Hey Millz,
when I load your pve raid settings as destro there is now the fel imp set instead of the observer. is that intentional or should I use the observer again?
Hey Millz,
when I load your pve raid settings as destro there is now the fel imp set instead of the observer. is that intentional or should I use the observer again?
On Nazgrim is there a way to attack through defensive stance? There are legit times when you need to dps through it.
Is there anyway to force the paid CC to not pool Chaos bolts to the 3 limit during the pull? i usually pot >> dark soul immo double conflag then incin and toss out chaos bolts while all my procs are running. CC used to do this not sure why it isn't now I'll post a log in a bit once lfr pops Guessing it maybe my settings but there is an override that says will ignore with crit buffs but it doesn't. That being said numbers are still spot on always catch ppl after the burst anyway with sustained. @ 558ilvl pulling on tank n spank around 290~300k dps sustained
Attachment, Also did a new install of honorbuddy, Got hella laggy so i'm going to assume it's something on my end But i uploaded the log, One point during the fight it stopped casting altogether
edit of the edit: seems turning frame lock off in tyrael once the bots started causes it to just turn back on so that will have attributed to the lag. Going to go in again and try again >.<
I want to buy your CC (Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE / PvP]), I have been to your site, can not find how to register, I am a Chinese, I probably spend 155 dollars to buy I tried in the past to buy, but did not seem to need a username and password to fill user name, and I did not find on your website where registered, I was not completely in English, do not understand how completely trouble buying! I really like your (Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE / PvP])! There is no Chinese agent? In your site or add Chinese page! Thank you! My email: [email protected]
After pull the routine starts the opener and all goes well untill DS ends, imho it should start pooling embers for second DS if we are specced into Archimonde's darkness, but with it casting Chaos Bolt on every T16 4pc proc it isn't happening or it casts it at some later time on like 1 ember which isn't optimal imho.
Hey - Can I check which version you're using ?
It can be setup to hold the second charge of Dark Soul for Heroism / Bloodlust. All other Chaos Bolts are determined by crossing the ember threshold, or because an aura has procced which is configured on the Advanced tab to allow Chaos Bolt's usage.
Why is the premium version casting fear in instances?
I'd bet money that you have the setting enabled![]()
Is there a way, or can one be added, to allow keybinding quickloading of profiles? If I'm running around timeless in PvE and need to defend, it would be nice to be able to quickly toggle to the PvP profile.
I thought the cc would detect on it's own whether it is doing pvp or instances.