Ok let me start with this Game Masters do not know how it works...
And this is true....The reason why this is so as it is dealt by the hacks team they are payed huge money to stop them by blizzard
If you find anyone on here that says they know a Game Master and they said this and that about how bots are found then they a lying to you simple as that they are payed simple money and that is all
Unlike someone that works with servers and does coding well how much are they payed + a Bonus if they find a way of doing a mass amount of bans in one hit
Simply and purely a Game Master does not know as you could say they are a simple peon in the game unlike the Lead Programmer for the hacks team he would be someone like Thrall a true leader
Now if I was to find bots in my game I would use a program that uses Rootkit technology that hides itself and then close the bot if it is found also it would use virus technology to scan for new bots programs if a new version is made
Simply and purely the virus scanning in my program would work no different to a normal virus scanner it would get smarter as new versions of the bot is made
As for the rootkit program part of it for the gather buddy team they need to find it first before trying to get around it also many versions would be running around for each country and every state in the USA comes back to the fact
I could stop them also it is legal to do this to add protection for a program to stop it from being uninstalled or tampered with problem here is this it is very hard to find someone that could program it and not break security for other reasons this is one reason why blizzard has not done this as of date
Virus scanners use this in order to stop viruses from infecting a system or turning it off most of the virus programmers out there are really good and do bad things in the first place
There would be only a few programmers in the world that could turn off a good virus scanner and truly get around it of course if they did get around it in most cases a operating system is damaged and you have to reinstall it this is how my program would work
Also it would work with Wow.exe and Wow-64.exe as well working side by side it would be very polymorphic by changing the name each time Wow.exe and Wow-64.exe is run
Anyways this is why you will never know how blizzard finds bots currently if you read on the forums here each case is different most of all you were not at the pc when something happen
Also the gatherbuddy team has never said they have found any code in wow at all to how it is done not to say that there is not any at all there was a virus years ago it could hide Ip addresses in the code all out over it because of the Polymorphic engine it used 3 virus scanner coders took 3 years to find them working 8+ hours this code was found on the net at one point and many times wow.exe has been found as a virus at www.virustotal.com and this is maybe the reason why it has been found they hide there detection method using this code virus scanners at www.virustotal.com have been fixed so it is not found and blizzard has changed the code a bit to what I remember about when you look at the code of a file it looks normal
And this is true....The reason why this is so as it is dealt by the hacks team they are payed huge money to stop them by blizzard
If you find anyone on here that says they know a Game Master and they said this and that about how bots are found then they a lying to you simple as that they are payed simple money and that is all
Unlike someone that works with servers and does coding well how much are they payed + a Bonus if they find a way of doing a mass amount of bans in one hit
Simply and purely a Game Master does not know as you could say they are a simple peon in the game unlike the Lead Programmer for the hacks team he would be someone like Thrall a true leader
Now if I was to find bots in my game I would use a program that uses Rootkit technology that hides itself and then close the bot if it is found also it would use virus technology to scan for new bots programs if a new version is made
Simply and purely the virus scanning in my program would work no different to a normal virus scanner it would get smarter as new versions of the bot is made
As for the rootkit program part of it for the gather buddy team they need to find it first before trying to get around it also many versions would be running around for each country and every state in the USA comes back to the fact
I could stop them also it is legal to do this to add protection for a program to stop it from being uninstalled or tampered with problem here is this it is very hard to find someone that could program it and not break security for other reasons this is one reason why blizzard has not done this as of date
Virus scanners use this in order to stop viruses from infecting a system or turning it off most of the virus programmers out there are really good and do bad things in the first place
There would be only a few programmers in the world that could turn off a good virus scanner and truly get around it of course if they did get around it in most cases a operating system is damaged and you have to reinstall it this is how my program would work
Also it would work with Wow.exe and Wow-64.exe as well working side by side it would be very polymorphic by changing the name each time Wow.exe and Wow-64.exe is run
Anyways this is why you will never know how blizzard finds bots currently if you read on the forums here each case is different most of all you were not at the pc when something happen
Also the gatherbuddy team has never said they have found any code in wow at all to how it is done not to say that there is not any at all there was a virus years ago it could hide Ip addresses in the code all out over it because of the Polymorphic engine it used 3 virus scanner coders took 3 years to find them working 8+ hours this code was found on the net at one point and many times wow.exe has been found as a virus at www.virustotal.com and this is maybe the reason why it has been found they hide there detection method using this code virus scanners at www.virustotal.com have been fixed so it is not found and blizzard has changed the code a bit to what I remember about when you look at the code of a file it looks normal