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What will be in HB (V2)

Another Question: What about a "sight-detection"? I mean that the bot could detect whether there is a obstacle in sight or not. So that Casters no more cast when the mob gets behind a obstacle.. would it be hard to code? I mean there will be a Mesh which nows where obstacles are an where not. So HB just needs to draw a "sight-line" between my char and the foe. Would be very interesting for PvP, because humans are thinking more flexible as NPCs^^ I think you've all heard about Athene : The best Pala of the World? xD He said that you just need to go "shff round a corner" and the cast will be broken xD

There is a function for that, bool WoWUnit.LineOfSight.

                if (Me.GotTarget && !Me.CurrentTarget.InLineOfSight)
                    slog("Battleground: " + Me.CurrentTarget.Name + " out of Line of Sight, blacklisting for 3 seconds");
                    Blacklist.Add(Me.CurrentTarget.Guid, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
                    lastGuid = 0;
There is a function for that, bool WoWUnit.LineOfSight.

                if (Me.GotTarget && !Me.CurrentTarget.InLineOfSight)
                    slog("Battleground: " + Me.CurrentTarget.Name + " out of Line of Sight, blacklisting for 3 seconds");
                    Blacklist.Add(Me.CurrentTarget.Guid, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
                    lastGuid = 0;

Yes but the actual LineOfSight Function works by recognizing a string which is called in wow after your trget got behind a wall etc.. but mean that the LineOfSight should calculate as it is possible to cast or not. So that HB gets cleverer and more human and eludes the Obstacle before ending the cast.
Cuse i would prefer to go around the corner and cast another DoT before the Enemy is out of sight^^

I know it sounds very naive and i know there are things that have more priority. It would be nice if the Devs make a note of this and code it later after open beta into HBv2
Yes but the actual LineOfSight Function works by recognizing a string which is called in wow after your trget got behind a wall etc.. but mean that the LineOfSight should calculate as it is possible to cast or not. So that HB gets cleverer and more human and eludes the Obstacle before ending the cast.
Cuse i would prefer to go around the corner and cast another DoT before the Enemy is out of sight^^

I know it sounds very naive and i know there are things that have more priority. It would be nice if the Devs make a note of this and code it later after open beta into HBv2

I'm not sure what you mean, exactly. Right now, a CC dev could check to see if a target is out of sight, and (if they really wanted to), move to a position where the target was within line of sight. Most choose to just blacklist the target instead and go for someone/thing easier.
I'm not sure what you mean, exactly. Right now, a CC dev could check to see if a target is out of sight, and (if they really wanted to), move to a position where the target was within line of sight. Most choose to just blacklist the target instead and go for someone/thing easier.

I think he wants a CC that detects where it can run to get out of sigh, so he can interrupt spellcasters. E.g. Cast a DoT and hide behind a wall. And that will require a lot of coding.
I think he wants a CC that detects where it can run to get out of sigh, so he can interrupt spellcasters. E.g. Cast a DoT and hide behind a wall. And that will require a lot of coding.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I get it. Yeah, that would be almost impossible to do.
The best things take time to make a world. So wait and be happy that our stuff is the cool to bring us the best possible stuff.
I don't understand why people allways press and press "WAAH RELEASE OMFG!!!!!1111oneoneelfen".
You allready have a damn good working bot.
So be patien, drink some tee and relax =)

Multiple times ~~~!

Guess you missed my next post and sometimes sarcasm can be missed in text.
Originally it was shortest path, but its since been changed to give roads higher priority than the shortest route.
No. It has always weighed roads (atleast in all beta versions that have ever been released to others than me).

Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I get it. Yeah, that would be almost impossible to do.
Well, it involves some math, but it's nowhere near impossible. It requires some advanced environment and geometry analyzation math, but it's definitely possible.
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No. It has always weighed roads (atleast in all beta versions that have ever been released to others than me).

Well, it involves some math, but it's nowhere near impossible. It requires some advanced environment and geometry analyzation math, but it's definitely possible.

I stand corrected on the first part. As for the latter, you have to remember that you are a demigod, unlike the rest of us.

PS: Slut.
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Does this mean, we can have profiles that handle the AV bunkers and Ballinda ect.. if so, epic win.
I saw it handles stairs fine in org.
No. It has always weighed roads (atleast in all beta versions that have ever been released to others than me).

Well, it involves some math, but it's nowhere near impossible. It requires some advanced environment and geometry analyzation math, but it's definitely possible.

yes, i agree, not impossible, but requires a lot of coding, as stated.

And of course, all that algebra classes that i didn't attend would help me now. :D
As for the latter, you have to remember that you are a demigod, unlike the rest of us.
No way. That math is still way too advanced for me. I prefer the bruteforce method.
MaiN your a nav god, put your mind to it and you can do it !

Looking forward to testing your new nav system out btw, Hope its good, cos am damn fussy :P
MaiN your a nav god, put your mind to it and you can do it !

Looking forward to testing your new nav system out btw, Hope its good, cos am damn fussy :P

You can watch my lock use it here - http://www.livestream.com/ski107

Keep in mind I'm purposely trying to break it by navigating around cliffs and fighting mobs that jump in the air, so if you see it stuck/not working, it was because I was trying to break it ;)

Honorbuddy Developer
Gliding Machine
Location: England

Reputation: 607


Originally Posted by Pure07
Yea most CC's are complete and ready for HB2.0 so within i week i reckon.


Parts of the work that I allowed 1 day for should have been scheduled to take a week each. We will try to get it out before May.
Even a broken clock is right twice every day.
No way. That math is still way too advanced for me. I prefer the bruteforce method.

Brute force is often times the worst solution, it's runtime is exponential O(c^n) which is inefficient. There are plenty of generic algorithms available publicly, for doing searches for instances you have merge sort O(n log n) or quick sort O(n log n) (but, can be faster by some multiple). I am sure you could implement some efficient algorithm although, when your dealing with graphs (which I am assuming) finding shortest paths can be difficult :P but, certainly better than brute force for instance Floyd algorithm for shortest path is average O(|v|^3) v= vertices.