i tried the free version for an hour or so on my lvl 97 lock while questing, and i noticed 2 things
1. the CR doesnt always loot the corpses
2. it has problems stopping the Burning Rush ability. Sometimes it stops in one place tries to eat but because its takeing damage it gets back up and tries to eat again (all my food was gone). When food is not available it just sits there and burns, i had to manualy stop the burning rush just before it almost died
I had to go back to Singular cr for questing, i`ll try your CR in BG maybe it does better
Gonna need a log prolly. Affliction works great for me.doenst this CR know how to play Affliction ? i tried in BG and it does nothing
Is this something you would consider adding?
Can you add Pause routine while you hold a button ( shift for example)( not toggle like Enyo). I do not wish to pause Enyo i just need to manually cast a spell from time to time.
Thank you for your reply nilrem. I have also tested Affliction but I have to much mastery and crit so affliction doesn´t dominate with my gear. For the firsts fights its ok but demo is to strong with cataclysm on tectus if I look in warcraftlogs. I would like also to test it but with the Settings 650/900 it sucks really hard because I don´t have a burst at the beginning because the cr builds first 900 fury for a long period and than goes into his first burst phase not like the rotation with demonbolt. I have tested it with 150/450 and so on. Is this viable ? What settings are good for a cata build or is here a fix needed from millz to work properly ?
Can you give me a short answer pls Millz ? Thanks in advance
the burning rush thing its realy retarded, who tested it and sayd its ok should shout himself
how do you disable them ?
Can someone help a newb like me. I am running the Paid version of Millz BGfarmer. I keep seeing references to the CR. I have movement turned off in Millz. Where would I turn it off elsewhere, if I want Millz to control movement?
Millz I bought Demonic back in March 2014 lost all my log in info for it. Can you help please?
A bug...
[Casting: Immolate] [On: Me @ 85.4% - 56.7k - 0.0yds] [Id:0] [TTD:999]
[Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Me (?)
[Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Lvl 91 Alliance Warlock's pet
[Casting: Chaos Bolt] [On: Lvl 91 Alliance Warlock's pet (?)
Getting invalid target...
Also When get or finish a quest, npc still target and char walk back to focus npc...
So having the next issue with demo and demonbolt. The burst opener is also really bad with demonbolt as it is with cataclysm. The CR don´t pulls the CDs like DS, Imp Swarm, Racial and so on. As I remember you also have your Rotation informations from guides like icy veins and so on. So icy veins writes that the opener should be like this:
• Pre-Pot
• Hand of Gul'dan
• Corruption
• Shadow Bolt
• Dark Soul: Knowledge + Hand of Gul'dan
• Metamorphosis + Doom
• Demonbolt
• Demonbolt
• Soul Fire until out of Molten Core charges then Touch of Chaos
But the CR uses every part without Dark Soul. This would be really needed for both demonbolt and cataclysm speccs. Actually I need to pop up the CDs by myself at the opener. Here is the log:
Can you also add the usage of Berserk (Troll Racial) with Bloodlust active ? Actually Berserk will be used after Bloodlust is faded. Thanks
Why doesn't Premium use Demonic Circle??
hi millz when i do Dungeon with you routine i have to tab target the mobs self befor it cast can you not make something like tuanha that it automaticly targets the mobs in dungeons once in combat?