order, first:

  • Leoric's Manor
  • Festering Woods + CotA - it doesn't really do the "north" but I have that code and can add it

Then, in random order:
  • Highlands + Cave of the Moon Clan
  • Start at Fields of Misery random waypoint, with Lost mines, Decaying Crypt, Scavengers Den if they spawn
  • Weeping Hollow + Den of the Fallen
  • Halls of Agony 1 + 2
  • Halls of Agony 3

Please note - the next update will require a new version of Trinity (to support the TrinityLoadOnce in order tag) and a new QuestTools tag - actually the current profiles and QuestTools are broken because of a DERP :rolleyes: typo in MoveToMapmarker, so it doesn't actually find and use most of the area dungeons.

It will also be really easy with the next release to pick and choose the order, and to remove areas you don't want.

I'm looking to do that, but I don't know how set the random attribute. I've tried to set noRandom="True", or even delete this, but DB still run random areas.
Which profile runs thru the most of the act? R-A1LoadOrderred?

Think i just ran this, but the bot didnt go thru Halls of Agony 1-3
wow rrrix! i take my hat of! this is THE best profile ive run so far.

i did edit it so it wont do highlands for higher mp farm, i just hit 82m exp/h 800+ iph and 5 legendarys on two runs with my new monk paralvl 32.

i do have a request for you, to make this the absolute best farm route in game, remove highlands and halls of agony, and replace them with cathedral 2,3,4 for an insane exp/iph run.

wold be awsome if you added these in

big thanks!
Thinking about give cap lvl for going to next part of profile

eventualy give cap lvl after end act 4

Kevin Specy use

<If condition="NephalemValorCount() == 0">
<LogMessage output="========== NO NV, GO VOTA!!! ============" />
<LoadProfile file="VotA.xml" />

can we use (and how if possible)

Level =< 59

this value is readable for db by dump actor atributes

Load new act 4 (anoing when lvling chars and at 59 it kills diablo and start new game in a1 hell)
yea i dont know what im doing wrong but with every profile i have that you made all my db does is load next profile my barb just stands there any ideas?
yea i dont know what im doing wrong but with every profile i have that you made all my db does is load next profile my barb just stands there any ideas?

Make sure you have the QuestTools plugin installed, and post a log.
Hi rrrix;

ive been testing the profile with the plugins u advise and notise some strange things,

when exiting a cave the char often re-enters that same cave and does the entire cave-explore routine again.. losing valuable time and exp/h ratios.
and it sometimes presses the the cave exit pole ( that has a timeframe of 6 seconds or something ) many times in succession without actualy exiting.
taking minutes to exit,

the profile is otherwise nice and quick without any delays and realy nice exept for those tiny errors,, any idea on a fix?

thanks in advance,

greets, lytylisius
problem in weepinghollow, rejoining cave den of evil with error
[MoveToActor] ERROR: Position distance is 2681.263 - this is too far! questId="136656" stepId="1" actorId="176003" x="2886" y="2215" z="-7" interactRange="15" interactAttempts=5 distance="2681" maxSearchDistance=0 rayCastDistance=250 lastPosition=<861.8188, 455.9479, 0.1>, isPortal=False destinationWorldId=0, startInteractPosition=<2884.601, 2230.898, -3.105138> completedInteractAttempts=1 interactReason=DefaultInteractRange
[05:18:30.577 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============


I made some veryyyy very small edits to your Leorics Manor profile so that it only runs that one and resets when done.
I've made profiles for each difficulty.

Hope you don't mind that I post them here (or in another thread - I'll wait for your permission) - I see a lot of people request it, but I haven't found one that simply just "works" like your profiles have.



problem in weepinghollow, rejoining cave den of evil with error
[MoveToActor] ERROR: Position distance is 2681.263 - this is too far! questId="136656" stepId="1" actorId="176003" x="2886" y="2215" z="-7" interactRange="15" interactAttempts=5 distance="2681" maxSearchDistance=0 rayCastDistance=250 lastPosition=<861.8188, 455.9479, 0.1>, isPortal=False destinationWorldId=0, startInteractPosition=<2884.601, 2230.898, -3.105138> completedInteractAttempts=1 interactReason=DefaultInteractRange
[05:18:30.577 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============

rrix can u help?
Hey there, why is halls of agony level 1 + 2 on by default? Is there bug or is it inefficient?

Great profile so far (have been running default agony 1 + 2 off)
Hey there, why is halls of agony level 1 + 2 on by default? Is there bug or is it inefficient?

Great profile so far (have been running default agony 1 + 2 off)

I think they're off by default in the 2nd version. They're very inefficient areas.
Great new version (for me at least)
However it still get stuck @ Southern Highland for some time before it moves on. I tried to make DB dump the coords but it refuses.
The log says:

"[00:07:07.607 N] [MoveToActor] Timeout of 180 seconds exceeded for Profile Behavior questId="136656" stepId="1" actorId="176008" x="2176" y="4505" z="-4" interactRange="12" interactAttempts=5 distance="45" maxSearchDistance=0 rayCastDistance=250 lastPosition=<2189.908, 4463.952, 0.1288693>, isPortal=False destinationWorldId=0, startInteractPosition=<0, 0, 0> completedInteractAttempts=0 interactReason=DefaultInteractRange[00:07:07.625 N] [R-A1] Southern Highlands NW Corner"

Edit: turning of DB made the it alot easier for DB to dump my coords apparently:

x="2193.848" y="4503.803" z="0.1100002" (new Vector3(2193.848f,4503.803f,0.1100002f))
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