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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Hi, Millz!

Any chance you could unlock Spell Lock/Optical Blast configuration in Pet tab for non-free version of this routine? Or maybe add some instant Spell Lock usage only for Garrosh fight on MC'ed people who are casting Touch of Y'Shaarj?

Thx in advance :)

Hey - The setting actually doesn't do anything any more. Forgot to remove it.

It casts between 800 and 1500ms from the time the cast started instead now.
Was just thinking about this too. You can disable cooldowns (i.e. Dark Soul) using the hotkeys if needed.

Yea please don't do this, a lot of guilds DPS through P2. Besides on heroic if you use dark soul at start you get second dark soul before he goes to phase 2 and third after it. Demonic doesn't dark soul for me unless the thing I am attacking is in range so if you're doing the stand in the far corner strat it won't pop dark soul then either.
Hey - If you disable the auto summon demon setting it doesn't summon or dismiss any other pet. Probably enough for what you want/need ?

Thanks for the obvious fix that hadn't occurred to me. It's what I run with now.
It is not as perfect as what I originally asked for, losing all its automated features (I went into combat several times after a wipe without a pet [Derp]), but its definitely more suited to what I need.

Moving on: Is it possible (and if it isn't could it added) to include your debuffs, and target debuffs and buffs to "Force Spell Cast on Aura Procs", as occasionally they come with damage increases?

Finally, is it not an issue that the "Force Spell Cast on Aura Procs" table does not contain a way to force Shadowburn casts? I assume at target hp<20% it simply changes Chaos Bolt for Shadowburn, however I *think* Shadowburn should be handled differently, ideally waiting for INT procs only. I am probably missing something fundamental and apologies for that if it is the case.

The routine is awesome BTW :)
Finally, is it not an issue that the "Force Spell Cast on Aura Procs" table does not contain a way to force Shadowburn casts? I assume at target hp<20% it simply changes Chaos Bolt for Shadowburn, however I *think* Shadowburn should be handled differently, ideally waiting for INT procs only. I am probably missing something fundamental and apologies for that if it is the case.

The routine is awesome BTW :)

That's actually a really good idea about Shadowburn... but sometimes I want it up regardless for a little extra DPS to ensure we get a boss kill. Otherwise, damn good idea!
I'm not in any way shape or form part of this project, nor do I know this creator... but... It's well worth buying the pro version. "HOLY. SHIT." is all i need to say. I am only 522 ilvl and I make 540+ users look like derp!
Hey I decided to level a new warlock just for fun because the routine is mind blowing. But every now and again it will move to the next mob and pause for up to 10 seconds before attacking. This doesn't happen all the time so i'm not sure what might be up with it. It may be an issue with the profile i'm using for questing (Cava Plugin) Anyway, maybe you can make sense of the log because i'm clueless.


Thanks for the obvious fix that hadn't occurred to me. It's what I run with now.
It is not as perfect as what I originally asked for, losing all its automated features (I went into combat several times after a wipe without a pet [Derp]), but its definitely more suited to what I need.

Moving on: Is it possible (and if it isn't could it added) to include your debuffs, and target debuffs and buffs to "Force Spell Cast on Aura Procs", as occasionally they come with damage increases?

Finally, is it not an issue that the "Force Spell Cast on Aura Procs" table does not contain a way to force Shadowburn casts? I assume at target hp<20% it simply changes Chaos Bolt for Shadowburn, however I *think* Shadowburn should be handled differently, ideally waiting for INT procs only. I am probably missing something fundamental and apologies for that if it is the case.

The routine is awesome BTW :)

Debuffs -> It does (or can) look at your own debuffs, but not the target.

Shadowburn runs off the Chaos Bolt auras until the target is < 5% hp, at which point it uses Shadowburn whenever available.

Hey I decided to level a new warlock just for fun because the routine is mind blowing. But every now and again it will move to the next mob and pause for up to 10 seconds before attacking. This doesn't happen all the time so i'm not sure what might be up with it. It may be an issue with the profile i'm using for questing (Cava Plugin) Anyway, maybe you can make sense of the log because i'm clueless.

Can't see anything obvious in the log file. From the points where you enter combat, the routine is casting at a normal/expected speed.

P.S: You should reduce your immolate minimum HP value from 50,000 to something much lower (even 0 would be better).
Milz, do you have (or has anyone posted) an optimal settings.xml for the Pro Users yet for PvE and/or PvP?

Also, you might wanna add a forums on your website so we can create/discuss pro user settings. :)
Can't see anything obvious in the log file. From the points where you enter combat, the routine is casting at a normal/expected speed.

