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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Hi yesterday I are long time my sorcerer brought out of the closet and wanted to CC test times. I use the German version of HB Lazyraider. 've Started CC bot and selected on the first mob cast but unfortunately nothing happens. He casts zero zero coma, just stands there and waits for death.

Has a the same problems.

Log will be submitted as soon as I'm home today.
Would like another feature for fears. If multiple cool downs are popped around you pop Dark Soul so we can fear faster >.> (This is for Affliction Locks. EX: If 3 people pop CD's pop Dark Soul to Counter them >.>)

Also I would like a Chat Emote in game so I can read it and say who I am fearing instead have an annoying addon. (and what CD i'm cc'ing them for... That way I can call for follow CCs while casting.)

Also Shadow Fury should check for immunities before casting. I see it trying to stun rogues in cloak.

Fear -> Hmm maybe, lot of aura scanning for little benefit imo.

Chat -> Could do, not sure when - may do it today if I get time.

Shadowfury -> I'll check it out.


can you pleeeaaaaaseeee add General nazgrims defensive stance to the do not damage list? That would be very very nice :)

lol, okay. Will do.

hi millz love the work, ive noticed that imp swarm isnt being used as often as it should can u please add box or seomthing to always use in fight?

It casts once Dark Soul is activated.

after further testing it seems like the routine is ignoring UVLS proc entirely. on multiple occaisons(on pull) CR will put up doom which it normally does but happens to have UVLS proc before it does. once that doom is down sub 45 it overwrites doom with a fresh full length doom reguardless of UVLS proc or not. on the other hand it does try to put up doom once existing doom hits 30-45 seconds to refresh will full pandemic and occaisonally yes it does catch a UVLS in that timeframe but it feels too.... random. i could be completely wrong but it feels like it doesnt even recognize UVLS has procced and is better than a non uvls doom to overwrite it. please let me know what you find.

Post a log file please

Hi Millz,

I use the Premium version and i have a problem. sorry when this is a bot issue. When my toon die the bot dont release the corpse but when i use Singular the bot will do realease the corpse. I dont know frome where this issue come :-(

but so i cant use this cc to farm

The routine doesn't hook DeathBehavior at all, so it's the bot that's not releasing. Not an issue with the routine.
Also does this use Symbiosis?

No, I'll add it.

Yeah, that's a pretty big nerf for Demo. It's probably to make people move to the new tier of gear and not need to hold onto the UVLS.

at 535 illvl whats the stat priority for affliction?

Hiidan posted it a couple of pages back... Hit -> Haste (9.3k?) -> Mastery -> Haste I believe.

Using the questing bot base, the bot will target mobs, but will not begin it's rotation on its own. I made sure I cleared cache and had routine in routine folder by itself. I've run out of ideas.

Which version? Free/Premium?

Hi yesterday I are long time my sorcerer brought out of the closet and wanted to CC test times. I use the German version of HB Lazyraider. 've Started CC bot and selected on the first mob cast but unfortunately nothing happens. He casts zero zero coma, just stands there and waits for death.

Has a the same problems.

Log will be submitted as soon as I'm home today.

Sorry not sure what you mean, will need a log file. Just to check - you need to cast the first spell/get in combat to activate Lazy Raider.
Hi Millz, I make the first cast manually and lazy should make more then anything, just nothing happens. The char just stands there and makes if at all Autohit.
can someone tell me how premium version performs as affliction in raids? I think i came to the point where im gonna buy it :)

Im honestly pretty skeptical at the moment my 530 warlock only pulls 100-110k (hit > haste > mastery > crit) on the target dummy single target (150K aoe rotation) and when I switch back to destruction (hit > crit > haste > mastery) I do 140K+ just single target no aoe.

I just dont think affliction is for me I tried but its just not workin out. And with the recent demonology nerf not sure I want to try that either. Noxic still hasn't updated their dps calculations but Im pretty sure destruction is on the top still no doubt. I think its really gear dependent and maybe with the new tier sets the others ones are better idk.
Hi Millz, I make the first cast manually and lazy should make more then anything, just nothing happens. The char just stands there and makes if at all Autohit.

Yeah need the log file for that one.

Im honestly pretty skeptical at the moment my 530 warlock only pulls 100-110k (hit > haste > mastery > crit) on the target dummy single target (150K aoe rotation) and when I switch back to destruction (hit > crit > haste > mastery) I do 140K+ just single target no aoe.

