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Will using honorbuddy just for rotation get you banned?


New Member
Aug 27, 2016
I'm wondering the chances that just using cast rotation get you banned? I want to keep my account safe.

I wouldn't ask this if not my two pokefarmer accounts all get permanent ban. But i didn't care much about them as i do for wow.
It's never safe, and yes you can get banned for rotations, people got banned for much lesser shit. Your call bro.
Self movement doesn't or shall I say "hasn't" helped me or reduced the chances for a big old ban for me
how do they even know you using rotational bot. If they can detect it they ban you straight away. That means they can't 100% detect it.
I need to afk often when i playing wow like every 5 mins afk 1 min. Looking forward for something that can help me.

Will auto click just clicking 2 or 3 buttons of my casting skills get me banned?
any bot can and will get you banned sooner or later . rotation only with self movement might lower player reports. it will not hide the fact you are botting. perfect rotations and split sec timing stand out. computers will notice it players might not.
Well my guess is they will ban a few and play the number game. If they ban all of us too many just plain give up on playing. Banned players mostly come back, eg. Spend more $$ on accounts and such, so its a win win for Blizzard. Its a tough addiction to break. And they effin know it.
3% chance of blizzard banning you. 97% chance of getting banned from player reports. Usually rotation only botting is banned from player reports. So just pay attention to how you are playing and whos watching, etc.
3% chance of blizzard banning you. 97% chance of getting banned from player reports. Usually rotation only botting is banned from player reports. So just pay attention to how you are playing and whos watching, etc.
Actually, if you're just using rotations, you're more likely to get banned from it being detected. There may be some whiney ass people in arena that might grief you afterwards saying they'll report you but this won't likely get you banned.

This may get you flagged, but unless they have hard evidence you're botting or detected you using HB then you won't get banned.

@OP If you got caught up in a tripwire or some other detection, you can be banned regardless. Once you inject HB there is always a risk of being banned, even if you're just using a CR
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Here's the deal, OP:

  • Questing, BGs, Gathering = higher chance of getting reported == your ass will be on the next banwave.
  • Rotation bot = lower chance of getting reported == your ass may still be on the next banwave.

Most bans likely come from reports, however the problem is that HonorBuddy is not a guaranteed security -there is always a chance of detection. In my personal opinion, you would be stupid crazy to bot in this day and age for Rotation: suicide botting, botting for personal gold or profit is all fine... but botting for rotation?? that is just a stupid reason to get banned.

One tip, if you are crazy brave enough to Rotation bot in this dangerous time then please, when using rotations:

  • do not automate pre-combat stuff (raising pets, soul stone, bone shield, horn of winter, etc etc, healthstone, whatever!)

It is the most tell tale sign of a botter; you die, you accept the res in a Raid or LFR or LFG and immediately your bot fires off like 5 things -probably whilst you're still typing "ty" on chat or talking in TS. We had a Guildy doing this and everyone spotted him as a botter, and likewise I toned down my pre-combat actions accordingly.

TLDR (1) turn off your pre-combat/post-res shit in your Combat Routine = makes you look like a bot == reports === your ass on the next banwave. (2) stupid crazy to bot rotations right now, just last week a popular rotation bot and all of its user base + author were banned; yes BossLand's HonorBuddy is the most sophisticated bot on the market, but times have changed: you just don't bot for rotations these days as you did before.

All that said, best of luck!
ive been using rotation for a few years.
Not banned yet.
and then i know some who got banned after a few weeks of using it.
chances are there.
if you dont want to risk your account. dont freaking bot, simple as that
I got banned my main account for 6 months only for use of the rotation by Singular. Shit happens. It was in my opinion, in May, the second or third banwave. Used bot just a couple of weeks, had not played for about four years. And then the letter came in mail with a free 10-th day of the game...
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If you get banned, besides actual reports from other players, is that their injection method is getting detected. At that point, if you use HB only for rotations or for botting mindlessly, it doesn't really matter.
As a rotation only botter, I always wondered as I looked at my dps or healing meters and then my gear ilvl how in the hell I was able to top the meters or at least come close. And it worried me a bit. There should really be a sliding adjustment for how fast the routine targets or parses perhaps? If that's possible I don't know.

my 2 cents.
If you bot, you're going to get banned, no matter what type of botting you do.

It may not be tomorrow or even a month down the road, but you will eventually get banned.
Here's the deal, OP:

  • Questing, BGs, Gathering = higher chance of getting reported == your ass will be on the next banwave.
  • Rotation bot = lower chance of getting reported == your ass may still be on the next banwave.

Most bans likely come from reports, however the problem is that HonorBuddy is not a guaranteed security -there is always a chance of detection. In my personal opinion, you would be stupid crazy to bot in this day and age for Rotation: suicide botting, botting for personal gold or profit is all fine... but botting for rotation?? that is just a stupid reason to get banned.

One tip, if you are crazy brave enough to Rotation bot in this dangerous time then please, when using rotations:

  • do not automate pre-combat stuff (raising pets, soul stone, bone shield, horn of winter, etc etc, healthstone, whatever!)

It is the most tell tale sign of a botter; you die, you accept the res in a Raid or LFR or LFG and immediately your bot fires off like 5 things -probably whilst you're still typing "ty" on chat or talking in TS. We had a Guildy doing this and everyone spotted him as a botter, and likewise I toned down my pre-combat actions accordingly.

TLDR (1) turn off your pre-combat/post-res shit in your Combat Routine = makes you look like a bot == reports === your ass on the next banwave. (2) stupid crazy to bot rotations right now, just last week a popular rotation bot and all of its user base + author were banned; yes BossLand's HonorBuddy is the most sophisticated bot on the market, but times have changed: you just don't bot for rotations these days as you did before.

All that said, best of luck!
thx man, some useful info