Weird. Try deleting your settings too... <Honorbuddy>/Settings/Demonic/*
it is normal that does not turn to cast a spell?
I'm sick of Blizzard buffing a spec, then turning around and nerfing it. I know that Affliction's haunt got an overall 1% buff, but still, really? It seems like I'm going to have to drop some more gold and switch back to Destruction. I should have just stayed that way. I don't have the gear to make Affliction shine, and I'm sick of being bottom tier (10th or lower) in DPS. Seems like my favorite spec will just have to take a back seat to destro/demo for good.
So, with that rant over, I take it that I should just switch back to destruction and use the the gear selector option and choose Affliction? I'm sure that even dressed in Affliction gear, Destruction will still out perform Affliction?
Yeah, I think I'll end up doing the same. I just switched back to Destruction. Luckily it didn't cost me anywhere near as much as it did to go from Destruction to Affliction.Destruction is a pretty solid spec. I'll be sticking with Destro for PvE, and Affliction for PvP.
Does anyone else have issues with healthfunnel?
iv tried fresh installs the lot still not casting
anyone know if this cr is better then richies????
Yeah, I think I'll end up doing the same. I just switched back to Destruction. Luckily it didn't cost me anywhere near as much as it did to go from Destruction to Affliction.
I was trying to add Windsong to your table in Demonic, but when I looked it up, it had three entires (haste, mastery, critical strike). And, while I was using the dummies I saw Windsong proc multiple things at once, like haste/crit, crit/mastery, haste/mastery, etc. So, do I have to make three entries for it? I see you have Jade Serpent in there, I thought that functioned like Windsong. If not, what do I look up to add for Windsong? I don't have the funds for Jade Serpent, not to mentioin I'm using a 471 weapon, so I'm not dropping a load on a high priced enchant right now. I'm still trying to get into SoO LFR. I still need one ilvl point before I can get in.
Hey Millz,
realy love this CR but it would be realy nice if you could add the Possibiltyto pull with your Pet.
I just want to farm some Rep on timeless Island and my Toon is just standing direct beside my void and so he gets hit`s from melee range...
This could be avoided if the void pulls the mobs and my toon just stands in 25yard or so range...
sry for my bad english...
Do you have any idea why I have to delete settings-folder every time I start up honorbuddy for it to work?
Uhh try opening up the settings file, finding the entry that says Chaos Bolt (and the value will probably be 3,5) - change that to a whole number... like 3 or 4. It doesn't like the decimal point in cultures where a decimal is a comma.