Is there anyway to separate Cataclysm from the other cooldowns. Sometimes I don't want to use Cataclysm (huge dps loss on single target) but I still want to be able to use Dark Soul. In fact, Cataclysm really needs to just be tied into AoE and only be used when there are greater than 3-4 mobs. It's really that simple. There is never going to be a case where Cataclysm is optimal in a single target fight. Almost a 4 second cast for minimal damage on a single target. No way.
I only use it because I want to use Sacrifice for Tier 5, which makes Demonic Servitude useless, and charred Remains is a joke at this point, severely gimping your incinerate and conflagrate damage. That makes Cataclysm the only tier 7 option if you don't want to use Supremacy or Service. Having a way to shut off Cataclysm on single target fights would be a dream come true. Please, make it happen.