This plugin is quite good but I have a couple of things that might improve it.
1. Whenever I try to add spells to the interrupt I get an error message and then the spells that are already listed get wiped. So this needs to be fixed.
2. More to the point nr 1, There are some critical spells for all classes if interrupted completed f*ck with their Chi (e.g. void torrent) I need to be able add them to the interrupt list or have them added by default
3. Sometimes I play as a belf prot paladin, so I have around 4 interrupts can we add more options to the Interrupt List tab, at the moment there is only 2 interrupts.
4. Can we also get an option when to start using interrupts like at when enemy is at 40% instead throughout during the fight, make it easier to take healers down.
5. Freedom of movement: There is no option to auto use gladiator's medallion, blessing of freedom, so can we get a tab just like the interrupt tab, for this.
6. Closing the gap: Usually people run for it when they know they can't win the fight so is there a way for the plugin to detect this and then using speed enhance abilities to catch up? e.g. divine steed, death grip. If we can get another tab for this, that would be awesome (e.g. when target cast divine speed and is at 20 yards then I cast death grip)
7. Flag carriers: is there a way to priortise flag carriers less than healers when they are both in the same vicinity as each other? or prioritise the person directly healing the flag carrier over the flag carrier
8. Targetting Totems: is jade serpent statues included in this?
9. Add and option auto release upon death, sometimes the release time can be 3 secs and that can make the different between having to wait 30 for res
10. oh yeah OMG, why does this plug in target pets? Ignore pets!!
Thanks. sorry if these things have already been mentioned I didn't read every post on this thread.