Ehm so i almost bought the plugin, but i just read a few comments and i saw a part where this does not work in arenas? i mean it said pve and pvp. so does the kick bot work in pvp or not?
So i bought it, used the plugin in the bot. added my interupt spell Wind shear, added some spells that have to be interupted like poly, fear,hex,cyclone etc. testing it out in skirms.. and it didnt interupt any of the named spells at all. wat do.
So since this was my first time ever using HB. i did not press start. but now that i did, the bot started moving on its own?? wtf. all i want is for this plugin to interupt stuff in arenas. i just wanna play the game while the bot does the interupting for me. is this possible?
Is this thread still alive? does the plugin still work? Ive never used anything in honorbuddy and all i want is a auto interrupter. I just want to play the game by myself. This plugin said it would just automatically interrupt casts. Ive set it up completely in the Plugin panel in HB but it won't do anything at all. How do i use plugins? do i need to start the bot with specific things activated? Or can i just use the plugin without anything from HB itself?