First, Thanks for this amazing CR. It works great and is doing very well on raid/dungeons. here my comments below:
I can confirm it casts Immolate on havoc target (no shadowburn). Also, I might be wrong but I would like to suggest several tunings that could help.
1- When you Havoc without talent, you only have 8 seconds to cleave as much as possible. However, if it needs to refresh immolate or apply it to a new target (let's say an add), it will prioritize this other spamming chaos bolt and result in a massive dps lose. Can you change the priorities when havoc is on and no talent?
2- At pull it casts doomguard and imp before Immolate, I think Immolate first is better.
3- It is not worth casting Immolate on low health adds (like Xavius adds) as they die so quickly it wastes a lot of gcd. It should have a "burst" rotation to use on low health adds who are most likely to die within 10 sec or less.
Also, I may have the wrong settings but currently the bot will automatically attack when I target an enemy even out of combat. Is it possible to start it manually or to activate it only on combat? Also it tries to attack when I target a friendly unit, again is it something that can be changed in settings?