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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

I am having a problem where the routine enter Metamorphis before he have enough fury for 2xDemonbolt and 1xDoom. This leads to that the routine will need to exit Meta, build up fury to enter then cast doom and then exit again. Is this intended or is it a known bug?
Trying again. Known bug or something I wilø need to upload log for as soon as I get home?
Hi Millz,

any chance to implement a logic for BRF for the Boss Franzok ? He casts also a interrupting shout as Pol on the twin ogron fight:

Disrupting Roar: Disrupting Roar is an ability that Franzok regularly uses throughout the fight. It interrupts the spell casting of all raid members, provided that they are in the process of casting a spell when Disrupting Roar is used. The ability has a cast time, which is lower the less health Franzok has, due to the Pumped Up ability.

Disrupting Roar - Spell - World of Warcraft

Yeah I'll get this sorted. Cheers.

Trying again. Known bug or something I wilø need to upload log for as soon as I get home?

I replied on Skype :)
hey kink would you be able to do what you did with Highmaul in terms of recommended specs and settings for the new raid Blackrock Foundry
T17 Demonic Guide​

Guide is subject to updates as blackrock foundry comes out and things change.

Reading is a sport and patience is a virtue. The raid just came out today. Give it some time!
Is there a way or can there be a way to disable the use of Hellfire? I'd like to avoid using it unless absolutely necessary ... I don't want to look suspicious just randomly hellfire'ing around nothing. :)
Is there a way or can there be a way to disable the use of Hellfire? I'd like to avoid using it unless absolutely necessary ... I don't want to look suspicious just randomly hellfire'ing around nothing. :)
Increase "High Unit AoE Count" value to 100 under "AoE Controls" section of "Demonology" tab. Because you won't have 100 mobs around you anytime it shouldn't cast Hellfire.
Is there a way or can there be a way to disable the use of Hellfire? I'd like to avoid using it unless absolutely necessary ... I don't want to look suspicious just randomly hellfire'ing around nothing. :)

It should only be casting hellfire when the number of units it would hit goes over the high aoe unit count value :)

Doh. Beaten to the answer by Becy :(
Hi Millz. It is possible to change a little bit the demo/cata logic ? Actually the cr uses cata in meta and on cd if put so but can you change it so that the cr waits always for a ds and than nukes a cata out ? The same logic as with demonbolt.

Actually every lock plays cata on heavy aoe fights and cata scales really good with ds up. Is this possible ?
Hey Millz, I don't have logs right now for this but will work on trying to get some for you the next raid, but it appears the CR keeps making the decision of burning soulfire instead of demon bolt at < 20% of boss HP. I think this has something to do with molten core stacks, like the priority seems to be to burn molten core stacks BEFORE going into demo if the number is higher then you set. The problem is that in execution range the # of stacks never goes down. I have resorted to manually removing the molten core buff in order to get it to go into meta and cast demon bolt. I never noticed this up until maybe 4-5 days ago but seems to be happening more and more.

Like I said, will try to get you a log after tomorrow nights raid.
Oh also, I got put into the second farm group instead of the first to help with DPS so only got my 2 piece last night, should have the 4 piece thursday so let me know what you need help with as far as testing the 4 piece bonus :) You have my skype from before if you want to chat there about it.
In BRF in "The Blast Furnace" encounter, the cr is casting dots on Primal Elementalists which have immunity shield. It can be checked not to waste casts on them.
Something is really strange since the last update. Demo feels really worse with the update. Sometimes he casts 2 demonbolts at the opener sometimes not. Sometimes it go into meta with 400 fury and uses ds all of a sudden and casts 1 demonbolt and so on. Sometimes it goes into meta at the opener to cast doom on the target and than switches out of meta waisting CDs and so on. Also what I have watched is that the cancel cast value don´t work. In Highmaul the cr go into meta at 850 and if ds wasn´t rdy it spend fury till 750 fury and then builds fury to 850 and so on. Actually it reaches 850 and if ds isn´t rdy it still goes into meta and nukes 4 demonbolts so I finished wit zero fury and some seconds later ds is rdy and I am waisting dps because I haven´t enough fury.

Here is the log:


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not sure if its poor CR mechanics or if warlocks are just terribad. im ilvl 665 and barely doing great dps as demo / aff . Myabe some of you could share your settings so i can tweak mine and see if it gets any better .
Increase "High Unit AoE Count" value to 100 under "AoE Controls" section of "Demonology" tab. Because you won't have 100 mobs around you anytime it shouldn't cast Hellfire.

Thank you both for the answer! I wasn't sure about the higher number. :) Great!
Hi Millz. It is possible to change a little bit the demo/cata logic ? Actually the cr uses cata in meta and on cd if put so but can you change it so that the cr waits always for a ds and than nukes a cata out ? The same logic as with demonbolt.

Actually every lock plays cata on heavy aoe fights and cata scales really good with ds up. Is this possible ?

The cooldowns wouldn't sync up properly if I did this (unless glyphed for dark soul). I'll take a look at making it work with the glyph.

Hey Millz, I don't have logs right now for this but will work on trying to get some for you the next raid, but it appears the CR keeps making the decision of burning soulfire instead of demon bolt at < 20% of boss HP. I think this has something to do with molten core stacks, like the priority seems to be to burn molten core stacks BEFORE going into demo if the number is higher then you set. The problem is that in execution range the # of stacks never goes down. I have resorted to manually removing the molten core buff in order to get it to go into meta and cast demon bolt. I never noticed this up until maybe 4-5 days ago but seems to be happening more and more.

Like I said, will try to get you a log after tomorrow nights raid.

Hmm would need a log. Demonbolt's priority is higher than Soul Fire.

In BRF in "The Blast Furnace" encounter, the cr is casting dots on Primal Elementalists which have immunity shield. It can be checked not to waste casts on them.

Should be resolved in latest build that's already approved. Fixed a few BRF issues.

Something is really strange since the last update. Demo feels really worse with the update. Sometimes he casts 2 demonbolts at the opener sometimes not. Sometimes it go into meta with 400 fury and uses ds all of a sudden and casts 1 demonbolt and so on. Sometimes it goes into meta at the opener to cast doom on the target and than switches out of meta waisting CDs and so on. Also what I have watched is that the cancel cast value don´t work. In Highmaul the cr go into meta at 850 and if ds wasn´t rdy it spend fury till 750 fury and then builds fury to 850 and so on. Actually it reaches 850 and if ds isn´t rdy it still goes into meta and nukes 4 demonbolts so I finished wit zero fury and some seconds later ds is rdy and I am waisting dps because I haven´t enough fury.

Here is the log:

Can't see any issues in that log file. Dark Soul is always being used before Demonbolt. Using 2 in the openers etc.

not sure if its poor CR mechanics or if warlocks are just terribad. im ilvl 665 and barely doing great dps as demo / aff . Myabe some of you could share your settings so i can tweak mine and see if it gets any better .

Check out Kink's guide. Link to it in first post of this thread.
Did someone experienced any No Line of Sight and in fact casts can be casted issues in Oregorger Encounter? I could not say if HB is working correctly in this boss encounter. These small hills are stupid, i already hate them.
Did someone experienced any No Line of Sight and in fact casts can be casted issues in Oregorger Encounter? I could not say if HB is working correctly in this boss encounter. These small hills are stupid, i already hate them.

I pushed a fix for it last night. Shouldn't be a problem now.