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Overall or peak DPS? Beacause I can get nowhere near that as overall dps, because the adds are falling so fast, taht most of the time I just do single target DPS.
1) Already discussed quite a bit in the thread. It's possible but a) still depends on rng b) requires lots of gear c) hard to configure to have any consistency within the routine.
1) Already discussed quite a bit in the thread. It's possible but a) still depends on rng b) requires lots of gear c) hard to configure to have any consistency within the routine.
Thank you sir so many pages on here, Maybe milz can start a FAQ section in the original post ~ so we don't flood this with the same questions over and over =P
SEVERAL recent posts in this thread have been deleted.
The attacks were personal and nothing to do with the Demonic Combat Routine.
From this point forward, mutes will be handed out for personal attacks.
Please keep the focus DIRECTLY on feedback on the Combat Routine.
Demonic: 5.4 / Siege of Orgrimmar / SoO Heroic Guide:
Seems to be a lot of questions still about raiding as destro in Siege of Orgrimmar. Here is my basic guide / my thoughts on how things should be run. If you think you have a better way, post a constructive answer. This requires Demonic version (PM Millz for more info), honorbuddy license, and a warlock of appropriate gear level. This setup will allow you to be competitive / beat equal geared players.
My experience:
14/14 Heroic SoO
Top 100 World Guild in TBC / WotLK.
Rank 1 Arena Ranking for two seasons
Bot Setup:
1) Clean Install of Honorbuddy: Buddy Updates 2) Clean Install of Tyrael in your Honorbuddy/Bot/ folder:
3) Clean Install of Demonic Premium in your Honorbuddy/Routine/ folder: Use SVN link provided by Millz. There are many guides on how to use SVN if you have questions.
Honorbuddy Setup:
1) Open Honorbuddy
2) Select Demonic Premium as your routine. If you don't see it make sure it's installed correctly.
3) Select Tyrael -> Dropdown in top right corner of Honorbuddy
4) Click Bot Config -> Tyrael window should pop up.
Tyrael Settings:
Framelock: Choose the minimum FPS you have in raids. I have mine set to 20 Ticks on my laptop and 30 on my desktop. Find what works for you.
Demonic Setup:
Millz has done a great job with Demonic and it's quite intuitive. However, a few things are worth optimizing based on your character. MAKE SURE YOU LOAD THE AURA LIST IN ADVANCED TAB IF YOU WANT GOOD DPS. Everything else here is optional.
1) Default load the PVE Settings. Changes I make to default build are the following based on tabs. This is personal preference / based on professions / how I like my character setup. At a higher tier of raiding you need to be able to use many abilities manually / preemptively.
General Tab:
Disable: Create Healthstones (Bugs me in raids as I'm putting Soulwell down everytime anyway) - Lifeblood (I don't have it)
Enable: Synapse Springs (I have it - I use with Dark Soul)
Worth Checking: Potion usage - Default of on bloodlust is good but may want to change.
Check keys: You will be using Soulstone etc, see where they are bound and change as needed.
Class Abilities Tab:
Disable: Unending Resolve (I prefer to use it manually) - SoulShatter (Prefer to use manually)
Pet Tab:
Which Pet to Summon: As destruction either Imp or Observer. DPS is about the same, do you need a silence or a dispell for the fight.
Abilities: Cast on Target (I disable as I prefer to manually cast)
1) Any that you don't have. Helps routine run faster.
2) I disable ALL tier 3 talents (Sacrificial Pact / Dark Bargain). These are VERY useful and should be used manually, ESPECIALLY in heroic.
3) Burning Rush, prefer to manually activate
4) I prefer to use mortal coil automatically but at very low hp (15%). In raids you get below default of 60% often but don't need to use it.
Advanced Tab:
If list is blank click "Import from File" and load the Auralist.xml from your Honorbuddy/Routines/Demonic/Settings/Auras/ folder. Your DPS will suck without this! A lot of feedback has gone into making this list ideal.
Framelock: I have had the best luck with Antilag Stage #1 and Antilag Stage #2 enabled. Make sure the routine is casting correctly and there is little to no delay between casts. IF you're having issues try just #2 enabled and see if that fixes it.
Destruction Tab:
Millz has provided us with many options we can tweak / change based on fights.
My changes from default for settings. Will discuss HP values of Chaos bolt / Immolate / Dark Soul use later.
Disable: Rain of Fire (All boxes) it is NOT a dps increase.
Ember Tap: I put to 10% hp, you dip below 25% often and are still okay and don't want to burn embers.
Fight by Fight Changes:
In terms of basic changes to Demonic settings you will play with as destruction are the following:
1) Minimum health the mob has to cast Immolate on
2) Minimum hp of mob to cast chaos bolt.
3) When to use Dark Soul: Instability
4) Which pet to use
Here is what I would put as a general setup but it may change based on the fight. Think about the mechanics of the fight and what will work best for you. This also depends on gear. If something is going to die faster then 10 seconds, probably don't immolate it. If something is going to die before your chaos bolt goes off, don't cast chaos bolt
Rough guidelines - tweak as needed:
Immolate:Solo 500,000 hp minimum - 5 Man Heroic 1,500,000 hp minimum - SoO Normal 10 / LFR - 5,500,000 - SoO 25 Normal 10,000,000 - SoO 10 Heroic - 10,000,000 - SoO 25 Heroic - 15,000,000
Chaos Bolt: Solo 0 (no minimum) - 5 Man Heroic 700,000 - SoO Normal 10 / LFR - 3,000,000 - SoO 25 Normal 5,000,000 - SoO 10 Heroic - 4,000,000 - SoO 25 Heroic - 6,000,000
Dark Soul Instability: Think about the fight and when you want it to be used. If the setting is "Use On Boss" you will not cast dark soul until you're fighting a boss. On a lot of fights that is great BUT on fights like Galkaras you won't use dark soul until he comes down. On Spoils of Pandaria Dark Soul won't be used until a boss box is opened. Depending on what you want those may be the best options. I prefer to put "Use On Cooldown" on those fights. When you are solo grinding use on cooldown makes more sense as well.
