since pre-patch, the quest "zero xuks given" is bugged. after the cinematic it will not let you click on the body (no question mark appears).
I've tried re-logging logging in with different characters, re-booting. I tried the quest on a different account as well, all bugged.
*note* this is NOT an HB bug, but could someone please remove that quest from the rotation? it has cause my HB to stop questing, and it wont move past it.
Logs attached for FYI
I've tried re-logging logging in with different characters, re-booting. I tried the quest on a different account as well, all bugged.
*note* this is NOT an HB bug, but could someone please remove that quest from the rotation? it has cause my HB to stop questing, and it wont move past it.
Logs attached for FYI