I feel as if this CC is completely broken. I kind of wish I didn't get the elite version because purerotation right now does a better job.
Hey Millz,
There is the Immolate Bug again, castin 3 times in a row immolate on a boss while whoosholay is proccing and while on 5 embers.. like affli dot refreshment..
Log attached... the end of the log is important and shows that...big dps loss i think
best regards
Added another log with the same problem but even worse in tot... 5-6 time casting immolate while trinket proc and 5 embers... amazing dps log...
Is there anyway to ake this CC to soulstone self for grinding purposes?
Not sure why the routine is casting fel flame when moving when I have the kunning talent. It should be casting incinerate never Fel flame (except totems)
I feel as if this CC is completely broken. I kind of wish I didn't get the elite version because purerotation right now does a better job.
View attachment 105210
can you add that in? I feel like I miss a lot of buffed CBs because it first uses incinerate till backdraft stacks<3
I have been running a lot off RBGs and wanted to see if people are running affliction or destro. I have been been destroying it as affliction, but I was wondering if anyone like the other two specs for RBGs?
Millz i can't get the "Release chaos bolt" setting to work... i want it to fire @ 2.4 couse of my high Haste... Is this going to be fixed in "part.2" release? and is there any E.T.A on it?
I'm doomed with registering and geting acces to the SVN Repository.....
I Don't get this
Need more detail info on how to get access and registration at assembla.com
I'll reply to your PM now.
Demo for example: cr cast all cd, switch to meta and spam touch of chaos to shutdown your target. In this moment cr ignore multidot, doom refresh and maybe fear and over crowd controlhey millz, love your premium cc, as for the toggle burst function, is it supposed to control the cast of dark soul ? cuz i have mine turned off and it's still using it, and if so, could please explain the burst function in the cc, thanks.
I feel as if this CC is completely broken. I kind of wish I didn't get the elite version because purerotation right now does a better job.
I'm the first to admit when something isn't working right. I'm also probably more critical of my own code than any of you lot are - which is why I spend so many hours trying to perfect it.
Bit of good news though, my copy of affliction is working much nicer. Keeping DoTs up on all targets and sitting at 3 shards - so not blowing them all anymore. Busy tuning it now to make it use more shards (because there's no point stock piling them this much!). Hoping to have an update out within the next 30mins to an hour. It's doing about 20-30k more DPS AoE than it was before.
Really nice to hear !
Is then the destro fixxes included?