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so just wait until its ready... the problem if he gives you an 'eta' is that everyone reads that as ITS GOING TO BE READY ON THIS DATE. then if the bot isn't ready.... everyone grabs their pitch forks and starts shouting bloody murder. hes working on it. you know hes working on it. just be patient and wait.
so just wait until its ready... the problem if he gives you an 'eta' is that everyone reads that as ITS GOING TO BE READY ON THIS DATE. then if the bot isn't ready.... everyone grabs their pitch forks and starts shouting bloody murder. hes working on it. you know hes working on it. just be patient and wait.

i feel u
Small update;

One of the biggest things in Wildstar is the Telegraph system. Currently, there are 9 or 10 different types of telegraphs. They come in the following flavors:

  • Sphere
  • Instant (there is no actual visual telegraph to dodge, it's more of a missile, or instant "place here" type of thing)
  • Rectangle
  • Cone
  • Diamond (just an off-shoot of cone)
  • Ellipsoid (haven't seen this used)
  • Line (elongated Rectangle, probably only used to help distinguish types)
  • 3 more "unknown" types.

Certain "complex" telegraphs, are simply multiple simple parts, overlaid on top of eachother. (Their shaders help render any overlapping telegraphs as a "single" telegraph)

The ones I know the type of (except Ellipsoid), are currently handled, and we can tell if we're standing in one, or something else is standing in it. (So you can get some useful clustering info) I can also get the telegraph information at runtime for any ability, so you can "predict" where you'll need to face, where you should position a telegraph, to get the most bang for your buck.

There are 3 extra types of telegraphs, that I'm unsure of. (One seems to be another rectangle, another seems to be a form of "cone", and I'm honestly not sure of the 3rd)

Reversing all this, and getting the math for it "complete" took well over a week of non-stop work. The math involved in this kind of stuff is very complex in the client, and simplifying it for our usages is even worse.

With that said, today I'm spending most of my time doing a little bit of housecleaning, and then logic planning.

This game involves quite a large amount of math, and sometimes that math is really convoluted to understand (due to SIMD and SSE usages). I apologize for things taking so long, but now that the most major system is "done", we'll be quickly moving ahead with the actual bot.
Your prayers have been heard DanielMahan! :P

I stopped playing WS myself (was using another bot and was working perfectly fine for my needs; rotationbot) but when the buddybot comes out I will go on and play around with it.
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Im happy with no ETA as long as we get updates on what is going on with the bot... Thanks again Apoc for the upday will check bad daily for new news
I just wanted to say thanks for the news. I realy enjoy reading something about the problems of bot developer (just because I have no idea how to solve these problems ^^)
Thanks for the update - I really have no idea what goes into making a bot, so discussing the math involved in it is interesting. Not that math is interesting, but interesting in that you are working on it even though it is boring. But also, after reading what you are trying to do with the telegraphs, it makes me curious what all you are trying to achieve with this bot? --- Thanks for your hard work, too.
math is suddenly a lot more interesting once you have a real world problem to solve .
Small update;

One of the biggest things in Wildstar is the Telegraph system. Currently, there are 9 or 10 different types of telegraphs. They come in the following flavors:

  • Sphere
  • Instant (there is no actual visual telegraph to dodge, it's more of a missile, or instant "place here" type of thing)
  • Rectangle
  • Cone
  • Diamond (just an off-shoot of cone)
  • Ellipsoid (haven't seen this used)
  • Line (elongated Rectangle, probably only used to help distinguish types)
  • 3 more "unknown" types.

Certain "complex" telegraphs, are simply multiple simple parts, overlaid on top of eachother. (Their shaders help render any overlapping telegraphs as a "single" telegraph)

The ones I know the type of (except Ellipsoid), are currently handled, and we can tell if we're standing in one, or something else is standing in it. (So you can get some useful clustering info) I can also get the telegraph information at runtime for any ability, so you can "predict" where you'll need to face, where you should position a telegraph, to get the most bang for your buck.

