Millz --
My lock is primarily geared for Destruction (high crit and hit, etc), so I decided to go with my off spec of Affliction this patch. So, since I had no Affliction gear (haste/mastery, etc) I decided to do some LFRs for gear, and use some pieces from Timeless Isle, to start building a set. Maybe I just don't have the right talents chosen, but as of right now I'm reforged/enchanted (cheap enchants suggested by AMR)/gemmed for Affliction. I use your raid presets. My DPS was quite low. I was running about 56-60k DPS with iL484 (equipped). Is this normal? I'll post up a masked armory. Just keep in mind I'm still geared mainly for Destruction, I'm sure.
I know gear is an issue right now, since I'm not anywhere near the 9k+ haste breakpoint, and I'm not using top-of-the-line enchants. I don't have an epic meta. I'm missing BiS trinkets and all that. I was just wondering if my DPS should be that low in what I'm in right now.