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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

I did highmaul yesterday as demonology and must say on all bosses I had top 100 world ranks, and on some of them top 30. Percentile was from 90% up. Pleased, very pleased that work we made is good. Still have few remarks and I'm with Millz right now, and we'll try to polish it more a bit.

Only major problem is DS glyph + Archimonde's bug but theere is nothing we can do about it atm since it's blizz's bug, not demonic.

( •_•)>⌐■-■
Didn't have time to upload my settings yet. Will do It tommorrow.

But ranked in top 5 in World on both Kargath and Butcher as Destro :) very pleased
Thanks for the good work both of you. What values do you put in cast and cancel metamorphosis demonic fury?
I did highmaul yesterday as demonology and must say on all bosses I had top 100 world ranks, and on some of them top 30. Percentile was from 90% up. Pleased, very pleased that work we made is good. Still have few remarks and I'm with Millz right now, and we'll try to polish it more a bit.

Only major problem is DS glyph + Archimonde's bug but theere is nothing we can do about it atm since it's blizz's bug, not demonic.
lol than dont forgt affli too i know you have pretty nice skills for it i know your old pqr CR affli from owndcore
Didn't have time to upload my settings yet. Will do It tommorrow.

But ranked in top 5 in World on both Kargath and Butcher as Destro :) very pleased

Woot. Nice to hear all of the hard work paying off :)!

Thanks for the good work both of you. What values do you put in cast and cancel metamorphosis demonic fury?

With Demonbolt (you absolutely need to be using Demonbolt as Demonology), 850 cast, and 750 cancel.
milz i was to day as destro and demo works great but affli mhhh i dont know its feels miss with dots and dont keep it on enemy around us adds stuf etc is this HB issue CR ? i heard today something about that it isnt meshed yet

Affliction has already been tuned quite a bit. Should be working pretty good. Nothing to do with meshes. It won't be missing DoT casts.
Affliction has already been tuned quite a bit. Should be working pretty good. Nothing to do with meshes. It won't be missing DoT casts.
it did ! i was today and on multidot its didnt works like the first boss must i go up and kill the npc he just drain soul ?! i well look for the log lol sadly you dont believ
for example this
(i didnt had a single dot on the npc and was regrp with some ppl to kill those adds we was 3-4 or so and i just drain soul them upstears , second thing before the first bossfight the frist 3 adds CR didnt apply multidoting corretcly too like on second target keep only agony Unstable Affliction and missed Corruption completly .)

[13:40:59.877 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Shards: 4] Forcing pet to attack!
[13:40:59.889 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Iron Grunt @ 85.7% - 86.7k - 8.3yds] [Id:79068] [TTD:1]
[13:40:59.924 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:40:59.924 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Shards: 4] Forcing pet to attack!
[13:40:59.965 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:03.387 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Iron Grunt @ 62.4% - 63.2k - 8.3yds] [Id:79068] [TTD:1]
[13:41:03.430 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:03.430 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98] [Shards: 4] Forcing pet to attack!
[13:41:03.501 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:07.096 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 94] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 78.3% - 287.1k - 2.6yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
[13:41:07.129 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:07.129 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 94] [Shards: 4] Forcing pet to attack!
[13:41:07.190 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:10.602 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 91] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 62.9% - 230.4k - 6.4yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
[13:41:10.638 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:10.638 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 91] [Shards: 4] Forcing pet to attack!
[13:41:10.689 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:14.251 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 87] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 46.2% - 169.4k - 6.3yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
[13:41:14.289 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:14.289 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 87] [Shards: 4] Forcing pet to attack!
[13:41:14.336 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:17.897 N] [Demonic] [HP: 97] [Mana: 84] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 27.7% - 101.5k - 6.2yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
[13:41:17.955 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:17.955 N] [Demonic] [HP: 97] [Mana: 84] [Shards: 4] Forcing pet to attack!
[13:41:18.005 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Pet has no target, we need it to attack!
[13:41:21.567 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96] [Mana: 80] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 13.0% - 47.7k - 16.2yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
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Affliction has already been tuned quite a bit. Should be working pretty good. Nothing to do with meshes. It won't be missing DoT casts.
It's ok now. Only 2 issues: sometimes CR cast Haunt, then dot/DS and then again Haunt because CR didn't see previous Haunt on target (this issue only then you stay at 40y from target). And if affli talented for 2 DS - CR didn't wait for BL and use second stack (yes i enable this setting in Talent tab). But still working great, thanks!
for example this
(i didnt had a single dot on the npc and was regrp with some ppl to kill those adds we was 3-4 or so and i just drain soul them upstears , second thing before the first bossfight the frist 3 adds CR didnt apply multidoting corretcly too like on second target keep only agony Unstable Affliction and missed Corruption completly .)

[13:40:59.889 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Iron Grunt @ 85.7% - 86.7k - 8.3yds] [Id:79068] [TTD:1]
[13:41:03.387 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Iron Grunt @ 62.4% - 63.2k - 8.3yds] [Id:79068] [TTD:1]
[13:41:07.096 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 94] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 78.3% - 287.1k - 2.6yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
[13:41:10.602 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 91] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 62.9% - 230.4k - 6.4yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
[13:41:14.251 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 87] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 46.2% - 169.4k - 6.3yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
[13:41:17.897 N] [Demonic] [HP: 97] [Mana: 84] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 27.7% - 101.5k - 6.2yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]
[13:41:21.567 N] [Demonic] [HP: 96] [Mana: 80] [Shards: 4] [Casting: Drain Soul] [On: Drunken Bileslinger @ 13.0% - 47.7k - 16.2yds] [Id:78954] [TTD:1]

Those units are being classed as trivial for your group. Are you the only one attacking it? It's calculating the TTD's as 1 second, so isn't applying DoTs because the units will die too quick to be worth while casting DoTs on them.
It's ok now. Only 2 issues: sometimes CR cast Haunt, then dot/DS and then again Haunt because CR didn't see previous Haunt on target (this issue only then you stay at 40y from target). And if affli talented for 2 DS - CR didn't wait for BL and use second stack (yes i enable this setting in Talent tab). But still working great, thanks!

That second charge thing will also go off if you have trinket procs active. I'll update the tooltip to show that :)

Would need a log for haunt casting twice.
That second charge thing will also go off if you have trinket procs active. I'll update the tooltip to show that :)

Would need a log for haunt casting twice.
I have but it's too big (all hightmaul). I'll try to get new
Im confused as hell as to how this is a blizz bug......i mean im aware of the blizzard bug when it happens bit if i can manually cast dark soul......then its not that......like i said before i ended the fight with 2 full charges of dark soul. CR only cast ds twice per pull in that log and that was on pull during hero.........i ended up manually casting 1 ds at end and other charge was wasted......not to mention no clue how long it sat on 2 full charges before i relized it.

If you look at my log you will see exactly 2 ds casts per pull.....thats it.......never even attemps it again.
Nilrem, I tried demo in highmaul yesterday as well, but I my results weren't nearly as good as yours. Can you maybe upload the config file you used during that raid? I would be really happy if you could. And may I ask what your gearscore is?
Is It possible to get a Force Havoc + CB hotkey? Would be awesome of we could turn of the use of Havoc and use it with CB/Inc on certain mobs for embers/burst on desired mobs