All is not well, i was looking forwards too this after i saw it performance on target dummy, the reality of it after i went into the arena was not so good, Last season i could kill 2K+ healers in about 10 secs, i had a win/loss ratio that was amazing, the damage was insane, This season i hit like a wet noodle, Tuanha can i ask what the "Rotation" is in arena? it only seems too get 2 deathrunes up in the opener, it should get 4, then you Rune weapon with gargoyle/Frenzy/Trinket and pump 4 necrotics into the target then BloodTap for more Necro's, (Btw an option too have Runic weapon pop when 4 deathrunes are avaliable would be out of this world)
Its also has trouble hitting pets and spams ranged attacks when some ones out of LoS and looks horribly bottish, this wasnt the case last seasons CR.
Dks got buffed, Yet the CR just isnt putting out any damage and there an annoying bug where is keeps dropping in and out of combat and stops attacking.
Sorry if this seems overly negative, But you spoiled me with last season CR performance, this season just doesnt seem too deliver yet, maybe i should just go manual till this is a bit more polished.