I cant start the routine, it started yesterday, i have been having it running a few times on a dummy so it did work but all of a sudden the folder is gone but the premium is still in my selection list in hb and when i select it it just goes true a few lines of code and the pops the selection list back on my screen,
I am testing your trial and it should be avalibe until tomorrow. I think it stoped working after the last update yesterday. I was hoping to try it out today while raiding
[YRB] ------------------------------------------
[YRB] Checking if the installed internal revision is the latest, initializes the updater if this is not the case.
[YRB] No updates found.
[YRB] ------------------------------------------
[YRB] YourRaidingBuddy V2 - Premium 1.0.7 by Xcesius.
[YRB] Thanks to nomnomnom
[YRB] Internal Revision: 1.0.7.
[YRB] Supported World of Warcraft version: 5.4.7.
[YRB] Your specialization is Monk Windwalker.
[YRB] Your race is Pandaren.
[YRB] -------------------------------------------
[YRB] GCD check fix spell set to: Stance of the Fierce Tiger
And then back to the selection list.