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Well It Was a Good run. 40 Accounts gone.


New Member
Feb 19, 2013
Posted yesterday for the first time on these forums, telling people to calm down. 4 hours later i'm banned.\
Link to thread

I guess times are changing, and i need to get a full time job now. Fuck.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Gb

2)If so, when was the last time?: Yesterday 6:03EST

3)What profile were you using?: Personal Private Profiles

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Custom.

5)What plugins are you using?: Custom Plugins / ARelog

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 24/7 Ac cross 20-40 Accounts at a time

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 0% (Automated System i self coded)

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: 0 Private Buyers if you want to count that 9000 stacks a day for the last 12 months.

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? Haha, no this was my job.

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? Yes, but several clean accounts using Guild banks for my transactions.

10)EU or US realm? US

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?All were paid.

Let me just say this was my full time job, i invested to much energy into this but reaped the rewards of upwards of 14k a month. (Real cold hard dollars)
I ran a system in which the common user here wouldn't understand the complexity of the system i had created, I've been running 20-40+ bots 24/hrs a day for the last year, never loosing a single account until today.

The winds changed,

See you all soon :)
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I don't think he was trying to be arrogant. Just trying to save us commoners from a layer of complexity. The fact that he allegedly had 40 accounts and made 14k/month is quite interesting.
Let's take a real look at his numbers. On the high pop server I'm on ghost iron ore goes between 40 and 50 gold per stack.

He personally claims that, at full capacity, he can farm up 9,000 stacks per day. I can assume that 50 gold per stack is the average price across higher population realms. If someone were farming upto 9000 stacks of units per day, it's also VERY safe to assume that roughly half would be ore and half would be herbs. Herbs are definitely cheaper than ore in most circumstances. Furthermore, private buyers buying such substantial bulk would most likely be spending a decent bit less than AH, say 25-40 gold per stack depending what the item was.

For sake of argument let us assume that he is farming 9,000 stacks EVERY single day and selling EVERY single stack for 50 gold. 9,000 stacks x 50 gold is 450,000 gold per day by 30 days 13 million 500,000 gold. He personally claims to sell all of his gold, on a daily basis by the way, through guild banks to private buyers (I believe private rather than website) and as such, gold prices are usually a bit better, you can get around a dollar per thousand in some cases but it is much more likely that in the amount he is selling with the regularity that he is selling it that he is getting closer to fifty or sixty cents per thousand on playerauctions. For sake of argument lets assume it's seventy five cents. 13,500,000 / 1000 x 0.75 is $10,125.

$10,125. This estimation is using the claims of the poster, not my own, and assigning arbitrary but VERY generous values to his numbers for sake of reference.

He is not making $14,000 per month, it's possible that he had that much money in his paypal once after 6 to 8 weeks of good sales ASSUMING he isn't half full of shit to begin with. The point is, people like this insult a community in an ironic poorly worded fashion, making ignorant posts about "how not to be banned" based on some superior and unsubstantiated method. To his detriment, he then makes wild claims that are completely irrelevant his point as well as clearly false based on his own numbers, that is, unless he is making 50 gold for every stack of every type of unit and selling it for a dollar per thousand for every thousand at max capacity every day all day all year. Wouldn't consider paying much attention to people that do this type of shit.
Wouldn't consider paying attention to him, but you type a full length economic discussion about his prospects. Ill take what the OP said into consideration and I agree, the winds have definitely changed.
A full length economic discussion? That took me 3 minutes to type at most. And involves basic math. But alright.
A full length economic discussion? That took me 3 minutes to type at most. And involves basic math. But alright.

While I dont wanna get offtopic some people buy alot of gold. I have a guy on a medium population server that has bought over 5M gold from me since mop came out at 90c per mill. I dont think his numbers are that off. Not to mention the amount of stuff your missing from items such as golden lotus? Figure at 50g a lotus he needs 2100 golden lotus per day running 40 accounts is only 55 or so lotus a day which is easily done and thats an extra 100 bucks a day which is 3000 a month to makeup that shortfall your talking about.
I am wondering what kind of setup OP used. I'm sorry to hear of your loss and that a lot of the "tinfoil hatting" is becoming more true. I love HB but I mean, you wrote your own private profiles and did everything I would consider right (with the exception of using multiple machines behind different IPs which you might have done anyway!) and still lost everything.

