You knowingly risked botting. You ended up being suspended. I've been botting for years now, and this was my first suspension/ban. Why the rage? The "Thank you PvP botters" threads make you hypocrites.
Whether you use the bot to do nothing but combat rotations, do garrison dailies, or full on 24-7 bot in BGs, it doesn't matter. You broke the rules, and you got banned. I never botted in BGs, but I still used third party software to gain an advantage over legitimate players, and I accept that. Sure, I 100% agree that BG botters are the reason we all got targeted as that was 99% of other people's complaints to Blizzard, but the fact still remains. We all cheated, and most of us are getting punished for it. End of story.
Regardless of how you try to justify what you did, you cheated. I cheated. Everyone else that got suspended cheated. Time to go outside and finally do something productive with your life.
Regardless of how you try to justify what you did, you cheated. I cheated. Everyone else that got suspended cheated. Time to go outside and finally do something productive with your life.
In my case, its because Blizzard let bots go so long, and so obvious, and so large scale, that i could not longer compete. They did nothing for years. So one day, I said screw it, and joined them. It was an instand quality of life improvement. My carpel tunnel got better, I used some of the extra time to hit the gym, and spend even more extra time with my family. I got to do the parts of wow, that do not suck, and got to avoid the damn treadmill. It made wow fun again, and I hurt no one. No pvp, and very little auctions. Some afk questing, but I usually quested at the key board, and it just did the rotations, sparing my wrists. THEN Blizzard started to act, once their new tokens came out. That is why i'm mad. 1) They did not enforce their own rules for years, 2) The game became fun again. 3) It allowed me to play as well as I used to before disabilities. I'm not getting any younger. There are still tons of bots out there missed by this wave. Wow has always had bots, but its the worst it has ever been right now, despite the bans. Others have other reasons for sure, I just wanted to do my own thing, have fun, and not hurt any one. Just my two cents.
I would file a lawsuit on them not providing a rotation device, or program to any one who can show a bonafide disability preventing them from playing as normal, but I am unwilling to take up such a task alone. They are technically in violation of that law, but you would have to take them to court, and here that takes a lot of money. They have nearly inexhaustible resources, i do not. One note though. At least in New York, and our District Federal courts. TOS, and EULA are routinely dismissed as being unenforceable because of being unconscionable, or shredded for many other reasons If they were sued here federally, they would lose, IF some one who had the money to get the case to its end fought them. I'm not that person.
I would file a lawsuit on them not providing a rotation device, or program to any one who can show a bonafide disability preventing them from playing as normal, but I am unwilling to take up such a task alone.
They are technically in violation of that law, but you would have to take them to court, and here that takes a lot of money.
I would file a lawsuit on them not providing a rotation device, or program to any one who can show a bonafide disability preventing them from playing as normal, but I am unwilling to take up such a task alone. They are technically in violation of that law, but you would have to take them to court, and here that takes a lot of money. They have nearly inexhaustible resources, i do not. One note though. At least in New York, and our District Federal courts. TOS, and EULA are routinely dismissed as being unenforceable because of being unconscionable, or shredded for many other reasons If they were sued here federally, they would lose, IF some one who had the money to get the case to its end fought them. I'm not that person.
They are technically in violation of that law,
You knowingly risked botting. You ended up being suspended. I've been botting for years now, and this was my first suspension/ban. Why the rage? The "Thank you PvP botters" threads make you hypocrites.
Edit - i do however agree on the disability front, it's technically discrimination... saying you can buy our product but if you cant play it too bad. i know a couple of people with legitimate disabilities including one gentleman who only has one arm, but he loves videogames / raiding / team play so he used a rotation bot to raid in guild and literally everyone knew, he was forthcoming about it explained the situation none of us had a problem with it, even the legit players because he wasnt hurting anyone or ruining anyone elses gaming experience, he just wanted to be included and part of the team.
i do think people with disabilities should look towards putting together a class action if need be, blizzard accommodated color blind people with new options, but discriminated against people with physical disabilities that don't allow them to perform rotations correctly etc...
Then you can sue every single game maker because they don't do anything for disabled gamers.
That's not discrimination. You don't understand what discrimination is.