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What Class Needs a New CC?

WoW Classes

  • Druid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hunter

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  • Mage

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  • Paladin

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  • Priest

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  • Rogue

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  • Shaman

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  • Warlock

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  • Warrior

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Deathknight

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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True, the poll may be old. I think the problems that I'm experiencing with the druid CCs are only present at lvl 10-19, but I can't tell for sure yet ..

You don't get a true feel for a CC until around level 40-60. By then you have many of the spells the CC will be wanting to use.
I found that using the default druid CC from 1-20 is the easiest way. Then Bride of the Death Chicken as feral all the way from there. About the only thing missing is PVP. When that gets added Bride of the Death Chicken will kick ass even more than it does now. Probably wouldn't be too hard to put in a 1-20 bearform rotation in there either, but that's not that big of a deal.

1-20 with default takes like 1-2 days tops even if it does kinda suck
Well I also had problems with the default druid CC. It was just standing on 20 yards range trying to melee a mob - it didn't approach. It's np now though, since i specced balance until lvl 20 and now it's running in cat form.
It will come. A rebuild is in the works.

Awesome.. I've been using your CC stabby stabby since level 9 and am currently 48. It's worked beautifully the entire time.. Only thing is I plan on switching at lvl 50 to MutMut for the PVP support so I can do mixed mode.. I guess he said he'll have an update with added PVE support tomorrow.. but nonetheless I think Stabby Stabby would definately be better for mixed mode as it is designed around PVE originally.. I don't care about my dps/survivability in PVP.. that and yours is a combat class.. I don't plan to switch Talent tree's when I hit 50 only CC's (until stabby supports PVP that is.. and then I'll be back.
Need a new arcane mage CC. Only one I've found is for low lvl/raf and doesn't use the talentable abilities and such..
I've seen a couple posts from people having issues with the Hunter CCs that are available. I'm using the standard one right now at lvl 23 and am experiencing some minor issues, but it does work ... it just looks "bot-ish" sometimes. I haven't tried the one posted in the CC forum but I read other people having issues with it as well.
I've seen a couple posts from people having issues with the Hunter CCs that are available. I'm using the standard one right now at lvl 23 and am experiencing some minor issues, but it does work ... it just looks "bot-ish" sometimes. I haven't tried the one posted in the CC forum but I read other people having issues with it as well.

Oh yes, a new Hunter CC would be awesome!
/me looks at fpsware :D
I've already got something under way for a new Hunter CC. But its stalled while I focus on work. It will be here sooner or later :)
Infact, as one of my comments said earlier about AoE Cc. i'd actually like to see a AoE Prot CC now for Paladins, working from lvl41+
A PVP healer only druid CC would rule, when i say healer only i dont mean it would just heal, but actually behave like a druid healer in PVP, supporting the CCs, dispells, form change behaviors, and offensive-defensive play style, line of sight, use of trinket, etc.

That would mean pathing during combat... that lacks on CCs i have tryed until now, and that looks very bottish, since most times it will just run into the walls in WSG.

Main points -
- detect what friendly target has the highest amount of enemy targetting him, and start hotting
- prio close friendly targets
- prio CC healers if in range (with cyclone), hunters-warriors-rogues-enhanceshamans (melee except paladins) with roots
- engage in aggressive behavior if alone or with friendlies on full health
- engage in personal defensive behavior if beeing attacked, should be able to pull bear + demo shout if many melee in range
- should be able to fall back while healing
- doesnt need to be too perfect, just leave a feeling of a sucky player trying his best
- actually heal others to avoid whispers like "hey druid can u heal me?" *dies* "omzg, stupizd nuzbs ur reported!"
- reply to whispers with ":)" when they start thanking you.

They will also not report you as a botter if you are healing them hard bth.

I started modifying the druid healer cc for raf and instances, but dont really have the experience wth HB yet, couldnt make it work correctly
imo i think warrior is in need of one. No offense to likwid's cc but it feels dated and it uses maybe 15% of the available abilities....i.e never uses charge or taunt. maybe it just needs a revamp but i would like to see a new one out there....every other class pretty much has multiple cc's
I don't think warrior can be so difficult to write a CC for, they are such a straight-forward class to play :P
Ehm i tried the DK CC., and yeah it just generally totally and utterly sucks...in PVP that is, it doesnt move towards it target, plus deselects it aswell while getting hammer on..

While it should be moving and using it's abilities at the same time and it doesnt at all.

So yeah would like that to atleast be fixed.
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