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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Hi there Millz. Didn't know if this was already in the works, but I primarily use my Warlock for farming mobs and currently use Destruction. But I noticed when I talent for Demonic Servitude and use the Abyssal it doesn't auto cast/summon.

Could this be because under the Pet tab on Demonic this pet is listed as an Infernal and not as an Abyssal (like it's listed in the in game spellbook)?

Thanks Millz, and as always amazing work.
Can you add a setting to cast soulstone on cooldown,or when not active?
And ,your routines do not interupt enemy casting right? (Insanity and Demonic).
Thank You.
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On rated bg 80% of my dmg was agony. Maybe its because of last tier talent cataclysm. In my opinion its too much. PPle were running without UA and corruption dots. My dmg wasnt good - it was gilneas map when all the time i have big packs of enemies. 80% was agony, rest was cataclysm, pet attack and very little from ua and corruption.

Here is the log
View attachment 2896 2014-12-27 19.02.txt

All talents are fully supported? Which one are best to maximalize dmg on rated bg when i have big packs all the time? (grim of sacrifice? cataclysm?)

Cheers :)
I don't know if you fixed the havoc issue yet but it seemed like Havoc with CBs weren't cast enough, Havoc was being used with incinerate when I had enough embers, or Havoc wasn't even cast and i had 4 embers that were used for CBs especially in the Twin Ogron fight.

View attachment 160269

Haven't pushed the havoc fix yet. Just before the holidays I was fully re-coding Demonic to make it faster. I've fixed a whole load of issues with it, but pushing it now when I'm super busy in real life would be too risky - I just don't have the time to fix stuff at the moment. Service will be restored soon :)!

Just a heads up Millz, when running WoW windowed on a monitor that is not your primary monitor, hotkeys fail to work. Not sure if that's Bot related or CR related :)

Toggle keys are bot related, ability keys are routine related. It seems to work for me though? Which are you having trouble with?

the CR simply wont load any of the setting files, its not syncing properly. maybe a store issue.
Any idea how to fix this?

As per PM - Looks like it's not loading the routine correctly. Try a fresh HB install first of all and see how you get on - post a new log if you still have issues.

Any ETA on the new version? It's been 10 days since the last one.

As above, holiday season, and new build is pretty much a full re-code from scratch. It's too risky to push it now and introduce a whole load of new bugs.

Hi there Millz. Didn't know if this was already in the works, but I primarily use my Warlock for farming mobs and currently use Destruction. But I noticed when I talent for Demonic Servitude and use the Abyssal it doesn't auto cast/summon.

Could this be because under the Pet tab on Demonic this pet is listed as an Infernal and not as an Abyssal (like it's listed in the in game spellbook)?

Thanks Millz, and as always amazing work.

Hmm I've changed a load of summoning stuff in new build. I'll check it over and fix it before I push the new one.
Can you add a setting to cast soulstone on cooldown,or when not active?
And ,your routines do not interupt enemy casting right? (Insanity and Demonic).
Thank You.

Not adding soulstone, there isn't much use to automated soul stone on self.

They do silence enemies when using a pet that can silence (observer/felhunter/doomguard).


On rated bg 80% of my dmg was agony. Maybe its because of last tier talent cataclysm. In my opinion its too much. PPle were running without UA and corruption dots. My dmg wasnt good - it was gilneas map when all the time i have big packs of enemies. 80% was agony, rest was cataclysm, pet attack and very little from ua and corruption.

Here is the log
View attachment 160757

All talents are fully supported? Which one are best to maximalize dmg on rated bg when i have big packs all the time? (grim of sacrifice? cataclysm?)

Cheers :)

There is a lot more Agony casts than UA/Corr (287 vs 140 and 120 respectively), but Agony is high priority to keep the 10 stacks rolling. There's been a few casts of SB:SoC too which spreads corruption.

I'm adding SB:Soul Swap back into the next build which can be setup to apply all dots when we've got X number of shards.
Thanks for reply :)
On rated bg main task of warlock is not only dealing dmg but keep as much UA as possible to make things harder for dispellers. Many times especially with boomer and spriest its most important to keep ua.
I know its useless in pve, and in stricly dmg point of view :)
In my recount it was like 3k ticks of agony and 200ticks of ua :)
Could we get an option to remove Cataclysm from rotation? similar to shadowfury. Where it only casts on 3+ adds type of thing?

CR isnt working with Anti-Lag Option #1 Enabled.

Never happened to me before, I disabled it and it was running again... weird.

Maybe it's happening to someone else?
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Could we get an option to remove Cataclysm from rotation? similar to shadowfury. Where it only casts on 3+ adds type of thing?


That would be one of the best implements ever made. If you put a hotkey or a drop down list to modify the usage of cataclysm for all speccs would be very nice. For a drop down menu implements such as "when meta up" or "on cd" or "x adds" and so on would be good.

Could you also implement an option for the racials to be triggered when dark soul is up such the same option which is used for trinkets.

One other question. Does the cr recongnize the aspect of the Fox when active ? I have watched that when a cast was started and fox is up the cast would be finished. But if you start walking before fox is up and someone starts it the cr won´t start casting. Any implements intended ?
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So I bought this profile, my question is if I'm able to do the proving grounds with it, if yes, how?
Awesome custom class.

But it doesnt work for me anymore... Just out of the blue i'm getting this:

[Demonic] Bot Started - Reloading Talents!
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] [Movement: Suspending - User in Control]

Keeps saying this. I already downloaded a new HB en moved it in a new folder but keep getting this mssg. Do you have any idea what this is? Cause my other routines work perfectly. It just doesnt do anything atm.
Hope you can help me out :)
Reloading Talents

Awesome custom class.

But it doesnt work for me anymore... Just out of the blue i'm getting this:

[Demonic] Bot Started - Reloading Talents!
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] [Movement: Suspending - User in Control]

Keeps saying this. I already downloaded a new HB en moved it in a new folder but keep getting this mssg. Do you have any idea what this is? Cause my other routines work perfectly. It just doesn't do anything atm.
Hope you can help me out :)

I am also getting this as well. It was working just fine yesterday and now today it will not finish loading. I also have noticed that while i'm in combat the only thing it casts is shadowburn as well. I tired a clean install and other usual trouble shooting but I got no luck.

View attachment 968 2014-12-28 09.49.txt
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I am also getting this as well. It was working just fine yesterday and now today it will not finish loading. I also have noticed that while i'm in combat the only thing it casts is shadowburn as well. I tired a clean install and other usual trouble shooting but I got no luck.

View attachment 160833

Try disabling antilag 1 maybe.
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