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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Update on my low dps issue!
It was fixed due to a wrong setting under the auralist, which is fixed now.
So the only issue i have atm, is that i tend to die alot from pulling aggro from tanks in LFR due to too much dps :(

545 ilvl
SoO LFR statistics:

Immersus ???k dps Already killed once i entered the LFR, i'll post the result tomorrow.
Protectors 210k dps top dps
Norushen 189k dps top dps (Died due to aggro on the boss at 59.7m dmg done) still top dps after death
Sha of pride 237k dps top dps
Galakras 198k dps 2nd place dps
Iron Juggernaut 207k dps top dps (Outdps'ed the 558 ilvl mage by 12k dps)
Dark Shaman 294k dps top dps
Nazgrim 224k dps top dps
Malkorok 275k dps top dps
Spoils 211k dps 2nd place (Had to throw a CR)
Thok 217k dps top dps
Siegecrafter 192k dps 2nd place (Had some heavy lag spikes, bad internet :mad: )
Klaxxi 298k dps top dps
Hellscream ???k dps top dps - i was top dps on all attempts, however.. having bad geared healers is no good :( i'll post a result as soon as i can get a new group.

- i'll add the rest when i actually get a queue pop!
Update on my low dps issue!
It was fixed due to a wrong setting under the auralist, which is fixed now.
So the only issue i have atm, is that i tend to die alot from pulling aggro from tanks in LFR due to too much dps :(

545 ilvl;
Immersus ???k dps
Protectors 210k dps top dps
Norushen 189k dps (Died due to aggro on the boss at 59.7m dmg done) top dps
Sha of pride 237k dps top dps (Wiped at 2%)

- i'll add the rest when i actually get a queue pop!

For everyone, just to clarify my auralist settings for chaos bolt:

I only have the following checked to use chaos bolt:

Dark Soul
Skull Banner
Purified Bindings of Immersius
Kardris Toxic Totem

If you have different trinkets use those. Trinkets are the most important, followed by dark soul and skull banner. Do NOT use chaos bolt on things like bloodlust, meta gem proc, 4 piece t6, etc etc. If you feel your dps is "poor" evaluate what you're using chaos bolt on. At this point if the routine is excellent and if it's not performing for you it's probably something in YOUR settings.
For everyone, just to clarify my auralist settings for chaos bolt:

I only have the following checked to use chaos bolt:

Dark Intent
Skull Banner
Purified Bindings of Immersius
Kardris Toxic Totem

If you have different trinkets use those. Trinkets are the most important, followed by dark soul and skull banner. Do NOT use chaos bolt on things like bloodlust, meta gem proc, 4 piece t6, etc etc. If you feel your dps is "poor" evaluate what you're using chaos bolt on. At this point if the routine is excellent and if it's not performing for you it's probably something in YOUR settings.
Dark Intent is our raid buff. i think you mean Dark Soul.
Need log files :(

Need logs for this too, sorry.

I'm moreso looking for an answer, as to HOW to arena?

1) Is it better to move with AWSD? or Holding both mouse buttons? (I'm wondering if EITHER of them conflict with the CR) *(Using Tyreal)*

2) Also, for targetting and starting the CR, is it better to TAB to the enemy, and cast any ability first, or is it better to click on there player frame - and than cast any random ability to get the CR to start?

I'm wondering if ANY of these will conflict with the CR, while using tyreal. (Tab, Holding Double Mouse Buttons to move, WASD, or Clicking on Player frames.
Hey Millz,
last night a purchased you Demonic Premium. Im just wondering what is the best plugin to use it with if im doing Arenas or do i just leave it as Combat Bot. Also can I change succubus hold so it only works on players not pets? Maybe ive missed the option.
I'm moreso looking for an answer, as to HOW to arena?

1) Is it better to move with AWSD? or Holding both mouse buttons? (I'm wondering if EITHER of them conflict with the CR) *(Using Tyreal)*

2) Also, for targetting and starting the CR, is it better to TAB to the enemy, and cast any ability first, or is it better to click on there player frame - and than cast any random ability to get the CR to start?

I'm wondering if ANY of these will conflict with the CR, while using tyreal. (Tab, Holding Double Mouse Buttons to move, WASD, or Clicking on Player frames.

Use WASD and the mouse (For camera angle) together i wouldn't think many, if any ppl would use the mouse alone for movement in arena seeing as (personal view here) locks seem to get tunneled straight of the bat if its a melee heavy team. Long answer short: As long as you don't have hot keys setup for these buttons, it wont affect the CR :-P

Tabbing can be good, until you get a hunter that pops all his CDS and then you have 6 animals and the 2 -3 players to cycle through... learn to use macros for targeting, i am :-P goes along the lines of, "spell name" @Arena target 1 etc, Google can help there i personally mix up tabbing (bad habit) and physically clicking the health bar of what you want to kill.

As for the kicking the routine of, use any spell, i use a instant and the routine will go on until you or, hopefully the other team die.
I need help setting this up for arena, i'm getting tunneled and rolled every game

I have the premium edition and I am doing horrid

but this is at least partly due to my unfamiliarity with locks
I need help setting this up for arena, i'm getting tunneled and rolled every game

I have the premium edition and I am doing horrid

but this is at least partly due to my unfamiliarity with locks

The joys of being a lock mate haha, let me guess, warrior charges, bloodbath, Yolostorm, stun, stun, fear, gg?
Is there a way to pull all mobs in range using RoF even if you are out of combat? I know there is an option to pull all mobs in range even if they're not in combat, but it would be great if there was a setting to even pull them if you are out of combat aswell.
Having trouble getting my Chaos Bolt to work with Havoc. Its not seeming to auto focus at all. I have the option for auto focus checked and for chaos bolt i have Use Havoc, Only use havoc with Chaos Bolt, and Only cast Havoc on focus. Not sure what the problem is if anyone has any ideas would be greatly appriciated.
Hi Millz. I am glad you decided to stop supporting the in game Add On, however I am still nervous of the routine sending chat messages to our client.

