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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Im kinda new to this and i apreciate all the effort you made on this CC but im still having problems on this.

For example...as windwalker on some bosses "larger bosses" it just stands right under the boss and i could actually dps the boss from like 10 yards without being under him.

Another thing is that, was trying that endless farm of stonecore mount... and he keeps targeting the moobs and doesnt pull the moob using taunt or any other ability untill the moob is attacking me, this as brewmaster.

Thx in advance and love your work.

From my limited knowledge, I'd say turn off auto movement, and possibly roll. That should give you control on all movement, and allow you to position your character where you want it. Not sure if this would interfere with picking up healing spheres as a Brewmaster.

Can't help you with your second issue, though...
just tried bgbuddy with afk settings, while char uses healing sphrere he stuck ... get the green cycle on the ground, unstuck only if i right click myself a target (abort healing sphere)

no log since there is no log for this (you have to auto abbandon healing sphere if char is full)

I've just spent a few hours in BG's using Monk, Mistweaver with Tyrel & LazyRaider and had a few annoying little issues.

When I'm capping an objective, it would sometimes intrupt the action to do a heal, which is really annoying specially if so close to compleating the cast.

The other issue is when I'm mounting up it would often stopcasting mountup. There are 2 main instances which I found fustrating. First is after a fight I quickly want to move on to reinforce another objective
I would mount up (idealy before going into combat again) but every time I try to mount and it keeps stopcasting so I can heal people around me, so I just have to spam mountup till it casts it (often dismount 2-3 times)

The other instance is where right after I res at a graveyard, If if I mountup to quickly rejoin the fight, it would stopcasting to buff up, then I try to remount, then it would stopcasting again to deploy "Jade Serpent Statue",
which is rather pointless at the graveyard and put's it on CD also.

The best solution is to add Mounting up and Capturing to the list of "do not intrupt casting"?

I've just spent a few hours in BG's using Monk, Mistweaver with Tyrel & LazyRaider and had a few annoying little issues.

When I'm capping an objective, it would sometimes intrupt the action to do a heal, which is really annoying specially if so close to compleating the cast.

The other issue is when I'm mounting up it would often stopcasting mountup. There are 2 main instances which I found fustrating. First is after a fight I quickly want to move on to reinforce another objective
I would mount up (idealy before going into combat again) but every time I try to mount and it keeps stopcasting so I can heal people around me, so I just have to spam mountup till it casts it (often dismount 2-3 times)

The other instance is where right after I res at a graveyard, If if I mountup to quickly rejoin the fight, it would stopcasting to buff up, then I try to remount, then it would stopcasting again to deploy "Jade Serpent Statue",
which is rather pointless at the graveyard and put's it on CD also.

The best solution is to add Mounting up and Capturing to the list of "do not intrupt casting"?

Having the same thing happen to me too. The thing that I notice 9 times out of 10 is that my guy casts renewing mist right as I finish mounting me up causing me to dismount. Same with capping.

I also just noticed now in raid, that the routine keeps intrupting "Resuscitate" with "Renewing Mist", which is a pain as ressing the raid members as you can imagine :)
Please update svn fix the annoying Renewing Myst :D

Just updated and it doesn't do anything but spam building rotation /cry...

Guessing it was spamming that cause I wasn't in combat and in a city?

Started it in a bg and it worked fine.


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I noticed something with Monk: Windwalker dps. I was using your CC, and I noticed I was sitting @ 100/100 energy alot (i.e energy capping). So I decided to swap over to another CC I have installed, dps was higher with this CC, jumping to 2nd on dps tables. What I did notice was, energy almost never capped out, even manually procing "Energizing Brew" the other CC just dps'd faster.

Just thought you might want to give a look at into the energy capping,
Energy capping was an issue for me until I switched to Tyrael, set the FPS to 100, and then activated frame lock. Suddenly I never energy capped again.
Just wondering, but for large trash pulls, why isn't there an option to utilize Storm, Earth, and Fire? I have noticed other monks utilizing it during those large trash pulls and even on bats for Tortos and their DPS is a hellova lot higher than mine and I outgear them. Wondering if anyone else has seen this or if this can be coded into the next release for AoE'ing?
Hello, I'm the Brewmaster-grinder, and I want to use Dizzying Brew to pull mobs/packs instead of rushing to them by roll. Can I do this?
Tuanha any chance you could add in the Tyrannical pvp gear. not sure if it effects the CC or not but i have a couple pieces of the gear and the CC says i have 3 piece pvp set but really I have 5 piece set since its all interchangable.
Hello, I'm the Brewmaster-grinder, and I want to use Dizzying Brew to pull mobs/packs instead of rushing to them by roll. Can I do this?
There no support for auto pull... all cc work that way. It's a disaster to auto pull an extra group after combat while your healer afk/dk/oom