I don't want to stop using HB but I also want to stop reopening multiple accounts :( If you could post your setup that'd be pretty cool, I always like to read what people are using!
I have no idea on the veracity of the OP"s claims, but running 40 gathering bots a day and claiming 14k/mo income isn't that farfetched if you assume you can get 1$/hour from a bot, run every bot 12 hours a day...I would imagine there are folks with the needed time and skills to set up very, very large farms who made far more than this. If I was making that kind of cash botting, I would be paranoid about posting anywhere except in vague terms and with a special ***** IP just for posting. (edit - someone mentioned golden lotus, which was the shortfall in the attempt to tear down op's math).

On the negative side, when someone comes in with big claims and then goes out of their way to insult the intelligence of everyone they are posting to by claiming for their system to be too complicated (this is wow, not RL, there are only so many possible transactions/obfuscations/tricks you can pull), it does make one doubt every single number in the claim we are too stupid to understand in the first place.

To the OP - how many mac addresses, IP's, virtual private network(s) if any used?
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I agree golden lotus was the "short coming" of my induction. Considering the generosity of the values assigned in the example math I gave I believe it's irrelevant. Even at 50g for every stack he is at $10k based on his own max capacity of farming. Golden lotus won't make up for the missing total, even at $1 per thousand making real gold/stack, probably closer to an average of 35-40 gold max rather than 50, $14k is simply illogical.
I agree golden lotus was the "short coming" of my induction. Considering the generosity of the values assigned in the example math I gave I believe it's irrelevant. Even at 50g for every stack he is at $10k based on his own max capacity of farming. Golden lotus won't make up for the missing total, even at $1 per thousand making real gold/stack, probably closer to an average of 35-40 gold max rather than 50, $14k is simply illogical.

To be honest I was unsure how he even could count the number of stacks he processed daily. Perhaps there is an addon that does this transparently, but who is going to keep up with it across 40 accounts? I wondered if that number was just an out-of-the-hat guess.

My experience with a gold rate around 65c/1000 was about 1$ an hour, approximately. You can see how just sliding the gold rate even 10%, or moving the botted hours 10% per account up or down, can really give you a wide range of numbers. 14k$ is within that range. Once again, the OP has a system we are too stupid to understand, of course.
My system is not to confusing for you to understand, it's that i don't do well in large crowds. Nor do i appreciate being questioned by people who are evidently just jelly.

13 Bot Pc's ($350 Builds AMD/MiniITX/8gb/ Varies on clients per machine)
7 Afk Bot pc's (Vital for Xrealm Farming as im Based on high pop servers i send my bots to LP realms)
5 Clean PCS (Guild Banks/Main)
1 Dirty PC (Gold/Mounts/TCL)
Interlaced C++ Client to manage connections, Spiders the Data from GB logs Counting stacks and sending info the the central server and sends data to a spread sheet.
Central server Controls everything, timers npm, xrealm(Much like ARrelog)

I honestly don't care for your judgement. Theres alot more to it than this, if you want to know more ill answer questions via pm.

Also I'm $100000 richer than you Mr.Judgement.

Excuse the English, I'm French Canadian. (Living in Florida)
My system is not to confusing for you to understand, it's that i don't do well in large crowds. Nor do i appreciate being questioned by people who are evidently just jelly.

13 Bot Pc's ($350 Builds AMD/MiniITX/8gb/ Varies on clients per machine)
7 Afk Bot pc's (Vital for Xrealm Farming as im Based on high pop servers i send my bots to LP realms)
5 Clean PCS (Guild Banks/Main)
1 Dirty PC (Gold/Mounts/TCL)
Interlaced C++ Client to manage connections, Spiders the Data from GB logs Counting stacks and sending info the the central server and sends data to a spread sheet.
Central server Controls everything, timers npm, xrealm(Much like ARrelog)

I honestly don't care for your judgement. Theres alot more to it than this, if you want to know more ill answer questions via pm.

Also I'm $100000 richer than you Mr.Judgement.