I just dont think affliction is for me I tried but its just not workin out. And with the recent demonology nerf not sure I want to try that either. Noxic still hasn't updated their dps calculations but Im pretty sure destruction is on the top still no doubt. I think its really gear dependent and maybe with the new tier sets the others ones are better idk.

The problem with affliction is there's no *good* guides yet. It's been changed that much recently people are having to re-learn all the tricks etc. It should get there eventually - maybe need to write my own SimulationCraft profile, but Destro is a very safe spec.
Yeah need the log file for that one.

The problem with affliction is there's no *good* guides yet. It's been changed that much recently people are having to re-learn all the tricks etc. It should get there eventually - maybe need to write my own SimulationCraft profile, but Destro is a very safe spec.

for pvp, especially arenas, a dotlock puts a lot more pressure than a destro :)
destro isn't bad at all, but affli is just... like 120% :)

for pve affli scales exponential with gear; the difference between 500 and 540 will be smaller than 540 to 550 ^_^ (relative)
Hi Millz, I make the first cast manually and lazy should make more then anything, just nothing happens. The char just stands there and makes if at all Autohit.
Thats an amazing invisible log-file you just posted there ^^

No seriously, post a logfile or Millz is gonna have to guess what your problem might be which may take more time than necessary.
i'm again with bugs :D switched to destro spec after nerf demo. Looks like CR ignoring setting 3.1 ember for chaos bolt. I know, this setting is ignored then i got trinkets proc or Jade Spirit. but CR ignoring this always, casting chaos bolt with meta gem or without a procs at 1.8 ember. so, if i set DS to 2 ember - CR didn't cast DS :D
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9xze13ssiqkjr0a/6792 2013-09-24 13.49.txt

I've updated the conditions to match the latest SimCraft ones;


It also has no conditions on Dark Soul;


So suggest changing that to cast on Boss/Player, with minimum embers = 0 or 1.
Maybe u could make an update to the presets sometime, for the new users :-)

edit: still uses CB without any trinketprocs under 3.5 ember...

maybe a problem with caching auras for to long? Or casting CB on wrong auras... seems like tempus rapid is up most of the time I see the CR cast CB. But it should only cast on large int or crit procs. (and jadespirit should be exclueded, since its nowhere near a "large" proc, with 20k int procs from trinkets ;-P , in example: if a use CB on breath of the hydra (nhc 0/2 upgrades) proc instead of Jadespirit it does 70k more dmg, and with more crit/mastery the gap is even bigger)

Just wanted to say I love your CR! Just got both of them yesterday, and this question really applies to both of your CR's.

So lets say I want to PVP with your CR AFK. This is what I setup

1. Launch HB
2. Select your CR
3. Only plugin enabled is Phelon PVP suite
4. Phelons PVP suit has TARGETING enabled, and turned OFF his movement.
5. Now I load your CR setting window, and select PVP followed by hitting quickload
6. Since the PVP profile in your CC turns off movement, and targeting I make sure movement is checked but leave targeting turned off since Phelons plugin will handle that.

My question to you is your talk about AFK/Questing bot base with donator versions, and just want to make sure I'm setting this up as how you would?

Thanks and look forward to your feedback.

Just wanted to say I love your CR! Just got both of them yesterday, and this question really applies to both of your CR's.

So lets say I want to PVP with your CR AFK. This is what I setup

1. Launch HB
2. Select your CR
3. Only plugin enabled is Phelon PVP suite
4. Phelons PVP suit has TARGETING enabled, and turned OFF his movement.
5. Now I load your CR setting window, and select PVP followed by hitting quickload
6. Since the PVP profile in your CC turns off movement, and targeting I make sure movement is checked but leave targeting turned off since Phelons plugin will handle that.

My question to you is your talk about AFK/Questing bot base with donator versions, and just want to make sure I'm setting this up as how you would?

Thanks and look forward to your feedback.

You only want Targeting/Movement enabled in 1 'place' - that being a plugin, a bot base, or the routine. Not sure about BGBuddy, but I know BG Bot has its own targeting (which cant be disabled) so you need to disable targeting in the routine and plugins. It doesn't have movement though I believe. With BG Bot, I only use the routine, and enable movement/facing - targeting disabled. I use a slightly modified version of the PvP profile with this.

For Questing - I use the Questing profile.
Just did a test on the Dummies with Affliction spec. Was 40 million dmg done and 81,467 dps. I am 506 ilvl. Newest private CR.
Affliction spec isnt casting malefic grasp, but im still managing 140k dps, i528 warlock.