I apologize if this has been asked and answered elsewhere but:
Anyone have any tips for differentiating between separate processes of HB?
I often get confused when switching between HB processes. I run 2-4 bots simultaneously and sometimes I need to change something on one bot and become easily confused when trying to figure out which HB belongs to which bot. I know I can figure it out fairly quickly once I have that HB as my active window but I was wondering if there was a way to differentiate between them while I'm tabbing through the various windows so that I know which HB process is the one I'm looking for before I make it the active window.
e.g. If it were possible to "color-code" some element of the HB GUI to match the common colors associated with the class being used (pink=paladin,purple=warlock, etc.) then this would help.
Anyway, I'm just curious if anyone has any suggestions/advice on how you do it. What I am NOT asking is for the dev staff to redesign their GUI lol; just searching for current options/advice.