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[Videos] Multi-Botting with Honorbuddy. Setup / Tips and Tricks!

How i management the RAF invites

Real Player account invite bot1
bot1 invite bot2
bot2 invite bot3
bot3 invite bot4
bot4 invite bot5


Real Player account invite bot1
bot1 invite bot2
bot2 invite bot3

nother Real Player account invite bot5
bot5 invite bot4

And how long take to lvl this 5 accounts to lvl 90 doing dungeons with RAF

Can someone help me pls?


Let 1 account invite all the others.
try to summon each before u buy a battlechest if u can summon them they are linked.
Let 1 account invite all the others.
try to summon each before u buy a battlechest if u can summon them they are linked.

So, bot1 invite bot2,bot3,bot4 and bot5?

I don't loose 1 month bonus to others chars?
So, bot1 invite bot2,bot3,bot4 and bot5?

I don't loose 1 month bonus to others chars?

Well i dont extend gametime on my bots cheaper to buy new and safer.
but i dont have wod expension on those.
And only the char that invites others gets the free gametime if u buy gametime on the invited bot.
u could have bot 1 invite 2 and 3
and bot 4 invites 5 so 2 chars have free gametime and mount reward.
Anything will do aslong as they don't have to share gear.
Prot war would be best pick for tank since its the fastest

If you have Accountgear it really doesnt matter. 3 Items you can buy. lvl 60 now with Monk (Tank), Priest (Heal), Warrior, Mage, Warlock. It´s fun to watch ;) With 5 € for an WoW-Account I couldn´t resist.
Hello im runing 5 WoW's now on Host and i want to 10 is it safe to botting 10 from host for atlast 20 days withoutban ? ;)

If any one could give me tips on skype i would be glad:
Could someone perhaps share their arelog setup with a 5man team on a 1080p screen, in particular the window locations xyz and window size xyz?
awsome stuff.

once my team is lvl100. can i do heroics ok?. or does it have trouble with the tactics
Anyone know what the risk is with levelling many groups 1-90 and then not farming with them? Like say I just want 5 accounts full of level 90s.
Not much danger, depending on how smart you are. Smart as in how human you make them look. I personally have 6 accounts and multibox, well used to multibox, all of them creating teams and many characters. I suggest you level them by a combo of quests and dungeons, just as a human would do. Also cultivate their professions to the max as that is what most humans do. I personally level them as I level my toons.

Bottom line is their is minimum risk as the multibotters have been doing this for years.
So I have my 5 man group set up which is great, but it seems that everyone in the group always rolls greed on every drop, so they get randomly allocated. This of course is not great for ensuring my toons get geared. Any advice on how to make sure the gear goes to the right toon (I have no duplicates)?
Personally I look at what I want the toons to have and allocate the loot manually. I would not worry about loot distribution while leveling. At or near end game I have one or two toons loot and then redistribute as needed. You can set the loot options and thresholds in the interface. Depends on how much hands on you wanna be. I would run through dungeons or raids and after I would look at the loot. There is some hands on in the end game to optimize equipment. Remember toons in the same party can usually, some exceptions, trade equipment for an hour or two.
Just to clear up the questions regarding - How many HB keys/Sessions you need to bot 5 accounts

You need 1 session for each character - so you need access to 5 sessions.

When you initially buy HB you are buying 1 key with 1 session. This means only 1 character can use HB.

- Your first HB key can be upgraded to 3 session via Buddy Auth Portal
- Click the "Upgrade" tab once you log in and for a fee you can now have 3 session or 3 HBs running from the same key. Just open your HB 3 times.
- Now we have 3/5 dungeon characters running HB.

To get the last 2 WoW characters working with HB (the way I did it) is to purchase 1 more HB key and doing the same thing above - upgrade to 3 session.
This gives you 6 session which is 1 more then required.

- Log in to all your wow accounts (5 for dungeons)
- Start 1st HB key 3 times and attach them to 3 characters. Then start 2nd HB key and attach to last 2 characters.
- Follow the configuration guide for 5 Man Dungeons under Dungeon Buddy

And you should be good to go.
Just to clear up the questions regarding - How many HB keys/Sessions you need to bot 5 accounts

You need 1 session for each character - so you need access to 5 sessions.

When you initially buy HB you are buying 1 key with 1 session. This means only 1 character can use HB.

- Your first HB key can be upgraded to 3 session via Buddy Auth Portal
- Click the "Upgrade" tab once you log in and for a fee you can now have 3 session or 3 HBs running from the same key. Just open your HB 3 times.
- Now we have 3/5 dungeon characters running HB.

To get the last 2 WoW characters working with HB (the way I did it) is to purchase 1 more HB key and doing the same thing above - upgrade to 3 session.
This gives you 6 session which is 1 more then required.

- Log in to all your wow accounts (5 for dungeons)
- Start 1st HB key 3 times and attach them to 3 characters. Then start 2nd HB key and attach to last 2 characters.
- Follow the configuration guide for 5 Man Dungeons under Dungeon Buddy

And you should be good to go.

The better approach is to put in a support ticket and ask the buddy team to merge your keys into one. Makes life a lot easier :).
And you only need 5 keys.

As a Multiboxer with working 5 man group in Dungeons, you wont quest at all. Killquests are ok, but if you have to collect ... collect with each char and the items disappear till...bc or higher. Nope a multiboxer will rush instances.
I apologize if this has been asked and answered elsewhere but:

Anyone have any tips for differentiating between separate processes of HB?

I often get confused when switching between HB processes. I run 2-4 bots simultaneously and sometimes I need to change something on one bot and become easily confused when trying to figure out which HB belongs to which bot. I know I can figure it out fairly quickly once I have that HB as my active window but I was wondering if there was a way to differentiate between them while I'm tabbing through the various windows so that I know which HB process is the one I'm looking for before I make it the active window.

e.g. If it were possible to "color-code" some element of the HB GUI to match the common colors associated with the class being used (pink=paladin,purple=warlock, etc.) then this would help.

Anyway, I'm just curious if anyone has any suggestions/advice on how you do it. What I am NOT asking is for the dev staff to redesign their GUI lol; just searching for current options/advice.