Excuse the English, I'm French Canadian. (Living in Florida)

I figure there are folks/groups doing this on this level of hardware integration, but literally 10x as big. Once you can set it up, it is just a matter of having the human hours to deal with whatever is needed. got to be groups doing this on hundreds of eu and us realms. the next level beyond this, of course is writing your own bot, and I assume that is done as well.

When you stop to consider that you can get paypal'ed for literally thousands of dollars instantly from reputable market makers on countless realms, it is clear that this is a huge dollar market - presumably in the millions of dollars per day eu/na.

the worrisome thing is that all kinds of farmers are getting banned this month, from systems like the above to toons that are literally only reaching 90 and farming mop zones a few hours before ban.
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Writing a bot is like fine wine. It's great for the nostalgia, but it's a royal pain in the ass.
And yes, how does one think the Asians acquire so much gold? My system was built on a private bot in TBC, this is not my first rodeo, and it will not be my last.
My numbers add up. Golden Lotus, Crafting (Cost of Harmony/Epics/Gems) I didn't go into detail to save you all from my inner ramblings.
I'm a single male, 26 years old with no ambition in life other than to make money without having to leave the safe space of my converted 1 bedroom condo battle station.

$14000 was an average.
Ive made 16+, I've made 8 In fact, there was a month last year where i lost money, Machines ain't cheap.


Blizzard have certainly upeed there game, but consider this, Subs are down we are at a low point in the expansion. GM's have more time on there hands, thus more time to ban you.
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Writing a bot is like fine wine. It's great for the nostalgia, but it's a royal pain in the ass.
And yes, how does one think the Asians acquire so much gold? My system was built on a private bot in TBC, this is not my first rodeo, and it will not be my last.
My numbers add up. Golden Lotus, Crafting (Cost of Harmony/Epics/Gems) I didn't go into detail to save you all from my inner ramblings.
I'm a single male, 26 years old with no ambition in life other than to make money without having to leave the safe space of my converted 1 bedroom condo battle station.

$14000 was an average.
Ive made 16+, I've made 8.

I think I was clear that your numbers added up in every post. Other folks have issues with it maybe. 1$/hour per farming bot in mop zones is perfectly doable at a 65c/1k rate.

Did you consider going bigger or integrating EU realms also? the hardware would be trivial, was it a time issue or something else relevant to the business itself?
I couldn't handle bigger. This was enough for me to live on, any more would be greedy.
Time wasn't a factor, as the majority of it i was in the same room, doing what i love to do writing code and or whooping some ass on my Xbox, or sleeping. (Lack of social life empowers you, don't let your parents say anything different)

I had my Paypal Limited monthly, it was stress full, i eventually started accepting Bitcoin/Dwolla and liberty Reserve.
You also have to consider your Utility Bill. In Florida, with my Air Con 24/7 and then on top of that 30 Machines (Xbox + pcs) It becomes expensive.
Intermittent down time due to elements not in your power, weather, power cuts are all very stressful, i went as far as running a 800$ Generator.
Then there's the Bastards who attempt to steal gold from you by reversing paypal transactions, or other methods, you can guarantee i lost 20k a month.

So, it's not as cut dry as "Hey i do bot stuff and make money yo!"
I like this guy. You are basically living the dream I want to make for myself yet I keep getting set back with bans and have to start from scratch leveling, ugh.

Kudos to you, guy! You really should be proud of yourself as making that kind of dosh doing something so simple is really something to gloat about. Hell i was making a few thousand a month and felt cool, you're making triple what I was!

Keep doing what you're doing
So you joined date is 3 days ago and you've already been banned on 40 accounts?

Well reading this post makes me think that ppl are arrogant why would u not think that this person makes 14k, there are many MANY ppl living of selling stuff in Wow. This is their way of getting money in RL. They start small and see that they can make money on something they are good at. Expanding and earn more money. Oc there are a risk in doing this cus it's not safe, even how careful they are. But they trying to be as careful as they can cus this is their JOB. This is how they makes a living. So eider are u silly "kids" wiring comments on this forum or just ignorant that this are realy happening. We are all here to try to help eatch other out that we don't get caught by Blizzard. Damn i get frustrated by u ppl...........................................