I don't understand why no one has mentioned it before but: AH Bot!
One of the most tedious thing ever is to have to list all my farmed shit on the AH.
When I get home from work and log on and see 950+ mails I seriously want to quit the whole thing and take a walk outside than relisting 100's of auctions again day after day.
So, it does not need to be something super complicated.
0.1 - List items in your bags (-1 copper than the cheapest) on the AH
It would be nice if you could have protected items it DOESN'T list.
Listing items in trade and notify if someone replies, this could be done while posting items. Configurable delay and how many different items to offer in chat.
/trade I'm selling the following items, whisper me for prices better than on your local AH! item1, item2, item3
Run to mail and pickup new items/sales, run back to AH and lists/sell in trade chat
0.2 - Get a print out of items in your bags somehow, where you specify how many it list each day, minimum price - if lower is listed on AH it skips this items.
Reason for this is that some items have a very low sell rate, so when I buy out people selling for 3 copper and relist it for 20s I might not want to post 500 if avrg daily sale is 50.
0.3+ Support from addons like Tradeskill Master to really getting into gold making, or manually scan parts of the AH for deals and build a database with prices, what time of day/day of week to post items.