There are 3 extra types of telegraphs, that I'm unsure of. (One seems to be another rectangle, another seems to be a form of "cone", and I'm honestly not sure of the 3rd)

Reversing all this, and getting the math for it "complete" took well over a week of non-stop work. The math involved in this kind of stuff is very complex in the client, and simplifying it for our usages is even worse.

With that said, today I'm spending most of my time doing a little bit of housecleaning, and then logic planning.

This game involves quite a large amount of math, and sometimes that math is really convoluted to understand (due to SIMD and SSE usages). I apologize for things taking so long, but now that the most major system is "done", we'll be quickly moving ahead with the actual bot.

will Both PVE and PVP be using your advanced logics and so on to deal with the telegraphs or will PVE use the games Autoface/follow target option?
We will not have "click to move" enabled, nor rely on "auto face". Both are really silly technologies for this game, especially considering the amount of jumping puzzles, and dodging required.
We will not have "click to move" enabled, nor rely on "auto face". Both are really silly technologies for this game, especially considering the amount of jumping puzzles, and dodging required.

Awesome news.
Hey Apoc I have seen all the cool stuff you all plan to add to the bot but I was wondering what kind of security features will be added. What kind of warden/detection system does wildstar have. Whats your plan to protect from being detected? I understand you can only go into so much detal on this matter but I was just curious on the protection this bot will have. Thanks again :)
This bot will be the ONLY reason I will come back to that game. I admit it, I have been spoiled over the years using these bots. I am thankful the development of this is taking a while as the consumer we should want a polished product. Nothing like the rushed bot for SWTOR that everyone demanded. Thank you APOC for taking your time on this and I look forward to spending money on it when it comes out. Another lifetime purchase!!
This bot will be the ONLY reason I will come back to that game. I admit it, I have been spoiled over the years using these bots. I am thankful the development of this is taking a while as the consumer we should want a polished product. Nothing like the rushed bot for SWTOR that everyone demanded. Thank you APOC for taking your time on this and I look forward to spending money on it when it comes out. Another lifetime purchase!!


I find wildstar is a bit too grindy for my tastes and being able to take that out of the equation will be very useful.
Small update;

One of the biggest things in Wildstar is the Telegraph system. Currently, there are 9 or 10 different types of telegraphs. They come in the following flavors:

  • Sphere
  • Instant (there is no actual visual telegraph to dodge, it's more of a missile, or instant "place here" type of thing)
  • Rectangle
  • Cone
  • Diamond (just an off-shoot of cone)
  • Ellipsoid (haven't seen this used)
  • Line (elongated Rectangle, probably only used to help distinguish types)
  • 3 more "unknown" types.

Certain "complex" telegraphs, are simply multiple simple parts, overlaid on top of eachother. (Their shaders help render any overlapping telegraphs as a "single" telegraph)

The ones I know the type of (except Ellipsoid), are currently handled, and we can tell if we're standing in one, or something else is standing in it. (So you can get some useful clustering info) I can also get the telegraph information at runtime for any ability, so you can "predict" where you'll need to face, where you should position a telegraph, to get the most bang for your buck.

There are 3 extra types of telegraphs, that I'm unsure of. (One seems to be another rectangle, another seems to be a form of "cone", and I'm honestly not sure of the 3rd)

Reversing all this, and getting the math for it "complete" took well over a week of non-stop work. The math involved in this kind of stuff is very complex in the client, and simplifying it for our usages is even worse.

With that said, today I'm spending most of my time doing a little bit of housecleaning, and then logic planning.

This game involves quite a large amount of math, and sometimes that math is really convoluted to understand (due to SIMD and SSE usages). I apologize for things taking so long, but now that the most major system is "done", we'll be quickly moving ahead with the actual bot.

This...is pretty damned awesome. You didn't have to do this but I really appreciate you taking the time to post this. I don't really understand what goes into making a bot or why it takes a long time, but once you said "math", all is forgiven and I will wait patiently. I hate math, and for you to work with it...for us...is some pretty awesome sacrifice. You're a better man than I am!
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