I understand that blizzard don't check for this. But in my uneducated opinion, it would only be too easy for them to add a trigger on this routines phrases, and used as substantial evidence in any type of investigation. Could you assure me that tripwire would notice a stealth modification like this, or if there is any reason to worry at all about it?

I have tried running without WoW Chat Output, but it is far from ideal, and very easy to lose track of your current settings. If you deem it beneficial, maybe we could have the status of toggleable settings displayed in the Honorbuddy Log or Info panel, for multi-monitor setups, or support for the new overlay Honorbuddy plugin so the settings can once again be displayed "in game"?
The joys of being a lock mate haha, let me guess, warrior charges, bloodbath, Yolostorm, stun, stun, fear, gg?

Yeah or rogue silences Mage and rogue take turns stunning and critting until I'm a pile of goo

I literally lost every match though, anyone know any quick setup plan for arena, I'm playing desto
Hey Millz,
last night a purchased you Demonic Premium. Im just wondering what is the best plugin to use it with if im doing Arenas or do i just leave it as Combat Bot. Also can I change succubus hold so it only works on players not pets? Maybe ive missed the option.

I use Tyrael. I think most people use Tyrael now. Succubus is done via the game's auto cast, the routine doesn't have any code in for mesmerize.

I need help setting this up for arena, i'm getting tunneled and rolled every game

I have the premium edition and I am doing horrid

but this is at least partly due to my unfamiliarity with locks

Need more info really..

2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 ?
Settings (screenshots / settings .xml file) ?
Whats your gear like?

Is there a way to pull all mobs in range using RoF even if you are out of combat? I know there is an option to pull all mobs in range even if they're not in combat, but it would be great if there was a setting to even pull them if you are out of combat aswell.

You can enable force combat and pull with RoF which should have this sort of effect... I think.

Having trouble getting my Chaos Bolt to work with Havoc. Its not seeming to auto focus at all. I have the option for auto focus checked and for chaos bolt i have Use Havoc, Only use havoc with Chaos Bolt, and Only cast Havoc on focus. Not sure what the problem is if anyone has any ideas would be greatly appriciated.

I've heard auto focus isn't working in arenas by a couple of people now - is it working for anyone? Works fine in BGs (or did the last time I tested it).

Hi Millz. I am glad you decided to stop supporting the in game Add On, however I am still nervous of the routine sending chat messages to our client.

I understand that blizzard don't check for this. But in my uneducated opinion, it would only be too easy for them to add a trigger on this routines phrases, and used as substantial evidence in any type of investigation. Could you assure me that tripwire would notice a stealth modification like this, or if there is any reason to worry at all about it?

I have tried running without WoW Chat Output, but it is far from ideal, and very easy to lose track of your current settings. If you deem it beneficial, maybe we could have the status of toggleable settings displayed in the Honorbuddy Log or Info panel, for multi-monitor setups, or support for the new overlay Honorbuddy plugin so the settings can once again be displayed "in game"?

I don't personally think they've detected it via the CHAT_MSG_ADDON code anyway, but I've no evidence to back that up. Removing the addon was a precaution (because I value peoples account safety). The chat messages aren't sent to the blizzard server, it's no different to typing /print ('test') in game. We've been using chat output for a long time now - but I've no idea whether it could be picked up or not. Highly unlikely, but not impossible.

I have thought about having a separate window built into the routine, but it wouldn't be very elegant to open (you'd need to start HB, and then open the GUI). My current thought is to have a sound for enabled, and one for disabled.
Ok I'm using tyrael botbase

Ilvl is about 500 in all pvp gear

I'm running 2s and eventually 3s, but focusing on 2s for now

Human racial

I've been running with the "pvp" settings uploaded, but if you have advice on how to edit them I'll look at it in any fashion, screen shots of documents, I don't mind.
Thanks pal
You can enable force combat and pull with RoF which should have this sort of effect... I think.

I tried this, but you still need to target the first mob to start it all and sometimes when farming lower level mobs you will just oneshot the first mob and the routine will stop - untill you target the next mob.

An option to RoF every mob in range without targeting a mob manually would be really great!
when does this cc cast soulswap? im using the special edition and i rarely uses soulswap in arenas is there like a trigger for it to be cast?
Quote Originally Posted by Treeolow View Post
Having trouble getting my Chaos Bolt to work with Havoc. Its not seeming to auto focus at all. I have the option for auto focus checked and for chaos bolt i have Use Havoc, Only use havoc with Chaos Bolt, and Only cast Havoc on focus. Not sure what the problem is if anyone has any ideas would be greatly appriciated.
I've heard auto focus isn't working in arenas by a couple of people now - is it working for anyone? Works fine in BGs (or did the last time I tested it).

Its actually not working in BG's for me.
Quote Originally Posted by Treeolow View Post
Having trouble getting my Chaos Bolt to work with Havoc. Its not seeming to auto focus at all. I have the option for auto focus checked and for chaos bolt i have Use Havoc, Only use havoc with Chaos Bolt, and Only cast Havoc on focus. Not sure what the problem is if anyone has any ideas would be greatly appriciated.
I've heard auto focus isn't working in arenas by a couple of people now - is it working for anyone? Works fine in BGs (or did the last time I tested it).

Its actually not working in BG's for me.

Yes I confirm also it tested in arena and BG.