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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

What do you mean with new pre-casting logic ?

The usage of Havoc applies a buff of 15sec on you, if you know there is an add spawning in 10sec, use it and get a second havoc cleave on this add. Maybe it is completely unrealistic to implement but i just wanted to show some optimization potential.
The usage of Havoc applies a buff of 15sec on you, if you know there is an add spawning in 10sec, use it and get a second havoc cleave on this add. Maybe it is completely unrealistic to implement but i just wanted to show some optimization potential.

But the changelog from today doesn´t mention a new pre-casting logic implementated. Is this a silent change ?
When I watch the logs on warcraftlogs, every top rated wl uses cataclysm instead of demonbolt for tectus and of course to apply doom on the adds with cata in meta. But what I saw it uses cata only outside meta and spams soulfire procs in meta but in the config I have turned off the use of soulfire procs in meta. In the logs I have also seen that ToC is stronger than soulfire in meta and soulfire is used to build up fury outside meta.

Maybe I´m wrong but that is what I have seen on warcraftlogs.

You can control when to use Cataclysm by toggling the cooldown hotkey. Currently it's used on cooldown.

Need a log file for Soulfire - but it will force cast them when in Metamorphosis form if you have Dark Soul active, or the target is a boss, and they're approaching execute range.

The usage of Havoc applies a buff of 15sec on you, if you know there is an add spawning in 10sec, use it and get a second havoc cleave on this add. Maybe it is completely unrealistic to implement but i just wanted to show some optimization potential.

Havoc needs to be cast on a unit, not ourself - so this wouldn't be possible.
You can control when to use Cataclysm by toggling the cooldown hotkey. Currently it's used on cooldown.

Need a log file for Soulfire - but it will force cast them when in Metamorphosis form if you have Dark Soul active, or the target is a boss, and they're approaching execute range.

Havoc needs to be cast on a unit, not ourself - so this wouldn't be possible.
The only way that would be possible is to cast Havoc on ur current target for then to cast one at the New target. Cast CB switch target and cast a new cb
The only way that would be possible is to cast Havoc on ur current target for then to cast one at the New target. Cast CB switch target and cast a new cb

Which would also mean 10 seconds of not being able to cast anything on any unit other than the current target :)
Yeah, but on bosses like Imperator its neat. When the Arcane is summoned. But It alot easier for us to just use mouseover Havoc :)
Havoc needs to be cast on a unit, not ourself - so this wouldn't be possible.

The idea was you cast havoc before the add spawns on the boss (cooldown from havoc is recovering), and then switch on add + havoccleave on boss. Your cooldown on havoc would be finished sooner and maybe you can use it twice for example. But i think i have not considered that you have to do damage stop to leave havoc on boss before add spawns untouched i guess. The other thing is that you might not have/or cannot get bosstimer information in your CR.
All right, I just bought the CR. First issue I can't seem to sort out myself.

Im playing as Destruction. So the issue is I get up to 3,5 stacks of embers, but I never cast more than 1 CB, even with DS.
How do I make it so I empty out my embers with CB during DS+trinket 1
All right, I just bought the CR. First issue I can't seem to sort out myself.

Im playing as Destruction. So the issue is I get up to 3,5 stacks of embers, but I never cast more than 1 CB, even with DS.
How do I make it so I empty out my embers with CB during DS+trinket 1

Have you imported the Aura list ?

I would like to know if someone have any settings for each different type of raid (lfr, normal, mithic ...) for chaos bolt mini hp like for the SoO guide.

Has anyone tried this in arenas? if so how well did you do? what rating did/could you accomplish with it? I would just be happy with 2k-2.2k. is that possible?

Thanks, for your quick and detailed reply!

PS, if this isn't my answer for areans/rbgs what bot would? Thanks!
You can control when to use Cataclysm by toggling the cooldown hotkey. Currently it's used on cooldown.

Is there anyway to separate Cataclysm from the other cooldowns. Sometimes I don't want to use Cataclysm (huge dps loss on single target) but I still want to be able to use Dark Soul. In fact, Cataclysm really needs to just be tied into AoE and only be used when there are greater than 3-4 mobs. It's really that simple. There is never going to be a case where Cataclysm is optimal in a single target fight. Almost a 4 second cast for minimal damage on a single target. No way.

I only use it because I want to use Sacrifice for Tier 5, which makes Demonic Servitude useless, and charred Remains is a joke at this point, severely gimping your incinerate and conflagrate damage. That makes Cataclysm the only tier 7 option if you don't want to use Supremacy or Service. Having a way to shut off Cataclysm on single target fights would be a dream come true. Please, make it happen.
Is there anyway to separate Cataclysm from the other cooldowns. Sometimes I don't want to use Cataclysm (huge dps loss on single target) but I still want to be able to use Dark Soul. In fact, Cataclysm really needs to just be tied into AoE and only be used when there are greater than 3-4 mobs. It's really that simple. There is never going to be a case where Cataclysm is optimal in a single target fight. Almost a 4 second cast for minimal damage on a single target. No way.



I would like to know if someone have any settings for each different type of raid (lfr, normal, mithic ...) for chaos bolt mini hp like for the SoO guide.

Have you checked settings lately? No more min hp anymore. Bot uses internal checks on time to die. So you dont need settings like that anymore.
Have you checked settings lately? No more min hp anymore. Bot uses internal checks on time to die. So you dont need settings like that anymore.

No I didn't. So whatever I set for this field nothing will change ?
any setting for me to disable Shadowburn auto cast?
sometimes i need to cast it for more ember
Has anyone tried this in arenas? if so how well did you do? what rating did/could you accomplish with it? I would just be happy with 2k-2.2k. is that possible?

Thanks, for your quick and detailed reply!

PS, if this isn't my answer for areans/rbgs what bot would? Thanks!

It's possible if you can get decent ratings when playing by hand. If you can't PvP very well without the bot then chances are you'll not get much higher than 1.8k. The bot doesn't remove the skill requirement, it just aids you :)

Is there anyway to separate Cataclysm from the other cooldowns. Sometimes I don't want to use Cataclysm (huge dps loss on single target) but I still want to be able to use Dark Soul. In fact, Cataclysm really needs to just be tied into AoE and only be used when there are greater than 3-4 mobs. It's really that simple. There is never going to be a case where Cataclysm is optimal in a single target fight. Almost a 4 second cast for minimal damage on a single target. No way.

I only use it because I want to use Sacrifice for Tier 5, which makes Demonic Servitude useless, and charred Remains is a joke at this point, severely gimping your incinerate and conflagrate damage. That makes Cataclysm the only tier 7 option if you don't want to use Supremacy or Service. Having a way to shut off Cataclysm on single target fights would be a dream come true. Please, make it happen.

Cataclysm is a DPS increase even on single target fights. It should be cast on cooldown for max DPS.

I'm planning on adding some settings to it though, but more focused at trash (i.e. on boss or player... on units in range > x). Using it on 1 trash unit is bad, using it on 1 boss unit is good.

any setting for me to disable Shadowburn auto cast?
sometimes i need to cast it for more ember

You can disable cancel cast -> shadowburn for sniping adds. Can't disable it from main logic, but that's only casting SB on adds when it should get the ember back.
is the demonology routine currently raid ready? (at similiar levels to the destro/affliction that can get 90th percentiles etc)