Just to be sure"Browse to your "C:\World Quests" directory"
ok i guess mine is "F:\World Quests"
make a folder in your hb/default profiles called world-quests
1: Update svn
2: Find the folder called "plugin/WorldQuestSettings"
3: Move the folder "WorldQuestSettings" to your hb plugins folder
4: Activate plugin
5. Config your plugin to what you want todo
6: Choose Questbot
7: Load Autoloader
8: Say hello world in discord chan
Plugin activation for dummies 1.0
1: look in your Hb window
2: Theres a button called Plugins
4: Now you can see a list
5: Check the checkbox infront of the "WorldQuestSettings"
6: Press the button called "Settings"
7: Now you will see a window with alot of settings choose whatever you want
8: Close the window
9: Choose Questing
10: Loadprofile: "Autoloader.xml"