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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

using Soaps i assume? Did the same yesterday and did good dps actually.

You can simply go back to 216 thou dsl1

Yes Soaps. It does funny things too but dps is good. Demonic is much better for AOE and was pretty even for single target. I think once these issues are sorted Demonic will be better for single target too with the changes to dark soul on bindings.

I've gone back now (was mid raid so didn't) but the older issue of havoc being used with incinerate is still there on that version (suppose it's better then havoc not working though)

Hoping Millz has some time before raid tonight to get things sorted.

I'm sure Millz will sort it out shortly.

Edit #1: On other thing I noticed. Demonic does great when latency is low but when it's higher (250+) there is a noticeable delay between casts. I disabled Anti-lag Stage 1 but wondering if there is anything else I can do. PQR does much better with higher latency.

Edit #2: Unchecking Framelock Antilag #1 + #2 (just #1 doesn't fix it) allows fast casting even with higher latency BUT it does weird things like spam incinerate with 4 embers.

So my fix wishlist (with latest honorbuddy / tyrael 5.5.2

1) Havoc fix to correctly use chaos bolt / not cause routine pause after casting havoc
2) Fix so routine works correctly when both Antilag settings are unchecked (or fix casting so it's the same as having both unchecked). This would make me so happy as my latency isn't great right now and I lose 50-60k dps because of the delay between casts. It's great when latency is sub 50. Currently spams incinerate with 4 embers even with procs up (but it casts them fast! I'm doing more dps with chaos bolt working 1/3rd of the time then with the delay between casts) Sometimes will chaos bolt but not reliably. See note below about it working okay with just antilag #1 enabled and two disabled, perhaps this is a solution.
3) AOE is working correctly for me but I know others are having issues

Attached a log, you can see it try and chaos bolt, it just doesn't go off. This is with both anti-lag settings disabled.

Edit #3: Anti-lag #1 enabled and #2 disabled seems to be working better. Still a tiny delay between casting, but the rotation isn't messed up.


После обновления рутина стала работать еще быстрее,это впечатляет.
Havoc + Chaos Bolts -> I'm going to revert the latest change for this back, and increase the priority of Chaos Bolt to be above the other spells which can consume Havoc charges. Will fix the pausing issue too.

I'll get the update pushed when I'm home, but for now, you can revert the SVN back to a previous revision and it'll work.

Yes Soaps. It does funny things too but dps is good. Demonic is much better for AOE and was pretty even for single target. I think once these issues are sorted Demonic will be better for single target too with the changes to dark soul on bindings.

I've gone back now (was mid raid so didn't) but the older issue of havoc being used with incinerate is still there on that version (suppose it's better then havoc not working though)

Hoping Millz has some time before raid tonight to get things sorted.

I'm sure Millz will sort it out shortly.

Edit #1: On other thing I noticed. Demonic does great when latency is low but when it's higher (250+) there is a noticeable delay between casts. I disabled Anti-lag Stage 1 but wondering if there is anything else I can do. PQR does much better with higher latency.

Edit #2: Unchecking Framelock Antilag #1 + #2 (just #1 doesn't fix it) allows fast casting even with higher latency BUT it does weird things like spam incinerate with 4 embers.

So my fix wishlist (with latest honorbuddy / tyrael 5.5.2

1) Havoc fix to correctly use chaos bolt / not cause routine pause after casting havoc
2) Fix so routine works correctly when both Antilag settings are unchecked (or fix casting so it's the same as having both unchecked). This would make me so happy as my latency isn't great right now and I lose 50-60k dps because of the delay between casts. It's great when latency is sub 50. Currently spams incinerate with 4 embers even with procs up (but it casts them fast! I'm doing more dps with chaos bolt working 1/3rd of the time then with the delay between casts) Sometimes will chaos bolt but not reliably. See note below about it working okay with just antilag #1 enabled and two disabled, perhaps this is a solution.
3) AOE is working correctly for me but I know others are having issues

Attached a log, you can see it try and chaos bolt, it just doesn't go off. This is with both anti-lag settings disabled.

Edit #3: Anti-lag #1 enabled and #2 disabled seems to be working better. Still a tiny delay between casting, but the rotation isn't messed up.

1) Will be fixed as soon as I'm home this afternoon (GMT).

