Hey guys,
As promised I will share my setting on the three different setting I am going with.
My current stats:
As you all can see I am geared for destro with mainly Crit, but also a heavy amount of Mastery + Multistrike. I am currently alternating between theese two specs:
When it comes to Glyphs I am actively rotating to suit the fight better. At the moment I am using:
Glyph of Havoc *Very good to have on multi boss fights where you dont have to Havoc + CB every 20th second*
Glyph of Conflagerate *Always using it on add bosses*
Glyph of Healtstone *Might be good to have if the healers need some extra help*
Glyph of Siphon Life *Usually got this as standard*
Glyph of Demon Training *This only apply if no interrupt is needed and I can use my Imp as pet*
Glyph of Unending Resolve *Good for minor, but more frequently damage soaking*
Glyph of Strengthened Resolve *Optional if you are soaking major damage*
Glyph of Soulstone *Always good to have if you don't have anything else to fill the spot with*
My current settings for my destruction specs:
Since I am geared for Destruction I havent had the chance to see how much dps I can pull in fully optimized Demonology gear, but I am still using Demonoly on some fights. I am doing good thinking about my stats. I am usually running theese talents for my Demo spec:
The glyphs I am using for Demonology doesnt change as much as it does with Destruction, but this is what I am using:
Glyph of Dark Soul *Still bugged on the client side of WoW, but still good. Hoping for a fix soon*
Glyph of Imp Swarm *Optional for Imps on demand*
Glyph of Unending Resolve *Good for minor, but more frequently damage soaking*
Glyph of Strengthened Resolve *Optional if you are soaking major damage*
Glyph of Soulstone *Always good to have if you don't have anything else to fill the spot with*
Minor Glyphs:
Glyph of Falling Meteor *Good to have if the encounter includes alot of falling/air time*
Glyph of Hand of Gul'dan *For placing HoG on the ground*
My Demonoly settings (will still do some tweaking):
This is just some guidelines for the settings and I strongly reccomend you to change the Hotkeys to suit your needs as I am using a Orbweaver + Naga when I am playing. Also remember that the settings alone wont get you top dps. The most important thing for miximizing will be positioning and targeting the right mobs at the right time. Try to reduce you movement time with smart placement and plan your movement with the use of hotkeys for Cooldowns etc.
I will write a full guide for Highmaul when I get the chance to get my feets a little wetter. In the guide it will be reccomended spec + glyphs for every fight.