I keep getting this error when pressing class config
Doesnt matter if its pve or pvp i think. Im just loading the bot up when im standing in SW, then the error comes. Im only doing pvp though, if that helps.
Millz, add Jade serpent statue (monks) to do not dot list. statue vulnerable only for phisical attacks
yes, just ignore pets.Thanks. Added. Anymore you can think of?
Trying to find a method to detect which hunter pets after stampede has been cast is the 'real' pet, and which are copies, to ignore casting DoTs on the copies. Think I'll have to just ignore pets when the count is >= 5
yes, just ignore pets.
also i think what CR trying dot shamans totem instead of felflame. but can't say truth because i'm on bg, many ppl and i can't see all. Can you check this?
Yesterday was on arena 2x2 with bad disc priest (my girlfriend) with demo spec. and it rock! hit 1550 with only 3 pvp items on me.
now i want test affliction spec in pvp. Can you explain logic for haunt in pvp? does CR use haunt w/o bursting mode if we have shards? or only with bursting mode or with DS?
and also one more thing for PVE. i don't have UVLS so i'm destro for now. and if i choose Mannaroth - CR don't use fel flame like a fiiler then i'm moving. Don't know about other specs.
Thanks Millz!
oh, forget about one issue. CR don't use healthstone on russian client. with dark regeneration too. Did you need a log file for this?
and also one moreaffliction use SB+SS on DK with antimagic shield and burn all shardes for this (DK invulnerable for dots with this save).
i mean ignore pets then hunter have 4+ and also ignore imps from demolockCan't ignore all pets, we need to dot them. DoTing a hunters pet as affliction is excellent pressure for the opposing teams healer, and can severely hurt a hunter if you manage to kill it - especially beast master hunters. I'll figure a way to do it, but will have to do it when I'm home.
i mean ignore pets then hunter have 4+ and also ignore imps from demolocki don't think what need waste shards for this. mb corruption manually.
thx for changes Millz!
is the non payed version still using fear in pve rotaiton?
one moment for affliction, Millz. CR still use SB-Unstable-SS for one target. it's in pvp, didn't test pve
and trying to kill mage/druid in iceblock: dot, pet..
ok, i'll update all then you done with today fixes. thx.Ice Block is on the do not damage list, so not sure what's going on there.
I've fixed the SB/SS issue in this version I have, noticed it last night.
I know you have put in presets for pve and pvp. My question is, do you think any of the pvp features you are implementing will effect the performance in a pve raiding environment?