2) Anti-lag #1 suffers massively from high latency. Anti-lag #2 shouldn't suffer from latency, but a solution to your problem with embers is to reduce the value at which you cast Chaos Bolts. I don't recommend disabling #2. I use #1 OFF - #2 ON.

3) Will be fixed later.
Havoc + Chaos Bolts -> I'm going to revert the latest change for this back, and increase the priority of Chaos Bolt to be above the other spells which can consume Havoc charges. Will fix the pausing issue too.

I'll get the update pushed when I'm home, but for now, you can revert the SVN back to a previous revision and it'll work.

1) Will be fixed as soon as I'm home this afternoon (GMT).

2) Anti-lag #1 suffers massively from high latency. Anti-lag #2 shouldn't suffer from latency, but a solution to your problem with embers is to reduce the value at which you cast Chaos Bolts. I don't recommend disabling #2. I use #1 OFF - #2 ON.

3) Will be fixed later.

Hum, #1 enabled #2 disabled seems to be working but the inverse has 300-600ms delay between casts. My latency here is ~300. With #1 enabled and #2 disabled was able to maintain 230k dps to dummy for 5 minutes. Reverse settings was 180k. I'm just messing with settings trying to make something work. Let me know if you have any other thoughts.

Great on the other fixes.
Hum, #1 enabled #2 disabled seems to be working but the inverse has 300-600ms delay between casts. My latency here is ~300. With #1 enabled and #2 disabled was able to maintain 230k dps to dummy for 5 minutes. Reverse settings was 180k. I'm just messing with settings trying to make something work. Let me know if you have any other thoughts.

Great on the other fixes.

That's interesting, well - that's what options and settings are for - if that's what works for you then great.
- Reworked the unit sorting system.
- [Destruction] Changed the Havoc/Chaos Bolt code. Should no longer pause.

Did a quick battleground to test it. Seems to be working okay. Shout if still having issues.
Since I have a 12-15ms connection to the server, should i play without any of the anti-lag stuff?
after new patch, wont do AOE properly

revision 14 on aoe targets just casts rain of fire constantly and doesnt go into the fire and brimstone casts

ahh just seen your post i will update then try aoe and log if it doesnt do it :)
Since I have a 12-15ms connection to the server, should i play without any of the anti-lag stuff?

I think "anti-lag" settings are for in game fps so if you're connect is great you can have both checked.
Thanks for the great custom class, i've been using it for quite a while now and had 2 questions;

what are the recommended settings for fear for pvp, dungeons and pve? i noticed that it used fear alot on dungeons even on immune mobs but i would like to have it activated for questing and pvp too.

also sometimes it doesnt pull a mob, just stares at it until i cast a spell on it and initiate combat, this might be due to something else than the cc though.
yeah same puts fire and brimstone on then just spams rain of fire and then when the targeted add gets to under 20% it casts one shadowburn

no idea if this will help or not but purerotation2 is also doing the exact same thing
TuanHA has found a major bug in the Honorbuddy core (wrong offsets) which is causing lots of issues. We've informed the devs about it.

*Edit* For those interested, you can channel a spell on a target dummy (like Malefic Grasp) and run this bit of code in the developer tools console;

Log("Me.IsCasting: " + Me.IsCasting);
if (Me.IsCasting)
	Log("Me.CastingSpellId " + Me.CastingSpellId);

Log("Me.IsChanneling: " + Me.IsChanneling);
if (Me.IsChanneling)
	Log("Me.ChanneledCastingSpellId: " + Me.CastingSpellId);

Always returns:

Me.IsCasting: True
Me.CastingSpellId -2139468187
Me.IsChanneling: False
TuanHA has found a major bug in the Honorbuddy core (wrong offsets) which is causing lots of issues. We've informed the devs about it.

*Edit* For those interested, you can channel a spell on a target dummy (like Malefic Grasp) and run this bit of code in the developer tools console;

Log("Me.IsCasting: " + Me.IsCasting);
if (Me.IsCasting)
	Log("Me.CastingSpellId " + Me.CastingSpellId);

Log("Me.IsChanneling: " + Me.IsChanneling);
if (Me.IsChanneling)
	Log("Me.ChanneledCastingSpellId: " + Me.CastingSpellId);

Always returns:

Meh that sucks ass