Pet: Pick Silence (Observer) or Dispell (Fel Imp). DPS is about the same. Imp may pull slightly ahead on fights with lots of movement.
4 Piece Tier 16 Notes: (Not reflected in screenshots below)
Immolate: Millz has made a change to recast Immolate with ember master proc, this is really helpful. Try to stop moving and let the routine get these casts off.
Ember Limit: I've switched my max embers to dump at 3.1 embers (many people use 3.4-3.5). This will often tie your chaos bolts with the tier 16 15% crit proc.
Screenshots of my settings:
In Game Talents / Glyphs:
Talents -> Everything is fairly situational and many are viable depending on the fight. Here are my recommendations / thoughts.
Tier 1: Dark Regeneration or Soul Leach -> Both are decent, soul leach is nice because it's passive. Tier 2: Between mortal coil and shadowfury -> Depends on fight, I've been using shadowfury but fights where you need a quick extra heal and it's single target mortal coil is great (Iron Jugg, Malkorok, Thok, Seigecrafter heroic). Tier 3: All have uses.
Soul Link: Passive / Nice damage reduction / Gives HP bonus - Good on many fights Sacrificial Pact: On use but big shields and low cooldown. Very helpful especially as you get into heroics. It's a big absorb and can save you / use preemptively to cut damage. Immersius soak puddle explosions - Shamans for Iron Prison - Malkorok for eating Orbs - Garrosh on Whirl Dark Bargain: Quite situational but also can be good. Long cooldown but can be good. Lei Shen Heroic for solo tanking explosions etc.
Tier 4: Burning Rush always for me. Tier 5: Below 550 item level = Grimoire of Supremacy (With imp / observer) --- Above 550 item level: Use Sacrifice Tier 6: I've been using Kil'jaeden's Cunning Exclusively - Since we aren't planning our movement with our casts with the bot and the movement requirements in SoO this works best for me.
Gems / Enchants:
AskMrRobot does a pretty good job with locks. Their default Int > Hit > Mastery > Crit > Haste build is pretty solid. I think Crit ~= Haste at high item level but it's up to you. I tend to follow their recommendations, then undo some of the Haste -> Crit reforges so I am a bit more balanced.
No glyphs are a dps increase. I use the following.
Main: Soulstone - Siphon Life - Eternal Resolve / Unending Resolve (Useful for Thok for the Aura Mastery for example or when I want to soak damage). Glyph of Havoc has use but think about the situations and if it's worth it to have a double chaos or not.
Minor: Verdant Spheres - Unending Breath - Eye of Kilrogg
Basic Tips:
Bind / learn the keybinds for the bot abilities.
Alt-X: Pauses bot - useful if you need to do something else
Alt-T: Enables / Disables Targeting - Sometimes the bot won't target correctly or will not let you target something. This allows you to quickly disable.
Alt-F: Enables / Disables Facing - Don't always want it on
Alt-A: Enables / Disables AOE - Very useful as there are plenty of times you want to turn it off.
Fight Basics:
Opener: With Deadly Boss Mods Timers- Between 3/2 in the countdown: Prepot + Manually Cast Incinerate -> Let routine handle rest. AOE: Target mob near middle of pack for best coverage. Use shadowfury often. It's excellent for keeping mobs grouped together so you can aoe. Movement: See when things are about to happen. Dark Soul coming off cooldown in 5 seconds? Move to a safe area so you can Chaos Bolt freely etc.
This is outstanding, very well written and thorough.
Millz, would you mind adding this to your original post, so it is not lost in the threads pages? I've personally saved it all to a notepad, but i'm sure this would benefit everyone here if it was easier to access directly from the original post
~Just link it as "Suggested Heroic Raid Settings", or something to that effect
This thread all around is so great, great community feedback and best CR hands down Love love love love LOVE my warlock
This is outstanding, very well written and thorough.
Millz, would you mind adding this to your original post, so it is not lost in the threads pages? I've personally saved it all to a notepad, but i'm sure this would benefit everyone here if it was easier to access directly from the original post
~Just link it as "Suggested Heroic Raid Settings", or something to that effect
This thread all around is so great, great community feedback and best CR hands down Love love love love LOVE my warlock
1 thing to discuss!!! If u disable all the settings in RoF tab he will stop cast RoF in sittuations wehre 2+ mobs that's wrong... RoF must be casted in this case as a good ember accumulation spell. So best way to set this in bot is to enable RoF single target (Procs - Advance Tab)and then disable all force cast auras in aura list for RoF. that method works perfect
I don't know why but I can't get this combat routine to work with Kick's questing profiles, anyone else having this problem? I tried to use it on "[H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]" but doesn't work for me.
1 thing to discuss!!! If u disable all the settings in RoF tab he will stop cast RoF in sittuations wehre 2+ mobs that's wrong... RoF must be casted in this case as a good ember accumulation spell. So best way to set this in bot is to enable RoF single target (Procs - Advance Tab)and then disable all force cast auras in aura list for RoF. that method works perfect