Hey Millz,
just a short Question, how is AOE Logic for CB ? It seems that i loose much DPS on fights with many Mobgroups like Hellfire, Iscar, Kormrok Hands and so on, the Routine cast Immolate,Incinerate and after this CB, its a big dps loose, is there a oppurtunity to chance this ? Or maybe i am doing something wrong in the settings.
Thanks for ur help.
just a short Question, how is AOE Logic for CB ? It seems that i loose much DPS on fights with many Mobgroups like Hellfire, Iscar, Kormrok Hands and so on, the Routine cast Immolate,Incinerate and after this CB, its a big dps loose, is there a oppurtunity to chance this ? Or maybe i am doing something wrong in the settings.
Thanks for ur help.