Here's the deal, OP:
- Questing, BGs, Gathering = higher chance of getting reported == your ass will be on the next banwave.
- Rotation bot = lower chance of getting reported == your ass may still be on the next banwave.
Most bans
likely come from reports, however the problem is that HonorBuddy is not a guaranteed security -there is always a chance of detection. In my personal opinion, you would be
stupid crazy to bot in this day and age for Rotation: suicide botting, botting for personal gold or profit is all fine... but botting for rotation?? that is just a stupid reason to get banned.
One tip, if you are
crazy brave enough to Rotation bot in this dangerous time then please, when using rotations:
- do not automate pre-combat stuff (raising pets, soul stone, bone shield, horn of winter, etc etc, healthstone, whatever!)
It is the most tell tale sign of a botter; you die, you accept the res in a Raid or LFR or LFG and
immediately your bot fires off like 5 things -probably whilst you're still typing "ty" on chat or talking in TS. We had a Guildy doing this and everyone spotted him as a botter, and likewise I toned down my pre-combat actions accordingly.
TLDR (1) turn off your pre-combat/post-res shit in your Combat Routine = makes you look like a bot == reports === your ass on the next banwave. (2) stupid crazy to bot rotations right now, just last week a popular rotation bot and all of its user base + author were banned; yes BossLand's HonorBuddy is the most sophisticated bot on the market, but times have changed: you just don't bot for rotations these days as you did before.
All that said, best of luck!