В Дестро это под аое столько выдал?
Any eta for the Demo changes in the premium version ?
Right now, its not nearly as effective as it used to be. I hope you know that by now.
AWESOME routine!! i started as demo, and noticed it doesnt use imp storm. DPS is modest.
switch to destro..... DPS is EPIC SAUCE.
thanks for making this millz!
my ilvl is low, 503, but destro is superior.
destro boss: 109k
demo boss: 70k
The reason it doesn't use imp swarm anymore is that as of 5.4 imp swarm was reduced to 4 imps, down from 5 . Sparkuggs (top end raider) has tested using imp swarm compared to not using impswarm glyph. By using imp swarm he actually got less dps. see link | Sparkuggz
I would like to share the numbers im currently getting on the fights.
My gear ilvl : 568 including 4set
Spec : Destro
25man Heroic bosses last kills
Immerseus : 350 / 400k
Fallen Protectors : 381k
Norushen : 290k
Galakras : 460k
Iron Juggernaut : 276k
Shamans : 366k
General : 318k
Malkorok : 269k
25man Normal last kills
Malkorok : 313k
Spoils : 296k
Thok : 272k
Siegecrafter : 292k
Paragons : 409k
Garrosh : 303k
Ps : numbers are taken from WoL.
version before this one with immolate update problems(updated this morning):
1. On garrosh transition phase when all is around boss dodging that smashes it stops casting very often for 3-5 seconds, just doing nothing.
2. Also on garrosh, phase 1-2-3 stacking in melee it doesn't cast anything if too close to boss.
3. garrosh again, it tried to cast havoc on mindcontrolled player and bugged because player got freed, it shouldn't be casting havoc on them at all if it's possible to internally disable casting havoc on raid party members.
log here:
View attachment 112197
Millz, I noticed last night that even though you pause the botbase (Tyrael in this case), the targetting function of the routine still keeps on working.
Example: I paused the routine to ress a partymember with SS, but I simply could not target him because the routine took over within a split second. It did nothing else, only targetting.
Using latest Tyrael and latest Demonic Premium, targetting enabled. Continuous Healing Mode disabled.
Could you make it so that when pausing the botbase, the ENTIRE routine gets paused?
Hey - that's the incorrect log file.
The range stuff has been fixed since "[01/Dec/2013 - Update #2]"
The Havoc stuff - I understand how that can happen, but would be good to see the log file before I make any changes.
Millz, I noticed last night that even though you pause the botbase (Tyrael in this case), the targetting function of the routine still keeps on working.
Example: I paused the routine to ress a partymember with SS, but I simply could not target him because the routine took over within a split second. It did nothing else, only targetting.
Using latest Tyrael and latest Demonic Premium, targetting enabled. Continuous Healing Mode disabled.
Could you make it so that when pausing the botbase, the ENTIRE routine gets paused?
I hope more ppl will watch this fella : Petskill - Twitch
If/when ppl starts playing demo again, maybe we can get the rotation back on track. Like it was in 5.3
Attached a quick log from a dummy test with the current demo rotation. Which is still wrong. (and yes i have svn updated)
1 - When looking in the log, i can see it casts 4x Doom in a row. I know you want your DoT manager to apply Doom when we get "x" proc. But casting 4x dooms is valueable seconds when doing arenas.
2 - It should not use all fury after applying Doom in the start of a fight, it should go out of form and start filling fury, and wait until its "x" setting from Demonology tab.
Aura list is disabled, + all racial, synapse, dark soul, trinket, procs etc are set to "On burst enabled hotkeys". I want to control when to do burst.
Ran the test some more and it did this 2x :
[16:36:08.650 N] [Demonic] [HP: 86.5] [Mana: 78.3] [Fury: 125] [Casting: Metamorphosis] [On: Training Dummy @ 100.0%]
[16:36:09.204 N] [Demonic] [HP: 86.5] [Mana: 72.5] [Fury: 140] Cancelling Metamorphosis Form
Messed up
Hey there, not sure if this has been addressed earlier in the thread but I don't actually get any images when I try to open class settings, this makes the General tab inaccessible as a whole and certain parts of the other tabs aren't interactive either. It doesn't show up in the logs but I can attach some screenshots if this isn't something that has been addressed before.
View attachment 112247
Fixed - update from SVN.
Fixed - update from SVN.
The first tab only has a picture. Not too important if it doesn't load. What's wrong on the other tabs?
Still playing around with the new targeting method (which targets based on conditions rather than "our target is dead - switch").
Never seen an issue on Thok - but I've only ever done it on LFR. Is the cast time on his silence longer in non-LFR instances ?
Does this CR utilize any profession in any way? Or does it treat them all the same? I guess engineering gloves are used on CD / Burst. Is there any other advanced logic behind them?