Special thanks go out to Dagradt for his inspiration and guide!
YourBuddy MoP - Fury
This combat routine will bring some variation in the Fury branch of the combat routines. This CC will be free and stay free. There will be no version differences but simply the full package! During Cataclysm I used my own private combat routine. It was basicly a highly edited version of TitanArms. I also contributed to Shaddar's combat routines with pieces of code. With Mists of Pandaria, I decided to release the combat routines I create. With this said, I'd really like to thank Dagradt for his excellent work on guides and the inspiration which he gave to me.
Features for this Combat Routine:
- Combat Bot, Raid Bot & Lazy Raider compatible.
- Level 90 Fury DPS / Raid rotation.
- Faster on slower computers (It tends to work better on slower computer then several other CR?s).
- Highly customizable with the GUI (Mouseovers to explain functions in tooltip. Still under development).
What will never be implemented?
- Movement.
- Levelling rotations.
- PVP rotations.
- Arms & Protection rotation (Move to Dunatanks or CLU for this!).
- Potion & Flask usage.
- Pre-Combat buffing (Cast initial shouts yourself, royal lazy nesses
. I will refresh it for you).
What does the GUI look like?
What is the expected DPS?
Honestly I have no clue. I do know that with my ilvl 470 and slightly below expertise and hitcap, I get the following result. This is higher than with Dunatanks or CLU ... But I do have a slow computer.
Change log?
See the SVN change log. I will not maintain this on the forums. It?ll be your responsibility to keep your folder up to date. I will not post any zip files.
Where to get?
You can grab a copy from the SVN ... Once it?s up. Not up yet, as I?m looking for testers! You can apply by making a post. I?d really want you to consider if you want this. I expect of you, to actually test it in all kind of situations. I expect of you, to provide decent comments and suggestions. If you think you?re up for the task, post!