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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Alright so i bought this along with Portal back in June. was using it for awhile then took a break from WoW...
Now i come back with a new computer and level 100.
Im trying to find and use this again... But i went to millz.biz and everything is gone. or has been removed. I would love help on this.
I dont want to have wasted money and it be gone now. Any help would be great.

Hi, does anyone have the Free version of demonic in there honorbuddy folders? i had to install new OS and i lost mine. If you could put up a download link for this i would appreciate it
Just spams "Waiting to initialize, please wait..." and doesnt attack anymore was working fine not too long ago and I changed nothing

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Hi, does anyone have the Free version of demonic in there honorbuddy folders? i had to install new OS and i lost mine. If you could put up a download link for this i would appreciate it

Free version is not working atm.....it available on the buddy store once he foed fix it.
Hi Millz, I have the premium routine and all the rain of fire options under the Destro tab turned off.

Rain of fire is still being used in AoE

As far as I know, since the most recent patch/hotfix this is basically a wasted GCD vs just using incinerate?

Wondering if this is as intended etc. thanks :)
ok now i play my lock again , not anymore as destro but demo and i must say demo got much imrpove i must say everything run fine no lags top dps but didnet try affli my fav specc atm ,lets see in the next week how all things well performe in raids
Hi Millz, I have the premium routine and all the rain of fire options under the Destro tab turned off.

Rain of fire is still being used in AoE

As far as I know, since the most recent patch/hotfix this is basically a wasted GCD vs just using incinerate?

Wondering if this is as intended etc. thanks :)

Ditto, would like the same answer! :)
Demo Issue

Hi Millz,

Great products... both Demonic and Portal are imo the best cr's out there :-)

But I seem to be having an issue with Demo whereby it automatically dismisses the Wrathguard straight after it casts Felstorm? Obviously this is a clear dps loss so could you please have a look into it :-)


This is an Honorbuddy limitation. And I don't think a solution will be implemented any time soon.

Its really not an honorbuddy limitation per see.....but so.e of spells big out when you switch specs.......you can workaround it though.......all of tuans routines and singular you can change specs without reloading hb

This is pretty much why I asked. I have been using tuanha's CRs for Monk and DK for just everyday stuff like questing and HCs where it's not overly important and I can change specs freely without having to reload HB. I only picked up Demonic recently as it is the best Warlock CR out there and used my free 90 boost on a lock. I guess I just got used to being able change specs with tuan's that I thought it was the normal thing. Thanks for answering though.
Can u add new wod trinkets to aura list? when i add manual my inscription trinket doesnt cast chaos bolt or even soulfire on proc. Rain of fire is very bad right now, so its even not worth casting on 4 targets this is only my opinion waste mana :(
Hi Millz,

Great products... both Demonic and Portal are imo the best cr's out there :-)

But I seem to be having an issue with Demo whereby it automatically dismisses the Wrathguard straight after it casts Felstorm? Obviously this is a clear dps loss so could you please have a look into it :-)

Demonic doesn't dismiss your felguard/wrathguard, when he does felstorm he hits TANK dummy which kills him. Go stan on tank dummy yourself and hit it and you will die :D
Ditto, would like the same answer! :)



there is your answer, RoF even though it doesnt generate embers is still viable in doing damage, especially on AoE since it benefits from immolate +50% damage. Also Demonic casts RoF when you move which is better than doing nothing. Ony situation where RoF is bad it is on single target. Even if you use Mannoroth's fury RoF is viable on 2 targets.
Can u add new wod trinkets to aura list? when i add manual my inscription trinket doesnt cast chaos bolt or even soulfire on proc. Rain of fire is very bad right now, so its even not worth casting on 4 targets this is only my opinion waste mana :(

inscription trinket: AuraID 162919 , stack 0 , enable chaos bolt
that should work since it works for me but I wouldn't enable Metamorphosis on trinket, it will cripple rotation and it's a dps loss. Soulfire we are casting in normal form anyways all the time now, or atleast you should (put SF stacks on 1)
Ditto, would like the same answer! :)
I had the same problem. Found another area of the settings under destruction that said "Always use ROF" or something of that sort. Turned it off and it fixed it. I have a problem where the text is cut off by the check boxes and is very hard to read.
Demonic doesn't dismiss your felguard/wrathguard, when he does felstorm he hits TANK dummy which kills him. Go stan on tank dummy yourself and hit it and you will die :D

Haha Nilrem thank you so much for that :-)... can't believe i missed it lol