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Wipeout 30/1/2014


New Member
Feb 3, 2013
Fairly new to WoW botting. Started doing this with my friend purely for profit in October, selling gold to sites or ppl. First accounts, Gatherbuddy druids had a couple of bans, and with appealing I got my accounts back. After they got perm banned, I lvled some DK 85 lvl accounts and they went 30+10 days straight botting 24/7, got frozen, and then started a new batch back in December. Also had a couple of DK 90 that kept going 24/7 for about 40 days, then got perm banned.

2 Days ago, running a total of 6 bots, 1 Grim Batol, 1 Forge of souls and 4 halls of Lightning, ban comes. It only touched the 4 Halls accounts, although all run on the same pc, with the same IP. Purely player reports I assume, since I got ganged too many times and running 24/7, well you get the picture.

Since my appeals worked on my first accounts, I tried to appeal for the 85 lvl DKs. And I simply stepped into the wrong GM. First, he asked for a government ID, and then he probably made a thorough investigation on my Guilds. Every single one account that I ever had got banned, even the frozen ones or the "safe bank" account that I had in case my bank account gets banned.

What did I learn :
1. Bans comes mostly from player reports.
2. Never appeal for an account if you bot for gold selling.

I will probably lay low till a new promotion comes. WoW botting makes a good months payment in my country these days! :)
Yeah appealing when you have that many accounts linked can be suicide. They see all of the accounts and you will pretty much have no luck getting them back.
Is this EU or US? Having a similar setup, I would not want to fuck with the wrong GM, so I really appreciate the heads up, and sorry for your loss.
Also what country are you from if you don't mind me asking?
Is this EU or US? Having a similar setup, I would not want to fuck with the wrong GM, so I really appreciate the heads up, and sorry for your loss.
Also what country are you from if you don't mind me asking?
EU / Greece.
Obvious by his name ^^

On the question:

Thanks for the humble report!
While reading it, some questions arised on my side:

Howmany bank/shuffle accounts u got hit on, and was all of them logged at least once from your botting Computer/IP?

How you appealed the DKs bans? Live chat or wrote a ticket in the site?
Because if you try with offline ticket, its usually handled firstly by Live chat / phone support guys, and if they have no rights to deal with it, they have to escalate the ticket to offline support GMs who can deal with it etc.
But if you contact Live chat / Phone support and your ban is automatic, they can lift it or reduce to 72h right away sometimes (for first offence etc.) but sometimes could not and escalate them to GMs, where you can get in troubles or try to social engineering on them, and let them close the ticket, so you dont deal with the higher level GMs, which usually are the bad guys there :)

What mail you have received after the wipeout? The usual 3rd party or Abuse of Economy?

Have you received ban on account which you never logged from your place?
Howmany bank/shuffle accounts u got hit on, and was all of them logged at least once from your botting Computer/IP?
All bank accounts, even the frozen ones, and yes all of them were logged at least once on the same IP/comp
How you appealed the DKs bans? Live chat or wrote a ticket in the site?
Because if you try with offline ticket, its usually handled firstly by Live chat / phone support guys, and if they have no rights to deal with it, they have to escalate the ticket to offline support GMs who can deal with it etc.
But if you contact Live chat / Phone support and your ban is automatic, they can lift it or reduce to 72h right away sometimes (for first offence etc.) but sometimes could not and escalate them to GMs, where you can get in troubles or try to social engineering on them, and let them close the ticket, so you dont deal with the higher level GMs, which usually are the bad guys there :)
All appeals that I ever made were offline, and pretty much all of them where successful. (perm ban to 72h)
What mail you have received after the wipeout? The usual 3rd party or Abuse of Economy?
Abuse of economy
Have you received ban on account which you never logged from your place?
No, all accounts were logged at least once from my place. They even banned one "safe" account that I had and logged only once, was officer at all of my gold selling guilds in case I lost my bank account alone. But I guess I just wasted 5 ? :P
All bank accounts, even the frozen ones, and yes all of them were logged at least once on the same IP/comp

But I guess I just wasted 5 ? :P

Then start to create UK accounts, with the "magic" $5 link they are only 2.50 GBP / 3 ?.

But with the Abuse of Economy Ban, your chances are slim to zero to recover anything! I can assume, even accs created in other location are affected, and they either ban them, or simply delete the corresponding guilds, so you will never have no access to them.

A smart workaround would be to have highly populated lvl 25 guild, no need to be very active, but arrange the following scenario:

All toons without rights to withdraw gold/items in the guild have to be in a flat single lowest rank, with rights only for guildinvite! That way, when you loose all the Guildmaster/officers, you could ask someone online to invite your character and wait.
Exactly 90 days (or 3 months, not 100% sure) after your GM's last login, the guild will became claimable for ownership, and its where your character have to be - just claim it first - Of course you will be first, simply because you know at what date/hour your guild GM toon was last online, so you can predict it with confidence!
Then start to create UK accounts, with the "magic" $5 link they are only 2.50 GBP / 3 ?.
That link doesn't work anymore, it's 7.50? at the moment.

All toons without rights to withdraw gold/items in the guild have to be in a flat single lowest rank, with rights only for guildinvite! That way, when you loose all the Guildmaster/officers, you could ask someone online to invite your character and wait.
Exactly 90 days (or 3 months, not 100% sure) after your GM's last login, the guild will became claimable for ownership, and its where your character have to be - just claim it first - Of course you will be first, simply because you know at what date/hour your guild GM toon was last online, so you can predict it with confidence!

Only Officers can claim the Guild Master title after 90 days, a normal member isn't able to do so.
In WoW technically there is no Officer rank, its just several ranks with or withour some or other rights.

According to http://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/guild-dethrone

What makes a guild member eligible for leadership?

Eligibility is determined by guild rank and activity. Eligible characters may be up to the third rank down from Guild Master and must have logged in within the last week. Characters lower than the third rank down from Guild Master will never be eligible to claim guild leadership.

So that explains it all.

Regarding the link, its still working "as intended", I used it yesterday!
I need advice : when I start over, should I make new bnet accounts? Are the old ones considered "hot"?