Pretty much, i just fixed a stuck a potential stuck in cave of the moon clan last night. First one in a loooong time though
downloaded about 1hr 30 mins ago, also stuck at exit, forgot to get log sorry will see if it happens nexttime
update/edit - Wont give me the log, not sure why, but it happened again in cave of the moon at exit stone
If i want to skip the cave of the moon, do i just remove this part of the code in the highlands profile?
<TrinityUseOnce id="3120">
<LogMessage questId="1" output="[R-A1] Cave of the Moon Clan Portal #1" />
<MoveToMapMarker questId="1" x="2178" y="4501" z="-5" markerNameHash="-1187439574" interactRange="20" pathPrecision="50" pathPointLimit="250"
isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="82502" maxSearchDistance="50" statusText="Cave of the Moon Clan Portal #1" />
<!--<MoveToActor questId="1" x="2176" y="4505" z="-4" actorId="176008" interactRange="12" isPortal="True"
name="g_Portal_Square_Orange-19785" pathPrecision="50" pathPointLimit="250" statusText="Cave of the Moon Clan Portal #1" />-->
Dont want to completely fuck up an otherwise great profile, so if i am removing too much, or too little, please let me know, thanks