With GatherBuddy, that's all you can do - add hotspots and let it run.I presume you just setup some hotspots and let the bot fly around picking out the nodes. Am I close to correct?
If you don't mind, where is a good source to read about what's absolutely necessary for a questing profile please? Thanks!
But given this is the questing botbase, there is no limits, you can do absolutely anything.
<While Condition="true" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobIds="1234, 5678" InteractByLooting="true" >
<Hotspot />
<Hotspot />
This is a very bare minimum example that will make the Questing botbase run pretty much exactly like the GatherBuddy botbase.
You can adjust some of the logic here to do things such as: make the bot ignore mobs and gather while on a mount without dismounting.
Or, you can add code to chase fox flowers. There's tons you can do with it.
All the code I know from this is by EchoTiger, so he would have better examples.
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