P.S: You should reduce your immolate minimum HP value from 50,000 to something much lower (even 0 would be better).

Hmm I tried reinstalling Cava profiles also with no luck, doesn't happen all the time, its really strange. Just moves to a mob within range but doesn't start combat for upto 10 seconds, or sometimes not at all. Just stands there waiting for combat. I enabled Force combat which works as a quick fix for now. And yeah I noticed the immolate HP, but i'm only lvl 20 atm with almost full Heirlooms so i'm 1 or 2 shotting mobs. So I left the setting as it is until I feel it'll be worth using :) Thanks though!
Milz, do you have (or has anyone posted) an optimal settings.xml for the Pro Users yet for PvE and/or PvP?

Also, you might wanna add a forums on your website so we can create/discuss pro user settings. :)

And you call the 540+ users derps :P
Check the setings folder, and read the part DSL wrote on the website (millz).
However, using Millz PVE settings (loaded from the demonic settings folder) i do way less dps than i do manually.
We're talking 150k burst and 120-160k sustained..

manually i'm doing close to 300k burst and 190k sustained (on all fights) SoO.
Also, fiddled with the settings for close to 10 hours now.. and still no DPS increase, fully gemmed, reforged, enchanted.
Milz, do you have (or has anyone posted) an optimal settings.xml for the Pro Users yet for PvE and/or PvP? Also, you might wanna add a forums on your website so we can create/discuss pro user settings. :)

The default files are pretty decent :)

Hmm I tried reinstalling Cava profiles also with no luck, doesn't happen all the time, its really strange. Just moves to a mob within range but doesn't start combat for upto 10 seconds, or sometimes not at all. Just stands there waiting for combat. I enabled Force combat which works as a quick fix for now. And yeah I noticed the immolate HP, but i'm only lvl 20 atm with almost full Heirlooms so i'm 1 or 2 shotting mobs. So I left the setting as it is until I feel it'll be worth using :) Thanks though!

Do you get these issues when using Kicks profiles, and not using Cava's plugin?

And you call the 540+ users derps :P
Check the setings folder, and read the part DSL wrote on the website (millz).
However, using Millz PVE settings (loaded from the demonic settings folder) i do way less dps than i do manually.
We're talking 150k burst and 120-160k sustained..

manually i'm doing close to 300k burst and 190k sustained (on all fights) SoO.
Also, fiddled with the settings for close to 10 hours now.. and still no DPS increase, fully gemmed, reforged, enchanted.

To onlookers: we've sorted this now, framelock wasn't active, and trinkets were enabled for non-use items :)
I've checked all the settings in the actual SVN folder for settings. I've also changed a few things as well. Trying to find out where DSL wrote anything on the millz site. Mind sending me a PM w/ a link? I'll +rep you ;)
I've checked all the settings in the actual SVN folder for settings. I've also changed a few things as well. Trying to find out where DSL wrote anything on the millz site. Mind sending me a PM w/ a link? I'll +rep you ;)
Did you read, http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-warlock-routine-pve-pvp-379.html#post1361871 ?
Open the class config, all the way at the bottom..
should say "load to" (or something like that), then just goto: HB folder/Routines/Demonic/Settings/(pick one of the 3 xml's they should be named PvE raid,scenario or instance. PvP and Questing).

Best Glyphs to use? (Major + Minor, Please.)

1) For Destruction Raiding?
2) For Destruction Pvp?

Please Note: (I'm aware that glyphs offer no Bonus to overall Dps, I am inquiring more-so about which Glyphs offer the best bonuses with this ruitine.)

Do you get these issues when using Kicks profiles, and not using Cava's plugin?

Sorry for the late reply. Yeah still having the same issue with Kick's profiles also. Moves to a quest mob to attack, Dismounts to attack it but then doesn't initiate combat. Sometimes it does after a pause of upto 10 seconds but most of the time it will stay there doing nothing with the mob targetted. Also, with a fresh install of Honorbuddy and a fresh install of your routine (trying to eliminate the combat problem), I'm getting the immolate below threshold issue that someone posted a couple pages back. But only with the fresh install :S if that helps. Heres a log showing the immolate problem. But anyway, no idea what's causing the combat issue.

Edit: After watching the bot further it looks like the profile is still trying to continue with what it's doing; (Moving to Type: Harvest) But coming into range of a mob, targetting, facing and dismounting then standing there either until I start combat or something comes in range to agro me. Hope this helps at all

