I saw this post and can't handle that people attack person who lost so many accounts without reason. This guy said he was making up to 14k$/month and that is ok, he didnt say i was making xxx amount of gold per month selling it for 14k$ per month, all he said is "I HAD GOOD FULL TIME MAKING ME UP TO 14k$/MONTH" so i guess he didnt make 14k every month. Its same with me, while i was working with 55 account i had alot gold incoming every day and i dont know how much, because some servers created like 4-5k per day and some did like 20 without problems, but after all i ended with 15 milion gold in stock because i wasnt able to sell all i make, after upgrading my account to VIP (at gold selling site) i have sold thos 15 milions in few weeks making that month profit of like 15k$, and my normal profit was like 5-6k/month. So you cant rly say how much gold you make per day and how much $ you make per month, it just depend, on amount of bots you have, profession you are using, how much time you spend botting and gold price. In most cases i wasnt able to sell i make instant, just imagine trying to sell 20k gold on all 55 accounts every day, it is just pain in the ass, i was ignoring them for few days and start selling when they have at least 50-100k. I made 100k+ $ i 1 year and i trust this guy did even better since i didnt had any PRO profile, used public farming profile in vashir in uldum and posted auctions solo in first 10 months, after that i paid for profile that will farm + post auctions at AH and go back to farm again, that was best few months in my life, and after that BOOOOM 40 accounts gone in 1 sec, i get like 20 back + 15 i didnt lose so i kept botting with 35 and few days lost like 25 more so i decided to stop that and didnt bot for like 6 months, just came back in MOP and make like 10k$ till now and im rly happy with it. If you dont know how to make money like me or this guy who just lost 40 account that doesnt mean we are liers, it just mean you dont know how to do it,or you are lazy to do it.
Hope you will get your acc-s back and keep botting mate!!