QuakeCanada said:
Thanks a million for honorbuddy!!! (btw, honorbuddy means a honor grinding bot .....)
"Honorbuddy" is a marketing term, nothing more. It is not a list of requirements or feature priorities for a bot.
please link the gear that you can use in HM fp's that you get from questing and space missions .. because you can run HM fp's in BM/WH gear
ANY of the social gear filled with the rewards from doing dailies makes you HM/Ops ready. The armor you can buy from the Mission Supply vendors with normal daily tokens is just fine to get started. Done it this way many, many times. Its also the quickest path to Ops that I have discovered.
The BHtoken gear is the best in the game, at the moment--this includes Ops drops. So, thinking you need BHtoken gear to do ops is incorrect. If you have BHtoken gear, you wouldn't be doing Ops at all, because it would be a downgrade. This is also why the BHtokens are only awarded at a few-per-week, as they discourage participation in HMs & Ops.
Playing in Ops/Raids with a PvP-geared player is simply miserable. He doesn't carry his load, and makes excuses. He may think he's 'uber' in PvE, but trust me, his peers don't. They usually consider him to be a friend otherwise he wouldn't be in the raid, and they are too polite to say anything about the underperformance.
in2fun said:
Also once you start botting pvp you will get more player reports. Most people dont care if they see bot farmin, but mess with there pvp ohh no look out. Flame war.
^This^ is a universal truth of every MMO I've every played for the last 13 years. PvPers are the [strikethrough]biggest babies and whiners[/strikethrough] most vocal in the playerbase. "The other guy" always has an unfair advantage, "The other guy", "report this guy", "noobs", "unfair", "bot doesn't do". Its all just loud vocalization that many of us do not agree with.
Not to be a troll or flamebait, but there are plenty of dissenting opinions. Most of the time, we just remain quiet while the squeaky wheels do their thing.
The BWdev team has set their priorities for a reason--what they believe will maximize their revenue stream. In most botting products, the
vast majority of the revenue stream comes from farmer-types. These people buy dozens of bot copies, and frequently need to level new accounts as the old ones get suspended. So, priorities are usually given to features that speed leveling and daily interaction within a PvE environment.
Your pleadings are fair to state your position, but expect rebuttals from those that disagree.