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[R-A1] Act 1 farming by rrrix

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I've never gotten stuck with this, not sure how you guys are doing it.

It also doesn't help that you don't turn on the debug options in all the plugins, and attach your log files. I can only guess ...
I've never gotten stuck with this, not sure how you guys are doing it.

It also doesn't help that you don't turn on the debug options in all the plugins, and attach your log files. I can only guess ...

Thanks for the profile, is this as afk-able as your questing profile?
Getting stuck in halls of agony 3, just goes back and forth, back and forth, through the halls never going to the end.

Have the latest profiles and trinity, Id like to do the halls as i am in need of a white item from a weapon rack. Otherwise I typically leave it out of the rotation as default.
Hello rrix,

thank you for this profile! It works like a charm!
One small problem though, in "Weeping Hollow" map, when the bot enters the "Den of the Fallen" in clears both levels, exits the dungeon, but then re-enters it and runs throu the whole dungeon again, until the gold inactivity timer kicks in. In order to solve this I removed the weeping hollow map from the profile.
Is there another way around this?

Thanx a lot!
Pretty much, i just fixed a stuck a potential stuck in cave of the moon clan last night. First one in a loooong time though :)

downloaded about 1hr 30 mins ago, also stuck at exit, forgot to get log sorry will see if it happens nexttime

update/edit - Wont give me the log, not sure why, but it happened again in cave of the moon at exit stone

If i want to skip the cave of the moon, do i just remove this part of the code in the highlands profile?

<TrinityUseOnce id="3120">
<LogMessage questId="1" output="[R-A1] Cave of the Moon Clan Portal #1" />
<MoveToMapMarker questId="1" x="2178" y="4501" z="-5" markerNameHash="-1187439574" interactRange="20" pathPrecision="50" pathPointLimit="250"
isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="82502" maxSearchDistance="50" statusText="Cave of the Moon Clan Portal #1" />
<!--<MoveToActor questId="1" x="2176" y="4505" z="-4" actorId="176008" interactRange="12" isPortal="True"
name="g_Portal_Square_Orange-19785" pathPrecision="50" pathPointLimit="250" statusText="Cave of the Moon Clan Portal #1" />-->

Dont want to completely fuck up an otherwise great profile, so if i am removing too much, or too little, please let me know, thanks
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very nice :) can i also add a line from another act ? i mean u have act 3 randoms also if i can add some of them ? ty in advance
tons of performance issues and halting with .24 .25 trinity

trying fresh install of everything
I edit R-A1LoadOrdered.xml file and left only <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony12.xml" /> and <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony3.xml" /> lines.
bot passes <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony12.xml" /> then <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony3.xml" />, then out of the game and constantly comes only <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony3.xml" />.
How to make all levels of play in the halls?
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Bot isn't picking up etc items, e.g. Death's breath for some reason, anybody know why?

Also, continues to enter dungeons that have already been cleared.
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