Think I found it
But how do I change it?
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- <HBProfile>
<Name>Bliiik's Horde 1-60</Name>
<Mesh Name="
Horde1-60.mesh" ServerID="
33" />
- <ProtectedItems>
- <!-- Rune Of Portals -->
- <!-- Rune of Teleportation -->
- <!-- Rough Arrow -->
- <!-- Sharp Arrow -->
- <!-- Razor Arrow -->
- <!-- Jagged Arrow -->
- <!-- Blackflight Arrow -->
- <!-- Terrorshaft Arrow -->
- <!-- Wicked Arrow -->
- <!-- Frostbite Bullets -->
- <!-- Heavy Shot -->
- <!-- Impact Shot -->
- <!-- Ironbite Shell -->
- <!-- Light Shot -->
- <!-- Solid Shot -->
- <!-- Hearthstone -->
- <!-- Skinning Knife -->
- <!-- Mining Pick -->
- <!-- Gnomish Army Knife -->
- <!-- Conjured Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Fresh Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Purified Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Spring Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Mineral Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Sparkling Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Crystal Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Mountain Spring Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Glacier Water -->
- <!-- Conjured Muffin -->
- <!-- Conjured Bread -->
- <!-- Conjured Rye -->
- <!-- Conjured Pumpernickel -->
- <!-- Conjured Sourdough -->
- <!-- Conjured Sweet Roll -->
- <!-- Conjured Cinnamon Roll -->
- <!-- Conjured Mana Biscuit -->
- <!-- Conjured Croissant -->
- <!-- Conjured Mana Pie -->
- <!-- Conjured Mana Strudel -->
- <!-- Mana Agate -->
- <!-- Mana Jade -->
- <!-- Mana Citrine -->
- <!-- Mana Ruby -->
- <!-- Mana Emerald -->
- <!-- Mana Sapphire -->
- <!-- Earth Totem -->
- <!-- Fire Totem -->
- <!-- Water Totem -->
- <!-- Air Totem -->
- <ForceMail>
- <!-- Linen Cloth -->
- <!-- Ruined Leather Scraps -->
- <!-- Wool Cloth -->
- <!-- Silk cloth -->
- <!-- Mageweave Cloth -->
- <!-- Runecloth -->
- <!-- Netherweave Cloth -->
- <!-- Frostweave Cloth -->
- <!-- Light Leather -->
- <!-- Medium Leather -->
- <!-- Heavy Leather -->
- <!-- Thick Leather -->
- <!-- Rugged Leather -->
- <!-- Knothide Leathter -->
- <!-- Borean Leather -->
- <Vendors>
<Vendor Name="
Huklah" Entry="
3160" Type="
Repair" X="
-581.7337" Y="
-4109.506" Z="
43.52452" />
<Vendor Name="
Duokna" Entry="
3158" Type="
Ammo" X="
-565.428" Y="
-4214.199" Z="
41.59076" />
<Vendor Name="
Zlagk" Entry="
3882" Type="
Food" X="
-560.1253" Y="
-4217.204" Z="
41.59047" />
<Vendor Name="
Innkeeper Grosk" Entry="
6928" Type="
Food" X="
340.3621" Y="
-4686.288" Z="
16.45814" />
<Vendor Name="
Uhgar" Entry="
3163" Type="
Repair" X="
382.3651" Y="
-4713.011" Z="
16.01798" />
<Factions>7 14 15 16 73 38 123 413 189</Factions>
- <Mailboxes>
<Mailbox X="
324.1613" Y="
-4709.446" Z="
14.36765" />
- <SubProfile>
<Name>Valley Of Trials</Name>
- <Hotspots>
<Hotspot X="
-392.5439" Y="
-4072.196" Z="
49.21458" />
<Hotspot X="
-404.4064" Y="
-4367.119" Z="
40.50326" />
<Hotspot X="
-218.935" Y="
-4351.693" Z="
64.01204" />
- <BlackSpots>
<BlackSpot X="
-550.1384" Y="
-4357.527" Z="
43.07564" Radius="
15" />
<BlackSpot X="
-151.7941" Y="
-4358.754" Z="
67.75401" Radius="
15" />
- <SubProfile>
<Name>Durotar Road</Name>
- <Hotspots>
<Hotspot X="
-377.5732" Y="
-4841.718" Z="
37.32047" />
<Hotspot X="
-199.631" Y="
-4738.741" Z="
29.98329" />
<Hotspot X="
163.4085" Y="
-4798.893" Z="
14.57755" />
- <BlackSpots>
<BlackSpot X="
-275.4563" Y="
-4705.268" Z="
43.06581" Radius="
10" />
<BlackSpot X="
-227.7602" Y="
-4993.682" Z="
23.93634" Radius="
20" />
<BlackSpot X="
-171.2824" Y="
-5017.921" Z="
21.3381" Radius="
20" />
<BlackSpot X="
-85.52139" Y="
-4966.31" Z="
17.15282" Radius="
20" />
- <SubProfile>
<Name>Thunder Ridge</Name>
61" Y="
734.7173" Z="
41.94234" />
- <SubProfile>
<Name>The Crystal Vale</Name>
<Factions>14 22 91 413</Factions>
- <Hotspots>
<Hotspot X="
-6605.22" Y="
1516.341" Z="
2.305901" />
<Hotspot X="
-6406.592" Y="
1482.109" Z="
2.163264" />
<Hotspot X="
-6239.925" Y="
1665.737" Z="
6.210736" />
<Hotspot X="
-6256.112" Y="
1756.427" Z="
6.70433" />
<Hotspot X="
-6344.357" Y="
1787.499" Z="
3.815122" />
<Hotspot X="
-6489.766" Y="
1827.364" Z="
3.322534" />
<Hotspot X="
-6600.34" Y="
1782.616" Z="
1.181744" />