I'm using Tyrael with Honorbuddy 2.5 r8113 Build 696 (Installer) and Revision 13 of the Special Edition of TuanHA Death Knight. I do not experience any errors.
However, when I enter or leave any battleground or arena, I have to manually stop and start the bot to make sure everything is working as intended, if I do not do this, the bot sometimes will not engage in battle.
Currently, the only problems I've had with the bot are the following:
1) In combat, the bot switches target very often, sometimes it will not allow me to re-target my last target.
2) The bot tries to turn around to cast CC on another target, this is good, but the behaviour looks bottish, maybe limit the degree to which the bot will turn towards another target to prevent 180 degrees turns.
3) Auto target needs reworking, it should be made to focus on players in close proximity, and only target players who are far away if they are targeting you. This should prevent the bot from switching targets all the time. Currently the bot stops attacking if your target becomes immune or trapped, this is good behaviour, but the bot would be more efficient if it switches target while the other is immune, and switches back when it's attackable.
Feature suggestion, target priority system, allowing us to state what targets the bot should focus CC on, healers, low health players, flag carrier and players carrying bombs.